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>no fun allowed >:(
the nose on that guy
semites are really something
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>Moses was a Muslim
>Jesus was a Muslim
Absolute retardation
Ok but the muzzie is kinda right here doe.
Death to all abrahamics.
That same muzzle covered himself in ketchup and staged a fake stabbing on himself in London, and set it up to make it look like he was being persecuted for promoting Islam. The guy is a joke and a liar.
>Death to all abrahamics
Pretty shitskinny of him to not put in the Christians explanation of this most basic question of Trinitarian theology
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probably the same dude kek
they intentionally do this in places that are inconvenient for people, they are challenging you to try and stop them
sweet! a retard thread.
Muslims don't understand the Trinity at all, most of them think Jesus mother Mary is the third member of the Trinity, and even if you tell them they are wrong they will deny it and keep claiming she's part of the Trinity because the Koran says that's what Christians believe
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Muslim literally means submitted to the almighty (Islam = submission to him)
Moses and Jesus were by definition Muslims, and what they preached was by definition Islam
People subverted their message but the message of the last prophet (Muhammad) has been made unchangeable by the almighty, this is a gift for humanity so that we can return to him

Funny you say that, when it's you showing that in your understanding of the situation, and in your belief (literally)

retarded (past tense) · retarded (past participle)
delay or hold back in terms of progress or development

This is unironically good
Fight the ones who invade muslims
Enslave those who you can instead of executing them
Those who don't fight you can live under the islamic government paying a 5% jizya tax and don't have to be drafted

While you invade other countries, bomb villages, and torture and kill prisoners of war
all non-islamic belief is satanic
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He's not challenging anyone, he just feels that you shouldn't stop him from praying, although in Islam he can pray sitting in that case, and in some cases you can even postpone prayer when traveling,

You always show un-Islamic behavior as islamic in order to brutalize Islam, forgetting it defeats the purpose, and you end up manipulating yourselves

There's nothing to understand because it's a pagan belief embedded in the message of Jesus that makes the mathematically impossible believable to you

Mary one of the best human female muslims and has nothing to do with the pagan trinity

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He's right, christmas is pagan and has nothing to do with the message of Jesus
so we shouldn't wish it for people, encourage it, or participate in it
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>jesus was a muslim because it just means submission you ignorant kaffir infidel
imagine still trying this lame taqiya in 2025.
When people hear the word "muslim" they don't associate it with some "submission to God" they associate it with the entire package of the religion of islam, which has an entire culture and practice to it, including wearing diapers on your head, kissing and praying to black cubes, legal prostitution (muttah), and being deceptive to promote the cause (what youre trying to do).Unironically trying to suggest that being a Muslim simply boils down to semantics and the word submission makes you a disingenuous faggot "... oh he was such a good Muslim, keeping the sabbath and praying to the Father, an act condemned in Islam because Allah says he isn't a father
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>You always show un-Islamic behavior as islamic in order to brutalize Islam, forgetting it defeats the purpose, and you end up manipulating yourselves
utter damage control, muslims only ever use their beliefs when it benefits them, and one moment you'll say that say something is unislamic while praising it another time
God that vid is retarded. Jesus was a Jew first off the bat
>islam is hated in the west because it cripples the alcohol industry
Don't know about you guys but I hate muslims because of the rapes and their backwards parasitic ways when living in foreign countries. They're an infestation
>People subverted their message
very strange that muslims say this when the koran says no such thing
>let the people of the Gospel judge by what Allah has revealed in it

if the bible was corrupted then why does the koran repeatedly affirm it? what changed?
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Jesus was a muslim because he was sent with a message by the almighty as a prophet like Moses an Muhammad. the bible has been edited so many times
the romans even burned all editions they didn't like, the original bible is lost
This is a sectarian shia thing, spread by zionists propaganda
In actual islam lying and deception are forbidden against anyone, and those who change truth with falsehood in the day of judgment Allah won't even look at them, hell dwellers
>which has an entire culture
Islam is a religion, not a culture, islam is adopted by a lot of various cultures, muslims worldwide talk, eat, wear, and live differently
If italians were to adopt islam, they will abandon wine and their women dress appropriately, but they would still eat pasta, speak italian, gesticulate, and make great shoes
>wearing scarf on your head
non-arab muslims (majority) don't wear them, this is mainly arab culture influenced by arid climate, nothing to do with islam which is an ideology
>kissing and praying to black cubes
We don't kiss only some emotional few do that to the black stone for some reason, it's not even important in islam but meccan heritage.
The kaaba is not a cube, before the last reconstruction it was even less a cube,
and is not black, the black drape is a saudi thing (last decades) previously was draped with all sorts of colors
>legal prostitution (muttah)
this is another sectarian shia thing, it's strictly forbidden in islam, an Muhammad even said that at some time some muslims (mainly iranian shia) will do it, and the do now
funny how your zionist masters the truly deceptive ones always accuse of what they do, no it's haram
>simply boils down to semantics
i didn't say that retard

