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previous: >>5718396
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literally me
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Just happened to me. I'm free now
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this hits close to home
i gave myself serotonin syndrome on accident 3 weeks ago and it feels exactly like this, and i still wake up every morning feeling like this
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really bad webms

take something good from these threads:
*All Jewish literature
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based and relatable
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what a bunch of silly guys.
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what propels them to do this? video game songs as well "my late brother loved that game, RIP Michal" like dude who asked
They want attention.
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I've noticed this for videos of gameplay as well, it is so damn annoying dude
Man, look at all those hype-bait dlc and just how little hype MK1 actually has.
Hilarious. Shit will only sell among normies when they release the ultimate edition.
>my dick in the other hand
did not think i would see the day 4chan boards would start resembling a facebook feed but here it is. this is some of the most unfunny shit i have ever seen. half of the time the text adds nothing to the image and the sole idea to make memes formulaic is so fucking stupid. i wonder what husk of a soul it takes to enjoy this or let alone create this vile imagery and then i realised that people make it because it's easy. it takes zero effort to make something like this. your shit sucks, fuck you.
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ok bro chill I got you the first time
Kek it sure took him a lot of effort to repost his gay pasta
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Based Joe, I always believed in him.
More like this
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He didn't remove Jesus so much as demote him to prophet.
>CEO assassination defenders when I deny, defend, depose (I denied him the ability to walk, defended my 2nd Amendment rights, and deposed his kneecaps with hollow point bullets)
so true
Is this referencing mouthwashing?
It's in the file name, silly goose
ywnbaw tranny
Some people apparently can't imagine complex images in their minds, like a rotating 3D object for example. 4chan users assume this applies to all non-whites because of their racism
Come to think of it, is there a messiah in Islam?
I thought it was a pretty big deal for the religion.
Did they just edit that shit out?
It's a white people thing, you wouldn't get it.
Well how would you feel if you didn't have an apple for breakfast this morning?
Uhhhh I didn't have an apple.....
so true, my dead goldfish would've loved this meme
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I dont get it
best one
jesus is still supposed to be the messiah in islam, they even think he never died and that he's immortal living up in heaven, coming back during the end times etc.
its not all much different from christianity except that they dont believe that he's god, and they centered most of the attention on muhammad instead
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I hope they atleast killed it cleanly first before putting its body in.
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This, but the other way around
I don't know which one's which
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Once you go to purgatory, you will eventually go to heaven.
What's with blacks and meatballs?
purgatory isn't in the bible.
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Where is it then?
huh, someone saved my meme. neat
lol, good game
>imagine complex images in their minds, like a rotating 3D object for example.
Literally nobody can do this. Thoughts are abstract, the idea of "seeing" is a metaphor.
Black background, half peal a banana while it rotates, see the textured surface of the flesh, the thin strands. On the peal, see the minor pocks of black, the defined ridges, the very dull mildly rubbery sheen. Now see the banana flesh crushed by an invisible hand, the imprints, the near uniform glistening mush forming the shapes around the fingers. The tip gives and falls out of view.
I'd not considered that it could be racial. I'd be really interested in a large survey on it. The apple shouldn't be a challenge, you should see the basic form, the diffferences in shade and colour, and to check you've landed it, just stick a knife through the middle. I can see the knife really clearly, but there's nothing to the reflections off of it. Just generic moments of catching lights from behind me.
Do you struggle with empathy as well, or is it just in picturing things?
Is there something you think you excel at when it comes to analysis or creativity, like is there some trade off?
thanks chatgpt
>Literally nobody can do this. Thoughts are abstract, the idea of "seeing" is a metaphor.
Whatever it technically is, I can do it
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>Where is it then?
2nd-century-BC Jewish fanfiction of how extra-ultra-oppressed they forever are for having to follow the exact same rules as every other Helenistic colony of the time. see: '2 Maccabees'
TL;DR: The jews wrote a whole book about how they're super victims, and how you can literally bribe your way out of hell with silver coins (yours or someone else's), and the catholics reinterpreted it as 'There exists a Pseudo-Hell for babies'.
