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Haven`t been seeing much of these recently...what happened to everybody
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Most of the old guard is gone. Hopefully moved on to better things. Others probably became heroes.
I don’t have anything to contribute but I’m still here. Im always here. Started browsing in 2008 and I’m a newfag. Puddi.
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Is it really too much to ask to have a gal to goof off with like this?
Holidays can be rough, I myself got reminded of this chick from the past, this whole time I thought I wanted her to have an awful life, then turns out, she does. Not the great feeling I thought it would be.
these wannabe adult swim bumps are getting annoying now, feels contrived
sorry, gotta be born a gen Xer for that
fuck :(
i got left behind, is my fault though
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Here's some OC.
I went to a little seafood restaurant to read and have a bite, I was the only one there and the smooth sad jazz is what they had on the radio.
Sorry it's compressed all to hell and I'm not a great cinematographer but the feeling in that place reminded me of these threads.
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Tomorrow night, I'll be knowing Lt. Dan's feels. Good thing that I've been going to bed early for months now, so I can finally miss midnight for the first time in a few years. I've avoided it for years, but have had bad luck in not being able to go to sleep early enough to avoid it. My family is dead; everyone who loved me. Incel as fuck. Probably will have to start topping traps. Too autistic to survive any job in this awful service economy. One shit year follows another.
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Literally me...
that was very comfy anon, thank you.
Does anybody have that webm of this girl from an anime lying in her bed during the day with a song in background, can't remember the lyrics exactly but it's something along the lines of "what's wrong, not enough friends?", also the singers voice sounds a lot like BMO from Adventure Time
i dont have the webm but maybe this is something similar to what you were looking for? sorry if it isnt
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I love you guys.
He got the Oscar for that role
That`s very sad
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Where's my oscar for existing then huh
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Now I know my next book ..

Why is it so dirty there? Ruins the whole clip.
Ok but he's hot doe. He should have listened to his mom and put on the suit and keep looking.
Did you read the synopsis? It's not like incel stuff, it's humorous/sad fiction stories about men dealing with being alone like through break-ups, being a widower, etc. Honestly it was a huge bummer to read but the stories are short and you can fly through it. I enjoyed it.
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Don't have much to post that aren't old reposts but here you go.
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anybody have that webm with the popoka gif and that song that goes something like "i've been dreaming of ways to die just to dream of something new, it'll all be over soon". i really liked it
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Not necessary, I know the author, I have read a good part of his work, but I did not know this collection of short stories from him, and this subject can be really interesting coming from him.

But, thanks anyway
I hope the new year is going alright anon, I'd like to think at least you've still got us.
Anon, my brother... I think you are mistaken. Many of us living in difficult conditions face situations even worse than this, perhaps not you. Yet, in that short clip, we can see something that normally feels impossible: happiness, and even more so, happiness with a significant other. The fact that it's dirty on the sidewalk only makes it feel more real and attainable. If it were in a perfect place, it would have the opposite effect, making it meaningless. That kind of thing I can see in any movie or series...
That's the truth and it hurts. i am not good enough for the woman my age and I am too old for those girls.
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Why Gen X? Were millennials unable to enjoy just goofing off with friends and women?
I never even tried once to get a girl so I can’t even say I was rejected. Never asked a girl out, never held hands, I just haven’t felt like it’s worth it today and in High School there really wasn’t anyone I was interested in so for a while my parents thought I was gay or something. Still don’t have anyone in mind now. I don’t know what it’s like to actually have feelings like that for someone, it’s all foreign to me. It feels like something is wrong with me, because I do still want a wife and a family.
I wish I was 14 again, going out on the streets with my friends having fun and goofing around. Jesus Christ that makes me so depressed.
I'm never gone, been here for 10 years now, holy fuck typing that out hits different. And I will stay forever, until I die. I love this place, it's like home, all anons are my unknown friends. 4Chan is my home where I can do whatever I want, my little corner of freedom. Together we did so much over the years, even in real life. I don't think the newer generations will ever have what we have bros, cherish it.
Don't forget, you're here forever
If I don't make a change this year I don't think I'm going to make it
2005 checking in.
Make the change then. I'm just quit drinking a week ago, far later than I should have but better late than never. You can make it.
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Führer grade chills
I wish I was 17 again
>Is it really too much to ask to have a gal to goof off with like this?

