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File: 1733609773792848.webm (718 KB, 720x880)
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please post 2hu edits.
Previous Thread: >>>5626830
Congrats retard, you don't know how to start a thread, see >>957536 and my comment here >>5745574
I wanted to start a new thread with some OC but nooo....
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1.01 MB WEBM
here come your 'xitter' 'edits' op
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3.19 MB WEBM
all reposts ofc
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1.01 MB MP4
too much fumo shit
File: MarisaishyperboreaCccC.mp4 (4.54 MB, 1080x1080)
4.54 MB
4.54 MB MP4
i don't have any 2hu webms, best i can do is this bump
played this a few years ago, more difficult than it looks
i don't remember this being in the game. did they release an update to add more remixes or is this a fanmade thing
I don't get the reference
Don't think so, I can't find anything like that online. Though, while I was looking around I decided to download it again, so that's been fun.
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834 KB MP4
This feels so out of place, like it was a different clip and then someone made a touhou version.
Shit like that is half of these threads if you haven't noticed (e.g. the Spongebob 2hu clips)
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1006 KB MP4
does this count as an edit
Found it https://youtu.be/kT7wiON9hP8
interactive fanfictions back at touhou-project.com
>captcha: HAGYP
it probably features Yukari too.
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184 KB GIF
For me is Okuu
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lel, that caught me off guard.
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2.68 MB WEBM
too soon
Naked dudes? what?
This is great and you should be proud of it.
Not soon enough.
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5.85 MB WEBM
Every year, I hate this song more and more.
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Western touhou memes make me cringe.
As if the orient junk is any better
the remix's name pl0x?
File: Castle In The Sky.mp4 (5.06 MB, 630x480)
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5.06 MB MP4
tyvm anon
who are those chubby nekkid guys?
I have seen them in a few memes now, and I need sauce.
They're just generic ugly bastards.
the silence is a trap.
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that song came out in 2004.
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2.28 MB WEBM
retardcore post alert
One that works less well than having it just be really quiet to tempt people to turn up the volume like the other version of it does.
>dead again
File: mencho cirno.webm (3.04 MB, 360x540)
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3.04 MB WEBM
damn bro ion even like this shi but these edits are so fire i might get into touhow or whatever
No Cookieshit please.
you got it bossman
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3.84 MB MP4
are we....
...are we past the golden age of Touhou fandom?
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FUCK the drums at 00:07
I spend like 3 hours listening to breakcore trying to pin it down but I only got brain damage, help.
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my fav ever
lemme check...
Yup, we're past 2012.
We're so cooked.
I haven't liked a single game's cast since UFO.
whoever made this webm, i WILL marry you
so help me God
File: FLAN_GAINING_ON_US.webm (499 KB, 960x720)
499 KB
oughta contribute to the thread as well i suppose
it is literally the only new oc ive seen posted in these threads in like a year
File: perflat kasen.webm (3.03 MB, 854x480)
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3.03 MB WEBM
same, but somehow Yuuma became my favorite 2hu. This bitch just oozes charisma.
File: 2HU Okku.gif (3.95 MB, 464x260)
3.95 MB
3.95 MB GIF
you know, i feel some serious autism coming on, i might as well make the best of it.

What are our Eras of Touhou?
We have the PC85 age, which can be seen as kind of a formative age
we have the GOLDEN age, which is arguably 2022-2009.
>Unidentified Fantastic Object was fucking gold
I myself saw the fairy wars, but i seriously thought that was a meme.
I heard there was this one bitch who wanted to exterminate the moon
or exterminate Youkai in the name of the moon....i can look this up and see which...
Ah, Junko, the exterminator of Gensokyo Youkai
Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom (2015) also has clownpiece,
the other gensokyoan i have seen from a more 'modern' game.

So, do we know where all the lines should be drawn?

i am not so knowledgeable, but i can learn....
fuck my nigga life, i meant 2002-2009!
It's just a sped-up amen break I think https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kIy7oathtVM

apparently adding this to anything makes it funny to zoomers
usually people separate them into story arcs nowadays
>6 - 9: 1st windows era, a bunch of one-off incidents
>10 - 15: religious wars, revamps the entire lore of the series and places more emphasis on the folklore aspect of youkai, importance of the religious organizations and establishes gensokyo better, kind of ends with touhou 15 since 14.5 builds into it from the religious conflict
>15 - 19 (so far): aside from some outliers like 18, almost every game and story from this era has to do with hell to some degree, both the manga from the time involve characters coupled to other characters from old hell, or the animal yakuza or gensokyo's defense against these people (Okina)
ZUN's said he treats Touhou like his diary so the focus of the series seems to change depending on his feel at that time in his life.
I liked DDC, LoLK and Okina
File: r8qBZ3bKHgbv-_NL.mp4 (324 KB, 1280x720)
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324 KB MP4
Hmmph, this seem really well thought out.
then again
>was reading through 16 and CIRNO is a fokkin' player character!