>I hate muslims because
she means hated by those who hold power the cattle-like population is just told to hate islam by the media and it does

>no such thing
>affirm it
it affirms the message of jesus not your bibles
Breaking news:
Norwegian extremist attacks student during ceremony

An ideologically motivated woman harasses and humiliates a little kid during a ceremony
in a hateful extremism show in plain sight, she proceeds then to order the other citizens
to do as she says in what she believes is a practice all the world should adopt.
This hateful attack is just the latest in a series of a nation-wide ideological grooming
campaign under the threat of child kidnapping against the families of muslims in Norway.
These muslim kids who have taken refuge in this country, after Norway bombed their
villages during its terrorist mission in Syria with its judeo-christian allies, are now fallen
victims of an ideologically totalitarian regime that seeks to spread its ideology and culture
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post memris
I have no idea how you ended up here and you're probably a little worse off for it, but this patience is yours is beyond my own.

Try not to stay here too long (look at what happened to me), but I have to commend you.
This is in comparison with "Christians" who will also enslave you, but will also massacre you by the thousands at least. All while being as ignorant of you as possible and only calling you the worst names their pigbrains can come up with
>It's not lying if we cut up the video to comically make him say what we want him to, but it is if we think you're doing it!
Crosscucks, everybody. Why don't you link it, big boy?
"Christian Prince" doesn't know who Athanasius is, and thinks he's a nobody. Meanwhile, he comes up with all these weird Atlantis theories, then he acts like if you don't know it THEN YOU'RE A LIAR!!!
You're right thank you, sometimes it's like pouring water into sand but calling people back to truth from the constant propaganda is a good, i don't care about the hateful here, rather about confronting falsehood so that lurkers can break out the satanic programming. I try to keep myself busy with other stuff and avoid staying here and fyi it helps

But remember that no one is beyond saving
If you submit to him, may Allah help you and bring you very close to him and his way whatever your struggle is
I am instinctually repulsed by this religion.
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To the Jews I became as a Jew, in order to win Jews. To those under the law I became as one under the law (though not being myself under the law) that I might win those under the law. Corinthians 9:20
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The only mistake he made was calling Saturnalia "Christmas"

The only right thing faggot OP did was whine about muh crossmas. Then he can't whine later about "NOOOO BUT YOU'RE BRINGING UP MY CRUCIFIED GAWD!"
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وَيُجَادِلُ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا بِالْبَاطِلِ لِيُدْحِضُوا بِهِ الْحَقَّ
And those who disbelieve dispute by [using] falsehood to [attempt to] invalidate the truth [18:56]
>>affirm it
>it affirms the message of jesus not your bibles
The crosscucks don't want Muslims to know this, but the "Gospel" of the Bible is really the gospel of Paul the Liar, a corrupt rabbi that falsely claimed he's a disciple of Jesus, and strongarmed his way into the Church
>The Gospel of Paul (Liar) preached that Jesus was a scapegoat to carry people's sins, and that you only go to heaven if you believe that and if you question it you go to hell
>Paul the Liar wrote about 2/3 of today's bible
>Nobody but Paul the Liar called him an apostle. Only himself (22 times) and his servant (1 time)
The Gospel that the Son of Mary preached was very clearly called Gospel of the Kingdom [Matthew 4:23]. It preached reformation of the Judaic religion at its core
>2/3 of today's bible
2/3 of today's New Testicle
>the "Gospel" of the Bible is really the gospel of Paul the Liar
Forgot the reference, so I'll do it here

[Romans 16:25] - one of the numerous books written by the Liar
>25 Now to him who is able to establish you in accordance with my gospel, the message I proclaim about Jesus Christ, in keeping with the revelation of the mystery hidden for long ages past,
>in accordance with my gospel, the message I proclaim about Jesus Christ
>my gospel
Paul's own gospel

[Matthew 4:23] - One of the 4 Anonymously written books that even talk about the life of Jesus
> And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease among the people.
>preaching the gospel of the kingdom
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>I am repulsed by this religion
So was this Dutch politician
And this other dutch politician
And this ex FBI agent
And this ex-soldier
And this anti-muslim ex propaganda agent
And this foremer anti-islam activist