Be that someone for someone else. There is where you will find her.
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Might be a long shot but does anyone know what this image is referencing/based on? Seems to be a Sam Hyde sketch but I can’t find which.
I found it.
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I remember seeing a webm of jonestown a while back but I don't have it anymore. I think this song was playing in it:


Does anyone have it?
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Song Sauce? It's a NEED
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It's a slowed up version of one of the Trevor Something songs called "Fade Away".
Thanks Bro
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Started lurking in 2011 after highschool. Been here the whole time. Yes, this place has changed but the essence of 4chan is still alive and well imo. I sometimes think about the normies who live their whole lives on Twitter and reddit never even knowing that a place like this even exists. I may be getting older but I will never stop coming here as long as it still exists. The freedoms of this website, the content and discussions.. They've shaped me into who I am today, for better or worse. And I don't regret any of it.
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I've been here since 2007. I've only got a small sample size, but most of the people I've run into stopped using imageboards because they jumped ship when GG was actually relevant and then had the 8ch explode in their face because it ended up getting the worst of the worse. I don't blame them, but I don't think I'll ever be able to truly leave
Honestly, I've sort of tuned these threads out when I noticed most of the shit posted is just "static video or gif with vaguely sad music looped"
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I am a transitory traveler. Spending too much time on 4chan is bad, especially with what it looks like these days. Haven't posted since this whole email thing anyway.

Just coming and going every now and then I guess. No boards fit me these days. But these threads have always been kinda special. Can't find stuff like them anywhere else.

Speaking of, do you guys ever think about transitory spaces and moments of our lives? Do you ever take time to look at or think about transitory moments/spaces after you've left them? I was on a long drive home and while stopped at a gas station, around seven, I saw a mother with a baby in her arms in a Mercedes parked next to where I just parked. Dad was inside waiting in the bathroom line, with two kids going in and out of the store for some reason, passing messages from dad to mom and so on.

I have no idea who they were. And they were gone by the time I was done using the bathroom. I have little idea where they were going, what their jobs were, or their story. But a small story took place in those few minutes. One that, for some reason, maybe boredom, I couldn't help noticing. Our paths diverge and we'll never meet again.

These transitory spaces and memories, where so many come and go, make me feel a certain way. Looking at my old schools make me feel similar. So much happened in those places, and now the friends and people I knew at those places are far flung all over the country and even world. The buildings have little memory of our time there. I come a stranger to a place I used to arrive almost every day, and a good amount of the people who used to go there never will see that building again. Yet, years later, I'm there looking at it. Even if they're long gone.

These transitory moments and spaces make me fear death far less.
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Used to frequent these comfy/feels threads a lot more than I do now. Made my fair share of OC for a few threads. too. I think over the years it just lost its charm. Lots of reposts (I say as I repost one of my favorite webms haha), low-quality comfyposts, etc. Some of the stuff I see in this thread now is stuff I've seen years ago. It's like they're iconic webms or something. And sure, maybe some of them deserve that status. But it's also made the threads rather stale. I enjoyed the threads I got to experience back then. It felt magical, and in some ways I'm still chasing that feeling... sorry for my faggot blogpost :)
Anyone else here feel very few emotions?
I've been thinking lately and realized I really don't feel much.
I feel like the last few years, the only emotions I've felt are stress, loneliness, and every now and then, amusement.

I don't get any feeling of accomplishment when I achieve anything, when I do particularly well at something, I just feel nothing.

I need to do a bunch of reflective statements for some training I'm doing, and they really stress on writing about what you feel after doing something. This is making it a pain in the ass.
according to society you should be shot for even asking this (unless you're chad)
Need sauce
Self-pitying threads like these are always bad. They just inhibit going outside and actually doing something. Sure, maybe your life is disappointing, maybe you didn't do all the fun things other people did, but the pain of missing out on these things isn't enough to justify this maudlin hyperfocus on it for the rest of your life. Might as well just make an effort, getting on with the business of life.
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I often wonder if the anons that made the original threads magic became an hero. I hope they are well.
Anon, that sounds like depression.
>I need to do a bunch of reflective statements for some training I'm doing, and they really stress on writing about what you feel after doing something. This is making it a pain in the ass.
I did a bunch of trainings a few months ago. It was all DEI stuff and I don't agree with 1/3 of it: Equity is just another word for "separate but equal." Anyways, I skipped most of it and wrote in what I assume they wanted me to write. I suggest writing what is expected of you.
I agree with the sentiment because it reminds me of .webm related (may not fit the thread). However, for a lot of people here, this is their only real form of community, comradery, and cope. For me, misery loves company. I "enjoy" the fact I'm not alone when I'm here with like-minded/afflicted anons. Until late last year I've been NEET for about 5 years. It has profoundly changed my life getting this job.