Been playing chess for 2 years now and still don't understand this one
I just pictured a strange banana food fetish reel, thanks anon
>they centered most of the attention on muhammad instead
I guess Jesus didn't fuck enough little girls for their tastes.
Anon, you might have brain problems.
Picturing shit is the basis of what makes reading.enjoyable.
congrats, you just discovered you're subhuman
Depends on what you mean by Messiah. Sunni like me hold that Mohammad was the last prophet who has died, Jesus is still alive he'll do some shit later but again that's cause he's still alive. After he dies in the future there's is no Messiah, just god, the truly most important figure in the history of the faith
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I hate the Sonic movies.
good for you
>Only whites can rotate a red apple int heir heads
Do Honkaloids really be this insecure?
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What is the character in the clip doing? How does it dfiffer from what an FPS character can do, generally speaking?
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You're welcome, faggot. Did you notice you're incapable of self reflection? Do you think that and your inability to visualise are connected?
If it brings you joy, cool.
Fucking hell, there's a video on some gore website of him getting his dick sucked
>trans furry
These are often the same people
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I thought it was one of those things that sounds weird, but it's actually normal. Like replaying your memories in a third person PoV.
this happened to me in the previous timeline
he went in a straight line across a long distance, just like a rook often does, the h8 implies it was across the entire board
200 billion and 9 years feels low
I'm not white and I can visualize things in my brain too.
your great-great-grandmother might have fucked a white guy
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>Last post 5mins ago
I still can't get over how some people don't have an inner voice.
Apparently people who think a lot have an inner voice, they also have trouble doing things because they always have to rationalize everything .
People with no inner voice are immediate and just do things.
>Apparently people who think a lot have an inner voice, they also have trouble doing things because they always have to rationalize everything .
>People with no inner voice are immediate and just do things.
This is true and is probably the reason why I epically fail so much at everything. NPCs really have no trouble getting jobs and having a life in general because they don't have to think about it, it's almost automatic.
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I was wondering if this was worth saving, thanks for letting me know it was lol
Same. Now we get 4 years of Trump taking credit for every good thing that's about to come from his time as president
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Your "tldr" makes up half your post.
I thought babies were considered without sin hence why there was the occasional suicidal woman back in the day that would murder a baby and admit to get the death sentence (suicide = eternal damnation, baby murder = baby goes straight to heaven, foid goes to purgatory then heaven)
The TL;DR is for 2 Maccabees
omg i'm not the only one
Someone please make a webm of
At 3:15 with trump x days before inauguration or something clever
literally me, I think it's autism, someone explains something to me and my brain just freezes, like if it's written down I'll understand it
they just get magnified by the upvotes because normies give them out of sympathy, if it weren't for that they'd just be completely random comments
>People with no inner voice are immediate and just do things.
Nah. I don't have an "inner voice" because my thoughts happen at a higher level of abstraction, not because there's no thought.
>4chan users assume this applies to all non-whites because of their racism
It's much more believable that it's a bunch of offboarders rather than natives to this site.
>Picturing shit is the basis of what makes reading.enjoyable.
It certainly helps, but it's not the basis. Otherwise I wouldn't find reading to be enjoyable.
>I think it's autism
autists would either silently sit through the briefing and remember every word spoken, or ask shitload of questions to clarify every minute detail
I'm afraid you're just retarded, anon
Clearly never dealt with actual autists.
It's actually the other way around for actions. People with no inner voice think actions through faster. The part where they spend extra mental effort is in communication. So they don't have trouble doing things, if anything it's people who vocalize everything internally who spend an extra five seconds every time they need to wipe their ass or something. Outside of routine actions of course, everyone benefits from muscle memory.
raid leader explanations for first timers are notorious for being given without necessary context, that shit only works if you go for a trial run first or at least have everyone watch a video of the encounter, most people can't explain shit otherwise
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cringe levels are off the charts in here.
