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File: Wu-7Hax62XKZlIHF.mp4 (3.39 MB, 720x1280)
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/ck/ thread
Something something racial stereotypes
Ignoring how godawful that drink looks, why the Christ would there be Jolly Ranchers on the OUTSIDE of the fucking mug?
If you must, just do the goddamn rim. If he was making margaritas, would he salt the entirety of the mug?
This dude looks like he could kick all our asses
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>open video
>see Indian man
>close video
I already know this is just gonna be a bunch of liquid and semi-liquid doodoo water he grabs with his fingers and plops the glops the slop into a cup of bowl before mixing with his fingers.
>reopen video and watch
Fucking called it. Every single time.
>AI voiceover
Fuck off
Do you have a source for that?
and only 10k calories and a diabetic fit
speak for yourself pussy
Take your meds
The Diabetes Deluxe. Gross.
Chicken Cordon Brie
This actually looks clean, is this in India or Pakistan?
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The definition of sloppa.
>these "people" are allowed to vote and drive cars on the same roads as you
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The one before and after this one are real, but this is blatantly faked, the cuts are blatant.
significantly less fingering than the usually street food video
it's actually south american. The text is in Brazilian Portuguese, and going overboard on food is a terrible habit around here.
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what's so hard about cooking an egg??
>2-3 tablespoons of oil, low heat, cook both sides with a pinch of salt until you feel satisfied.
easier than that and you have instant ramen
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Jag är kär
What's with the cranberry sauce obsession?
I am core
He forgot to wash it with soap. Black card revoked.

Please no more
I mean it's good, but is beef Wellington really worth all the fuss?
it's insanely good, one of the few foods you can truly say 'it melts in my mouth' when it is well done.
I wouldn't want a beef wellington well done, I'd prefer rare to medium rare
never had to open a coconut before. do you just crack it with a hammer?
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>cooking the eels alive
senseless depravity
why wamen like this
those are the saddest "tomats" I've ever seen. Why is europe like this?
here we get a cleaver/machete, sink into it, pull out, twist it and then sink into it again until 50% of the coconut is cut into; then we separate the halves over a container so the water doesn't spill out. Otherwise, before using the cleaver, you can poke a hole into the coconut with an ice-picker and drain the water out for a cleaner job.
Absolutely incapable of not touching the food with the shit-hand. Unreal.
This is why Ike Jima was invented. It humanely kills the animal then destroys the nerve column to prevent exactly these kinds of convulsions, they spoil the meat.
Went from 'looks good' to 'that's too much in American way' back to 'looks fucking awesome'
That's.....actually going to try this one.
oh it's this fucking faggot, of course
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It's not actually as easy when you don't have experiende. The meat hammer usually isn't strong enough to crack it, and you need to have good eye with a picker. You can drill a hole into it if you want. I once dropped it from second floor to crack it.
Or you can just do pic related.
no it didn't and he touched it with is bare hands.
When you see these mutilated languages that used to be german language, you know the cuisine will be absolutely atrocious.
Netherland food might be the saddest thing I ever experienced.
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Just give it a light tap.
nederlands never were german, hans
Sigh, it's not beef Wellington if it's not done well.
It's beef Middlington
Or in some cases beef Appallington
Mhhhm that yummy plastic from the syringe is gonna melt and drip all over whatever that is, you can already see a flame at the end when he puts it on the table lol
take a hammer and smack the coconut firmly near the pointier end (but not at the very tip of that end), then rotate the coconut and do it again, ensuring that you do not strike the same place twice
it goes faster if you make an X shaped partial cut into the pointy end too
This is what the valkyries serve in Niggahalla
well done in the sense that it's prepared adequately. Probably should've used a better term, like: “when capable hands prepare it.”
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I like the videos where they actually show you how to cook something.
Please post those.
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stuff like this is cool if you share it but we all know it's for one person
can anyone back this? Is Doritos actually a good breading? I've seen many videos of people preparing fried food with it, results ranging from slop to something that looks delectable, but never have I seen it in person.
>poke hole to drain the water
>smash as hard as you can against concrete
works everytime for me
kill yourself pitiful retard, dutch food is perfectly good
English is too a "mutilated German language" and therefore I think you should expand your statement about "atrocious cuisines" to include the American one.
it should've stopped at that one waffle with a drizzle
I don't know man, the massive syringe protruding out of it like some grim promise that you'll have lots of those lying around after your inevitable diabetic collapse really throws it off.
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That's definitely contraband
Who the hell does he think he is, Willy Wonka?
It's lingdonberry you pleb.
I was heavy into coconut when I was 9. Would bang a nail into the hole and get the water out, then just hit with a hammer and eat it.
Yes. Cornflakes are good too.
>tfw my mom's pet name for me as a baby is "Bunky"
I don't care for this
I hope to never go to prison
Lingonberry is bright red, dingus. Also the third linked one uses the foul canned jellied cranberry sauce.
Lingdonberry. >>5762457
Sometimes I look at stuff like this and go "yeah I'd eat it" but this just has way too many random candies thrown on top for no reason. Fucking why? I'd have to spend like 20 minutes just eating random candies one by one before being able to actually start eating the desert itself. Literally just standard candies you can buy in a store, stuck on top.
It's like getting a cool sundae and also a bag of haribos or whatever from walmart and you can't eat the sundae until you finish the haribos. Fucking why

Also this, the fuck am I supposed to do with an icing syringe?
I'm using Google translate but it looks like she's saying "lingonsylt" but the "lin" is but off
I also don't speak a word of Swedish so fucked if I know what I'm talking about
Oh huh he used actual normal ingredients for once. I mean it's fucking huge, but there's nothing inherently wrong with a camembert-chicken-bacon sandwich
I'd probably unironically make this and eat it as a meal or even two, and not in a sandwich, but I'd still make it
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prison is bussin
Swedish here, you're correct
I love these videos, they're so depressing
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Thanks for explaining the wtf.
>Ikejime (活け締め) or ikijime (活き締め)
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my man Marcell travelling around the world to experience different cuisines. I'm so proud of that nigga.

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