But I'm still lonely. Being lonesome while isolated was bearable and, at times, enjoyable. Being lonesome while surrounded by people and pretending I'm not depressed is torture. At least coming here I can vent every once in a while with little to no perturbation regarding severe ostracization or loss of employment. And like I said, I "enjoy" lurking conversations and occasionally having one with anons going to something similar in their lives. It's how I've interacted with people since the early 2000s as a child with unsupervised internet access and unfortunate bullying in school. I don't know any other way and I think others feel the same way.
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I get what you're saying, but it's not always easy finding a proper mindset. At the very least, people deserve a place to feel their emotions. Let it flow, accept that these feelings of loneliness may always be with us, but that it is not abnormal and you are not broken. Recognize that, and you can overcome it.
I know exactly what you are saying, anon. Thinking about the transience of life is something I often do and it fucking kills me. There are so many things I will never experience again, so many things
lost to time, so many things I will never have a chance to do, so many things that end.

Recently, I walked through the grounds of old my school, 1st through 7th grade, and there's this hallway, all big glass windows, that connects the main building to the gym. I remember walk through it when I was a kid, dreaming about the freedom that awaited just beyond those windows. I remember looking at the free people outside thinking how I wish I could be there instead because I like everyone else hated school. I couldn't wait for the day to end, so I could go there and play with my friends.

Well, I was there now. I was the person outside. But now, I would never again be inside that hallway. Ever. Now, all my friends are long gone and we would never play again. And I'm anything but free. It made me want to kill myself right then and there. I remember reading something some time ago and it goes something like this: "There was this one day that you and your friends played for the very last time, but none of you knew it".

This melancholy isn't limited to my childhood, of course, but a significant part of it is. There's just so much gone and lost.
Absolute gem, not once in the last 10 years I had shed a tear to a gondola thread but the combination of the MDE nostalgia and the quality of the scene captured made me lose.

The original scream that the adult swim imposed druggie audio technicians corrupted:
Man. I started lurking in 2021 before my Senior year of High School began
I wouldn’t say shot, that’s too far even for normalfags
Yup. I’ve never been really able to recognize what I’m feeling for most of my life but it’s only gotten more pronounced in the past 4 years as my mental health has crashed. I just feel numb all the time. I can’t cry or sob into a pillow for relief
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I think a lot of us grew up. Some died. But that can't be all of it.

Ultimately not really sure what happened. Obviously everything around GG and 8ch happened, but the site (not just this board...) didn't really die until a little after the lockdowns. 2022 or so? Everyone went insular I guess. Twitter, Discord groups, and so on. Email thing was the final nail in the coffin. The imageboard itself is dead. The sharty and similar "boards" are a sort of post-mortem mockery.

I think this stuff encapsulates a particular feeling. So I don't think it's all going to go away forever. It'll come back. But I don't think it'll be for us.
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I think it's just from getting old. Especially without constant distractions from kids and stuff like previous generations had... at least for those that lived this long. Approaching my 30s now, gaming and anime feel like more chores.

I've found the solutions to be doing increasingly extreme things and alcohol. But even the latter is getting boring now. Not sure what comes after.
I'm still here anon, since 2008. I still even use IRC like we did in the old days.....
I don’t think anyone will kick up much of a fuss for oldfags like us.
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I feel lik wsg is one of the last bastions with the remains of a long lost time. The few people left are old souls that were never able to move on completely.