>because there's no thought.
yeh we know, retard
Reduced to his basic elements of ook and eek
when you leaving
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>be me
>be white
>140+ iq certified by a mensa psychologist
>done dna test
>only northern european
>have severe aphantasia
Wow i guess im brown, no no, black. Black as oil
surely they could've picked a better clip for that caption.
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thats a deep cut
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Is it a reference to something in particular? I wasn't aware.
I do that shit and never look at it again. You just pretend they get the message. If you ever look at it again you're a faggot.
Muhammad isn't a more center of attention in islam than Jesus. Lol. Where do you people even get such notions? Jesus is just as much important figure in Islam as Abraham, Moses and Muhammad. Jesus will be the final sword to defeat anti christ and its corruption not Muhammad.
Catholic fanfiction, same with confessionals.
How many of the muslims you know are named muhammad? Now compare that to the amount of people named Isa.
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he should start playing binding of Isaac
Mohammad basically IS Islam, more than half of the ceremonies are "Mohammad did this" and all the rules are "Mohammad said this."
You can't even say his name without casting a peace hex upon his shallow grave, and it's so common to say they start using acronyms online because it's too much to type every time.
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I think he looks better with his hair back.
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extremely unrealistic. no one on /v/ talks about video games
I fear not. Right before putting the body in the fire the women started screaming to drown out his voices of agony. May he brought forth in the day of judgement so god could punish all the jewish scum in hell and bring that unknown child a life in paradise
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+ Shias believe in 12 Imams. An Imam is basically a descendant of Ali (cousin of Muhammad) who is divinely able to interpret the Qur'an perfectly. There are different sects that disagree on what their duties are. Twelvers who make up the majority believe there were 11 Imams after Ali and the last one is hiding until Judgement Day. Nizaris believe the lineage is still going and they actually have a living Imam. While Sunnis always say "oh Allah!" Shias use "oh Ali!" Just as much
This is true for Salafi Muslims. They are extreme but very common. Sunni practice traditionally ordains Muhammad's words/actions as secondary to the Qur'an. We only bow to God. Muhammad is a human like us, he is not divine. His words are important but not to the same level as the Qur'an. It's gotten bad enough some people consider this blasphemy
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>It's gotten bad enough some people consider this blasphemy
Religions often change through the ages, like going from "don't get drunk" to "drink in moderation" to "abstain from all drink," some rules get harder and harder until they finally seem to break.
Think of european dark ages christianity vs pre-roman-adoption christianity, it went from mostly small sets of random people who held certain "weird" beliefs to dominating culture and handing out dictates and death, until finally straining and snapping then falling out of position of high authority.
I believe islam is on a similar path with many middle-eastern and muslim-majority countries starting to push the dictates farther than people enjoy, even other practitioners of the religion.
I agree with this. I'm from Saudi Arabia and our current king is going back from extremist Islam to a more "moderate" format and the only people seething are ironically Muslim immigrants in the UK or someplace else. Islam actually had a very conservative revival post-1990 primarily because the jihadist insurgents had western support and were a good deterrent to Soviet influence. Our region had two options: radical Islam or communism. We picked the former and led ourselves towards delusion rather than progress. We've gone from Sufism and British-style secular policies to whatever is happening now and it's only bringing us more problems. Nowadays you can't even breathe or question anything without some durka nigger threatening you. I hope the time when the yoke breaks and people learn to be more sensible comes fast. Though I doubt it'll happen with all these wars going on

The Umayyad and Abbasid dynasties were ironically a lot more open about religion than we are now. We went down the opposite path of Christians kek
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Good luck, Anon, I hope whatever happens treats you well. You seem very chill
holy shit why are you even on this website?
Needs danana nana
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No, this is why you can see in your dreams. The part of your brain responsible for mental imagery is separate from your eyes.
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Stay mad racist
>S-six... Millions!?
But who is the CEO of Racism?
Oh my god kekek

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