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Female pig - trouble big.
Bonus points for fem cop rhymes and poetry.
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Female cops are pretty pathetic
But it's not like male cops are any good. A pig will remain a pig whether it's male or female.
Notice how they're always fat squat little goblins. Male cops have a minimum fitness rating they have to pass to stay on active duty, I get the feeling the females are given special dispensation.
this,so much this. That's why I'm even more afraid of female officers
the guy was helping them why did they pull him away remember seeing some guy was stabbing people, the guy was holding him down. The retarded cop jumps on the guy holding him down the staber gets up and stabs the cop in the neck and he dies. the nordic cops are retarded
shit that's me how did you get this video?
kek,served the cuck cop right
Typical women, presume they have consent instead of asking and then refusing rejection.

You go, running-man. No means no.
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Worst thing is that you as a man can overpower her with ease in most cases and she subconciously knows it, so her only choice to overpower you is to grab her gun and shot you.
Oh, and you better be lucky she doesn't mistake her pistol for a taser.
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One random guy can take on 4 police women and still win. This is how uneffective they are.
Please tell me this cunt AT LEAST lost her job over this.
Same thing - Another angle:
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What the fuck do they do if you refuse to come out? lol
Sounds like him and his buddies are arabs too, so he won't even be subsequently charged for fear of a racism accusation.
If he had pulled a pistol and killed her I wish I could have been on the jury to let him off in record time.
They can't even handle other women...Jesus.
I mean he tries to tackle her. It'd be justified if she shot him
your melanin is showing
he's not wrong.
what the fuck was that?
Uh, hello, based dept?
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Cops never get fired. They get paid leave so people can forget and move on.
Nah most cops are fat manlets too
slowest police chase i've ever seen
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Wtf, is she even trying?
Anyone got the one where the lady cop gets overpowered by a nig with a hammer?
>Vous êtes tous filmés (you are all being recorded)
wtf is that gonna accomplish? They all look the fucking same, none of them got their picture taken by the state before and the camera quality is fucking shit
God dayum indeed
based camera man
I don't even like fat asses
That's illegal, so he can't do that
"Lady Law" is so fucking funny
>when niggers talk, I taze
Officer Basedhole reporting for duty
I'm too stupid to convert this into a webm.
>German 5ft something lady cop can't even put her helmet on
The female cop sounds like she's on benzos, or a little drunk.
they move like npcs lol
female cops are sexy
the most effective female dog owner.
Almost got mauled the other day cuz some 90lb bitch was walking her german shepard and it literally dragged her across her own lawn trying to snap at me walking by. I hate to give the government more power but I think you should have to get a license or something for certain breeds. Proof you took it to training or can handle yourself and your pet in public.
Somehow I know that she was latina.
I'm confused, why didn't they simply shoot the landshark?
buck status: BROKEN
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best of all, the cop was an immigrant as well.
the second i saw the iron sights i had to giggle.
Uncle Adolf was right about everything
the guy in blue was a diehard kike nationalist, too
sad it didn't end in 3 deaths
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Dear Lord they are disgusting.
This cunt got a 10 hour unpaid suspension for this.
I don't believe ACAB in America, but I do believe it in Bongistan. Plenty of cops are bastards in America and I would say the general level of bastardness is higher amongst those cops here, but in Bongistan it seems like ALL the cops are horrible there. And enjoy being horrible. Especially to their own native Brits; not so much the immigrant horde occupying that island.
I'm just glad the police were there to stop the attacks
Maybe she just needed to scream more
This post glows
>2 lady cops know they are too weak to tacke him and already have to pull out their tazers
>one random guy and another rando have to do their job

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