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Thank god i don't watch anime
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depressing that my fucking country never gets snowy days.
fuck that's so me but i have zero friends and no money lol

but i don't care people are terrible
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so trv xixta
imagine world without nigs and pakis
i dont have to im polish
This made me laugh my fucking ass off. Holy kek
300k pakis arrived in pl last year and 200k in Q1 and Q2 this year, you better prepare your anus
source: i'm anglo and let me tell you about your country
polakiem jestem i umiem czytać, pewnie nie byłeś w dużym mieście przez ostatnie 5-10 lat
I remember a few years ago people in Washington DC were having a big snowball fight and then some faggot plain clothes cop has to act tough and whip out his gun and threaten to arrest people for hitting his car.

Jesus. I hate cops so much I hope they get a LUIGIED
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Don't know what he's singing but the melancholy song with the background does it for me.
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In the show Twin Peaks, Bobby is considered to be an under achiever and rebels against adults and his father has a very prestigious position and is a good person but emotionally unable to fully express his feelings like a normal person. Just this scene really allowed the father and son to connect in their own way.
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Cool tune. Too bad it's to a Facebook ad. If anyone can ID it sauce me up.
I love everything about the Frankish Crusaders.
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can anyone guess the swear word thats bleeped at 0:40??
His failed his son so gotta make up by being there for his daughter.
Based war criminals.
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>umiem czytac
i co? przeczytales to na internecie z niemiec? bo aktualnie jestem we wrocławiu i nie widzę żadnych gett ani czarnych gangów tylko pakistanczykow robiacych kebaby i czarnych raz na tydzien
i looked it up but the song is giga faggy so go suck a dick and do it yourself
haven't laughed this hard in a while
the dude on the bike KEK
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I fucking love this webm so much. 9/11 truly must have been some dark fucking ritual that destroyed the uniculture.
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Really wasn't 9/11 so much as it was occupy wall street and its response, the rise of identity politics and wokism in all discussions, the decline of white numbers until they finally reached the tipping point of irrelevance given their unwillingness to stand up for themselves, and finally the internet gradually opening up to the majority of peoples via smartphones whether they could handle it or not.
It's a slow fade, when you give yourself away.
Damn. These Ukrainians seem pretty cowardly to me.
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What's even the point of releasing videos like this?
Which audience is going to see this and become more in favor of Ukraine?
this is a scene from a movie. Ride On 2023. she's an actress
>wake up stalker
>everyone wants you wiped from existence
'pidor' maybe? means faggot
Me. I love seeing Airliners-killers die like flies.
my fucking sides are in orbit
>the decline of white numbers until they finally reached the tipping point of irrelevance

It's not that. 99,9% of today's woke content is also made by (((white))) people
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Old black cops are the worst.
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there's zero growth economy, where it's hard to figure out how to satisfy enough people, and then there's zero activity economy where nothing can be done so everyone dies.

You know Jews only consider themselves white when they feel like applying peer pressure, right?
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>there's zero growth economy, where it's hard to figure out how to satisfy enough people
>and then there's zero activity economy where nothing can be done so everyone dies
Stop, I can only get so erect.
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Shelby Foote is a personal favorite historian of mine. His books actually got me into historical novels as a kid.
>Captcha: KN0W
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Holy shit, that is retarded.
Aw, man. C'mon.
>pakistanis making the kebabs
at that point you should just make them yourselves
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Poor dude lost his hat
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Very comfy show
total hohol death now
Shut the fuck up you sub-human zigger.
I didnt know Twin Peaks took place in the Stargate universe
governments should be exiting people's lives and getting into harvesting resources for the public good
real georgist hours
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the image MD5 isn't that old, you're dead now
What song pls?
you would have the answer if you searched image MD5
it's all so tiresome
There's no result.
Or you could have just told me you filthy roody poo
>roody poo
uh huh, I'm sure you're not a tourist now...
I've told plenty, I just wanted you to learn and grow to be as capable as me! :)
for example, I can click search image MD5 using the major 4chan browser extension and be directed to the major 4chan archive website in which the second oldest post after than mine is from 215 days ago, with the third reply to that asking for the source and it being already given
>teach a man to fish
>get kicked in teeth
>be a giant faggot on the internet
>get treated like one
shocked pikachu face
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no malice, my actions are justified if just one person learns that there are ways to find these things out themselves
drunk fuck russians invaded you faggot, and the stupid fucking ruskies keep shooting down civilians airliners. fuck your mother you fetal-alcohol syndrome having retarded subhuman
actually believing this...
What song pls?
>In 2017, when asked about her coming out as lesbian, he replied: "As long as she's happy."
Absolute chad.
20 million whites died between 2010 and 2020. Culture shifted from class warfare to race warfare. Uhm, basically, Jews and an oligarchy taking roots.
I drove that thing once, truly amazing. Today Wuppertal is a multiculti shithole though, sadly. Jesus Christ help us.
Sounds like the Afghan war song "пpивeт cecтpёнкa" / hello sister (don't tell mom I'm in Afghan)
I want to live in a real human world
it sounds like a remix of chamber of reflection by mac demarco. Wasnt able to find the exact one though
Fucking amazing kek
thanks anon
I don't get it
Not my problem.
I thought the conventional wisdom is that wounded are preferable to killed because they burden the enemy medics and logistics?
You would be surprised. Twin Peaks was an OCP.
Yeah they run in and immediately die like the ruskies do. Right, Ivan?
why are polish people so butthurt
I mean it's blatant russian propaganda but it's still true though. Same goes for every other country.
He kinda badd though!
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I never get how people can make friends online, specially on online games now. The only friends I just to have come from Neopets, and it was only 3 people, and turn out to be a bunch of assholes.
What show? Looks interesting.
Was an irl friend of mine who stopped playing. Sometimes whenever I play once a year or so I drive by the old crews apartments and get a little depressed.
yes but how did that affect him personally?
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well it's a bullshit myth, in a war, people against you want you dead, not wounded.
It's in a way more humane.
oh god.
>invades sovereign nation.
>WTF! why are they shooting back?!
Why do these civilian airliners keep flying over a warzone?
also me, love vids like that.
music sauce?

Man.. Life does feel like this
This thread is fucking retarded. You sacks of shit are drain on society. Get out of this world.
The most surprising thing is that the kid is white.
I dunno, I dont speak for other people like you're demanding that I do.

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