Back around '07ish, /b/ had it all. From lulz to rekt to feels. That all slowly died, some remains moved to /pol/, /gif/.. I always kept chasing the feels.
I'm here, 17 years later still chasing the feels. I own a home and got married but there's a part of me that can't let go. That's always drowning in melancholia.
I don't know what it is, that keeps drawing me to it. The suffering of life I guess, the regrets, the pain and the memories of more simple times as kids, riding our bikes in the streets till dark - not worrying about any responsibilities. Or maybe the sadness that those good times we had are not only gone for us, but the children growing up now, never even got a chance to experience them.

Ah well.. I feel like the last remains don't have much time left so let's cherish it.
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does anyone have the Yotsuba webm where it is like "be amazed by the simplicity of everyday life, find value in loving others, etc."
anyone got the japanese animation where it's a husband and wife and it time lapses through their life, and the husband freaks out toward the end?
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Just pick one realistic thing and change it. As the other anon said, maybe get rid of one vice, like alcohool or cigs. Or fix your sleep schedule, or start working out, start reading one hour every day, etc.

Step by step, it's when you try to fix everything at once that it becomes unsurmontable, at least in my experience.
This is Charls' greatest contribution to MDE.
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This one?
yes! thank you anon! this one makes me feel good.
this is one of the most whitepilling pieces of art of all time. Sam Hyde is pretty divisive even on 4chan nowadays, but this sketch amazing. basically the point is that society/they/(((whoever))) tries to hold you down and impose its will upon you. but a lot of anons decide that they wont participate, through that they think they win. however, when you do not participate in life then you self impose prison upon yourself. super whitepilling. very anti-neet, anti-blackpill, etc. i was in high school when WP came out, and was going through some stupid shit. this has helped me tremendously.
NTA but Faure - Haruka Nakamura ft Uyama Hiroto
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Anyone have the webm version of this with the music playing?
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Here you go, anon.
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Thanks anon
I’m 22 but I would. I want you guys to stay around.
You're too hard on yourself, it's worth sticking around. Doesn't matter what age.
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damn bruh i haven't seen this webm in years
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reporting from 2015 here.
I returned to these threads on a whim after a year or two. Thankfully moved to better things. I went back to school, found ambitious goals I was working towards, and made new friends.

Things improve, but slowly anon.
holy shit i've been wanting someone to post this for a while ("a while" really an understatement). Someone started a thread with this many many years ago accompanied with some cute words. The whole thread had that theme. I'm being vague because it doesn't matter. Less than half of you were there probably. Probably none of you.
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That was such a memorable thread, I'm glad I'm not the only one who still thinks about it sometimes.
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man I can't tell you guys how good it is to be here, alive, right now. I don't even care if I have to struggle, it's good to be here.
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I don't care what happens, I just want to keep going. It is a privilege.
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>you’re here forever
Don’t worry I’m still here and will be. I’m just peerless now.
You’ve got your whole life ahead of you anon. I’m sorry the world went to shit. It really hit around the time you were born.
For a childhood you’ll never know and I can never relive.
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this hurts so much I almost feel like crying
don't even know why, never been there
The "old guard" are in their 40s by now, minimum.
They got families and actual hobbies, died/killed themselves, or simply got tired of posting here.
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I love this thread
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Got the shutin neet ending. It's over for me. An hero soon.
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It's easier to be nice, polite, kind, and courteous to other people when you hate yourself and don't want others to feel the same way you do.
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very nice
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I have been looking for this song for YEARS. God bless you.
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All in all, it probably is some mild unhappiness with life and depression, when I lurked here, I was a broke unemployed student constantly on the brink of flunking out, I was out of shape, and >tfw no gf. But a few years later and after working 60-70 hour weeks for a few years and actually building a net worth and getting a gf to spend it with, these threads and webms just feel empty. I guess being content makes things like this just a fleeting memory. Hard to care about making OC when you have a career and responsibilities