15 is Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom. You have it on both sides.
does Lapislazuli make it both a hell-era game and the last boss of the Religion Wars era?

what Hell-Era stuff is cool? i am just cruising the wiki right now, seeing if there is something i'd want to go get....
Non-earrape version :)
thanks buddy
Love this guys art, didn't know he did non-vtuber stuff
who is the artist?
File: borderoflife.webm (2.48 MB, 720x1280)
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2.48 MB WEBM

vid not related but I wish I had the skillz to add a spellcard effect to this. maybe i will one day if no-one in this shithole does it first
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560 KB MP4
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4.44 MB WEBM
Reimu finds out how to defeat Yorihime (her blood-related nephew)
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1.48 MB MP4
why has nobody ever .webm's this
Cause it's extremely cringe.
but its cute
File: cute_animu_gurl.mp4 (3.61 MB, 512x384)
3.61 MB
3.61 MB MP4
because fuck korea. TOUHOU HEIKO BANZAI!!!!
no sound
i should know what song that is...am i getting old?

here, have this just for fucking hellofit.
Here's the song
man i am fucking dense.
File: Reimu Sweat.webm (5.79 MB, 853x480)
5.79 MB
5.79 MB WEBM
thanks doc
File: orinkuu.webm (2.01 MB, 1280x720)
2.01 MB
2.01 MB WEBM
Savin' mah 2Hooo Brawz....
what game
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3.17 MB WEBM
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3.18 MB WEBM
File: reimu.webm (3.32 MB, 1364x720)
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3.32 MB WEBM
whats the song?
File: yukari_steal.webm (3.13 MB, 1920x1080)
3.13 MB
3.13 MB WEBM
why this bitch be eatin raw eggs
to be prepared to be fed eggs right after waking up ;)
how horrifying
File: Lewd TouHou Maid.webm (1.31 MB, 800x720)
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1.31 MB WEBM
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992 KB MP4
is this a cringe thread?
Why is she so mean? Poor Kutaka.
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4.23 MB
4.23 MB MP4
You're cringe
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5.67 MB WEBM
is this a reference to something?
File: 霊夢向け.gif (1015 KB, 242x227)
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1015 KB GIF
is there a version of this with just Reimu?
vp8 webbum at 5.67 MB vs h264 mp4 at 3.84 MB
pretty sure the webbum is higher quality but the odd difference in resolution and stuff makes me wonder if maybe one is a transcode of the other.

turn off the computer
turn it back on

he cant read that his computer is off
>: perflat kasen.webm
what is this from I need to know

is OC appreciated? I could try and make some....
Very much so!
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479 KB
i just shat my pants.
File: marisa.webm (3.22 MB, 1280x880)
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3.22 MB WEBM
Please do!
File: Reimu Sweat 2.webm (5.69 MB, 853x480)
5.69 MB
5.69 MB WEBM
Here's the full version
These AI voice clips are always embarrassing.
can't believe Suika has beat Rick
Bait and switch and switch
Rick is spread too thin, he's not dense enough to win
its the future you motherfucker now subscribe to the AI I'm bagholding and stop fudding
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39 KB MP4
i want to go back to 2013 so bad
touhou memes are the last bastion of oldfag humor
File: GjrPwKeaMAAG85l.mp4 (188 KB, 790x1118)
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188 KB MP4
most of these are recent memes though, and the ones that aren't were bandwagoning off then-recent memes too, they're just reposts.
That's 2011 though.
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1.63 MB WEBM
wow pretty good
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1.23 MB
1.23 MB MP4
File: MiSide if it was FUNKY.mp4 (1.3 MB, 576x576)
1.3 MB
1.3 MB MP4
Never thought I'd see Dagothmemes and TouHou in the same video.

Oh well.... beats Spongebob.
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1.82 MB WEBM
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3.07 MB WEBM
deleting my cirno folder atm.
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38 KB MP4
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1.95 MB MP4
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2.1 MB
File: Cirino Ahkbar.webm (3.1 MB, 640x480)
3.1 MB
Hakurei save this languishing thread!

then again,
does the god of that shrine have any real power and worship?
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5.83 MB WEBM
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Is there a good starting point to learn more about Touhou?
/jp/ gensyoko threads.
The games made by ZUN? The official manga and other supplementary works?
Play Touhou Artificial Dream in Arcadia, then check which girl you believe to be the cutest. Then look up the game she is in and then play that game first so it becomes your "nostalgia game" and outlive all its technical flaws.
>Touhou SMT
Play Touhou Izakaya instead. More comfy and more characters
More? Not all? Is there a Touhou fangame with all the characters? I think the Touhoumon gets close, even with mods that include newer characters.
File: BadApple2014.webm (5.99 MB, 556x360)
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5.99 MB WEBM
It's best to have a sizeable amount of characters that you actually interact with instead of some sprite with a name.
In Artificial Dream, you actually encounter their iconic bullet pattern and many Touhou characters are NPCs that you can interact with.
In Touhou Izakaya, you'll get cute sprites and dialogue to many of the most popular characters in a comfortable playing environment. Lastly, Touhou Lost Words is a shallow gacha and Touhou Cannonball already closed down.
Some players also got introduced to Touhou via doujin music or via alt game to their favorite (Slay the Spire -> Touhou Lost Branch)
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5.52 MB WEBM
Sauce on the clips? Looks like most if not all ware made by the same creator.
I like Yakumo Ran
She seems sweet and motherly
What? I thought Nazrin was well employed and had a healthy home life???
That's not Nazrin, that's a cookieshit character.

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