So many! Yet so many reverts even with all the worldwide multi-side propaganda against islam
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>Taliban gains deeply concerning
>So was this Dutch politician
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yXCMU72z0Ms [Embed]
>And this anti-muslim ex propaganda agent
This sums up some stuff we see constantly on this website
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literal nihilism
enjoy your nothing, you sad piece of dirt
lol imagine restraining yourself and policing your fellow mates half because you try to delude yourself a reward is coming, or half because you think this will give you power over people you'll never have because you're at the bottom of the religion's hierarchy
Imagine being provided with logical arguments as to why your belief has no basis, and exactly because you're a meaningless chimp like the atheist say, you won't believe it because you're a machine whose only goal is to survive and being metaphysically right has no impact on that.
What a state of being. Between muslim christians and the rest, I wonder who's wasting the most of their lives. Not that your lives matter.
I really wonder how you people can keep being taunted like that and always dress your head high out of pride, as if you had an answer to everything. Once again proof of your flawed design.
Lol nobody's reading that drivel, crucified kike worshipper

Keep grasping at straws
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>try to delude yourself
If you were right then we would have lived a life of restraint instead of yolo-ing
If Islam is right then you will be tortured in hell for your defiance to the almighty who sustains yours and all existence

Even by logic alone, believing in Islam is a way better and lower risk deal
>you think this will give you power over people
>religion's hierarchy
What power are you talking about, what hierarchy
In Islam the best person is the more pious, differences in status, wealth, race, education, background, tribe/country, have no importance religiously speaking
In an office you can find a cleaner leading in prayer engineer colleagues, and that's normal to us
>Imagine being provided with logical arguments
>you won't believe it
What logical arguments? there's none, and if they're logical arguments why should i believe them? is logic "believed" to you?
>survive and being metaphysically right has no impact on that
Islam is focused on what is real and true, and deconstructs fantasy and lies
>I wonder who's wasting the most of their lives
It's you, Muhammad said that this life is the hell of the believer and the paradise of the disbeliever, the disbeliever lives as if yolo forgetting this life is just a passage to be tested for what he is worth, we need to be tested because the almighty gifted us with free will, meaning we can go against him, so this life is to filter humanity the good from the bad, and you're losing it
>Not that your lives matter
Mask off moment for you, but no all lives matter to the almighty, he wants us to pass the test and he helps all of us in our lives
Muslims matter more to him because we don't deny him for short-term desire
>dress your head high out of pride
pride is bad in Islam, while humility is part of being Muslim, you're confusing pride with belief or outrage to some non-muslim behavior
>as if you had an answer to everything
Islam answers our questions very well
>proof of your flawed design
You gave no proof
They are allergic to all levels of critical thinking
If it isn't easily explained to a literal fucking retard, you can bet that a Muslim won't be able to understand it
You're not fooling anybody. That act is 1700 years old

And funny that you talk about being allergic to critical thinking, when in your own Church Councils, things evolved into physical violence
Gonna take the name off
just say terrorist death cult
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you perform the same rituals around that the kaaba that the Arab pagans used to perform
you walk around as Saturns rings
you bow and pray in the direction of the black cube which is covered in bird shit (very holy) multiple times a day
your prophet kissed it
you fight to touch the vagina in the corner
you believe touching it cleanses sins
you believe in heaven Allah supplies you with virgins like a pimp because heaven is just endless sex in islam

you are all pagan hypocrites and this is a sex cult
So what I want to know, is if the Christian religion is about the redemption of the evil Hebrew God as it seems to be, and Islam rejects Christianity, then who is the Muslim God? Is he still the same evil God as the Hebrew God?
>legal prostitution (muttah)
>this is another sectarian shia thing, it's strictly forbidden in islam
It was legal in Sunni Islam for awhile before it was banned.
>I my religion out of 10000 of others is right then you will be tortured in hell in many violent ways by my sadistic god that makes human flawed so he can punish them
I could make the same argument about my religion, overmanism, and you're definitely going to hell for not following it
>In Islam the best person is the more pious, differences in status, wealth, race, education, background, tribe/country, have no importance religiously speaking
just spend time on muslim twitter and see how they use it to police people into being good drones. The muslim leaders are in power, and their religion legitimizes their autocracy
>What logical arguments? there's none, and if they're logical arguments why should i believe them? is logic "believed" to you?
there is a necessary act of faith in believing in logic and the consistency of the universe since it cannot be disproved, but at least that doesn't entail having retarded dogmas like not eating pork because someone said so.
>Islam is focused on what is real and true, and deconstructs fantasy and lies
islam is idealistic, it rejects the real world, therefore nihilistic.
>It's you, Muhammad said that this life is the hell of the believer and the paradise of the disbeliever...
google Nietzsche Ressentiment