I do have a few flashdrives of everything here, I saved as much as I can just so that in maybe 10-15 years I can come back and reminisce of a feeling I likely won't get back. Or I can just force my probably autistic son to get his comfy phase out of the way sooner rather than later so he can actually get laid instead of being a whiny faggot that lurks a Kazakh ice cream making forum
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>It's like they're iconic webms or something
Yes, to some extent that's the best aspect of 4chan. And why it's so good at propagating memes. Nothing here is archived, at least on the site, you either like it and bring it over to a new thread or it's washed away and forever forgotten. I quite like it.
This was on my playlist for years and it confused the hell out of me when I finally watched Re:Zero.
what's the email thing you guys keep talking about?
Saw my little brother using the family computer to playing Habbo Hotel, he was using a black avatar with an afro and blocking pool access with his friends. Said it was a 4chan raid. Been here ever since... hope you bros are all doing well, and that some of you actually made it.
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15 minute initial post timer unless you buy a pass or verify with an email. Of course, it is only a select few email providers, so burners or any of the cock.li domains don't work. It also saves this verification as a cookie, so any privacy focused browser that clears cookies is going to remove it when you restart. I believe /biz/ has had something like that for a while, but it recently rolled out sitewide. Yet another change that makes this site decidedly worse to post on
that looks like a lot of effort
Do you mind sharing a megadrive of your flashdrives? The archives for /wsg/ are no more.
the shitty zoomer soundtrack ruins it
bump for the feels
the difficulty comes when you know people are repulsed by the idea of a wretch like you speaking to them
the disgust in their expressions beaming like a lighthouse
Run Boy Run by Woodkid
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2006 oldfag reporting in.
Honestly not surprising. Most people move on with their life, get married, are stuck in jobs, or simply get other stuff going on. Whats' far worse is the amount of people that I lost touch with over the years.

While I did get married, my wife refuses to have kids and is a """stay at home""" housewife. Aside from my full time job, I'm pursue another degree during the evening and fill the void with vidya, workaholism and this website. I've had friends from overseas come to my wedding, and shit just fizzles out over the years. Starts with one friend dropping, another guy "visiting another discord server to play some games" and never hopping by anymore, or simple things like your favorite online game groups falling apart due to boredom.

While I did get some friends who did stick around over the years, I'm growing more and more apathic to the fact that this too will eventually fade. Just like the love with my childhood sweetheart did which I married years ago.
16 year old me would be ashamed seeing me pulling up from a deep pit, only fly high and fall low yet again.

The worst part is: if you're in the unfortunate age bracket I am in, and already grew up tech affinite/nerd, it is absolutely impossible to fit in.
Younger people will find you weird and quite frankly, I get it. People my age (mid-late 30's) are absolute fucking textbos NPC's, and the people older/twice my age have a general shit and ageist attitude. However, the odd ones like me in this older age bracket don't hide their power level and are therefore quite easy to spot and hang around with. But even then, the connection is ephemeral and shallow, there's nothing but that oddness connecting the both of you. So right now, I'm just here. Getting mad that it got to this, and my unability to change things without shaking up my relatively secure life.

Sorry if I come off as a pretentions faggot crying about a "good life". I'm sure some understand, or will eventually.
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07/08 oldfag here. While I understand where you're coming from, you are still a faggot.
For anyone who doesn't know this guy is mermaid man
World's gone crazee
>While I did get married, my wife refuses to have kids and is a """stay at home""" housewife.

Does she at least take care of you? Otherwise you got a rotten deal.
still my anon friends, still here
I wish you all find peace, health and happiness in life.

old fag
I'm still here, 22 years later. I let this happen, don't be a pushover.
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I think she went on to form 4 Non Blondes
he was truly too good for this shit world
I hate that the pedo Tom Hanks portrayed him

Anyone know the tune?
NBSPLV - Imprint
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Hey, not everyone moved out. Lurking and shitpostin since 15 years here and I guess I will be doing the same in 15 years. There isn't an end to it until this site or me dies
AlaskaAlaska has some fucking great songs.

Meateater and tough love are two other great ones
Don't do it. God loves you and so do I. Things will get better if you want them to, slowly but certainly.
Do something good, no matter how small. Things will get better.
>watch every one of these
>feel nothing
am i broken
post the one with the Dido song, not the one already posted, you know which one
man I remember this song. they played it both when you slept at an inn or when your whole party saw the reaper. I loved that game so much I wanted to live in it

thx anon
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Been here since 2011, very active around 2016 - 2018 on this board and these type of threads. I'm now 28 and just come here to lurk, unfortunately I've lost all my webms that I created from around that era and it's not possible to get them from the archives anymore.

Anyway, nothing has changed that much over the years for me, for better or for worse (mostly worse desu) but good things are coming.
2016 type shit, that whole [wsg] craze

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