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File: 1730578675096208.webm (3.49 MB, 1920x824)
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uh... bollywood thread.
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File: singham.mp4 (5.97 MB, 384x240)
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this movie was great ngl
I wish cops would encourage people to kill themselves more often.
Not bollywood, nigger.
Lol this is like saying Days of Our Lives is 'hollywood'
File: aambala.mp4 (5.75 MB, 640x480)
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5.75 MB MP4
My fault SIR I am very sorry SIR
That's not Bollywood either. Dumbass.
Source? She's hot
How can you tell?
The licence plate has TN on it, which is Tamil Nadu.
The people look like south Indians.
And the cringe shit all comes from down there .
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802 KB GIF
Kangana Ranaut
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There are so many cute jeetas in Southall near where I live. Punjabi ones like this too.
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Thats not bollywood, dumb cunt.
Do you retards even know what bollywood is?
Why bother coming into a thread to post irellevant shit?
Only good posts itt. Ignore seething saars.
>good posts
>not related to the thread
>haha I love shitposting hurr durr
File: definition.webm (5.86 MB, 740x315)
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File: Baahubali 2.webm (5.41 MB, 640x267)
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Not bollywood you fucking idiot.
Is this three idiots?
I know understand everything from indian street food to weird tiktoks and train suicide. The saars are trying to imitate this shit.
>the wh*toid is taling about poo again
If you want scat porn head over to >>>/gif/ where it's all white birds shitting and smearing it on their faces or whatever.
It's interesting that the only people who fetishise poo are whites.
All that shit is bollywood and all indians are dalit.
No it isn't and no they arent.
Take a day off being an angry nigger, or fuck off back to /pol/ with your fellow retards.
Keep crying pajeet.
Thanks for the bump.
Pathetic way to spend your new years ranjid. Here's another bump for your talentless subhuman country.
My new years was back in november.
nice to know that seething in a bollywood dance thread is how you spend yours though.

Alone again are we?

you're so fucking wrong

that's primetime bollybolly
South indian movies and tv soap operas are not bollywood any more than canadian cinema or mexican soaps are 'hollywood'
I fuck your legs
>people coming into this thread specifically to seethe at jeets
Rent free kek
you're right
/pol/ likes to spread across boards like a weird little tribe they hate.
shit thread
>shit thread
What did you expect?

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