I don't need to reply to the rest, those are not arguments
You're not going to convert anyone here you fucking retard
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>Arab pagans used to perform
Another one who thinks he know better than arabs themselves
No, arab pagans put statues of false gods around the kaaba and prayed them
>black cube
Black drape is a saudi thing, it wasn't before their rule
It's not a cube and never has been, the small white arc you see near it is there to keep record of where the kaaba used to reach in length
>your prophet kissed
So? we don't have to, and it hasn't meaning in our religion, it's also a far from being at the center of our belief, like i previously said it's just meccan heritage
>you believe touching it cleanses sins
I'm sure this is false
>you believe in heaven
Yes we believe in the place we were all supposed to live in were Allah makes available to us all kinds of desirable things, virgins is just an attribute of those houris that will be there to serve men's desires, there are more things to paradise than sex, which seems it's mainly what you can think of
>you are all pagan hypocrites
If paganism could produce a "third" abrahamic religion after judaism and christianity, bigger than both and 500 years after, then now we should have lots of newer religions bigger than islam
But it's not, because paganism can't have success unless it infiltrates into abrahamic religions like a parasite (example of christianity)

Funny the lengths you can go for to keep lying to yourself

It was never legal in sunni islam, you're referring to a moment where islam was still developing, islamic laws weren't given all at the same time but one after the other
So you're referring to pre-islamic practice, and i said mainly sectarian shia thing because there are some (very few) sunnis around the world that adopted this, but it is and stays haram, no one can change islam
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Every human being will believe in Islam, it's only a matter of believing before or after death
In the day of judgment people like you will understand what they did and will wish to return to this world to fix their situation
>my religion out of 10000
It's 1 and has always been one, thousands of prophets sent around the world, humans kept changing the message (that always included to worship the one and only true god), until Islam (the last)
>about my religion
You can't produce anything similar to Islam
>just spend time on twitter
We chose to be slaves of the almighty, or else we will be slaves of someone/something else (our desires, politicians, satan, ego), and none is better and compassionate as a master than the almighty
>The Muslim leaders are in power
are you sure? in saudi arabia Muslim theologians are imprisoned all the time, and no Muslim country is led with true Islam except mostly Afghanistan
>there is a necessary act of faith
Yes, or else this live wouldn't be a test, it would be too easy and evil could still roam in paradise among the good
>retarded dogmas like not eating pork
We believe the almighty is the best lawmaker, he knows us better and we trust him
There's lots of stuff we don't know about his wisdom, not eating pork could be for our health but also for that of our environment, it involves elevating pigs and there's a whole lot of stuff in the chaining of events that could harm us or our world
Ultimately our given laws are part of the test, will we follow whether we see or not the benefits? Allah says his laws for us are for our own benefit (on earth), and you can conclude that once you look into sharia laws and their benefit and what happens to our world when not applied, it's also curious that current powerful evils around the world are keen on doing the exact opposite of islam in lots of cases
>islam is idealistic, it rejects the real world
If the world turns satanic yes, islam rejects the "new normal" being pushed if it's unlawful
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>You're not going to convert anyone here
I'm more focused on re-establishing truth and decomposing your falsehoods
But even then look at picrel, people convert to islam without even needing to confront falsehood, they find truth by themselves all the time

يُرِيدُونَ لِيُطْفِئُوا نُورَ اللَّهِ بِأَفْوَاهِهِمْ وَاللَّهُ مُتِمُّ نُورِهِ وَلَوْ كَرِهَ الْكَافِرُونَ
They want to extinguish the light of Allah with their mouths, but Allah will perfect His light, although the disbelievers dislike it.
Quran 61:8
>you are all pagan hypocrites and this is a sex cult
Talk about a projection

Anyway, Numbers 31:18
>If I make up false statements, and say my opponents actually said them, then I'm right!

>if the Christian religion is about the redemption of the evil Hebrew God
Says who?

>Islam rejects Christianity,
Says who?
>You're not going to convert anyone here you fucking retard
He says in crosscuck seethe thread #374823479
>the mathematically impossible believable
you think god is limited by mathematics? lol thanks for confirming you don't understand what the Trinity is
Nihilism is the post-modern, managerial, amoral, ruthless post-truth reality we exist inside of that tells us there is only the present, there is only sign-value, everything is a commodity in a series of markets for the individual, as a lonely happiness machine, to fulfill the desires that somebody else put inside their head and to participate in a culture that is, essentially, a trauma factory, in order for them to perform their role as a rational agent that acts in their own self interest through the logic of those markets that reduces man to an economic unit that is beyond dignity and is beyond any other purpose than to be a fraction of a metric to produce quantifiable data that sequences in such a way that it produces a higher numerical value than the one that was calculated a millisecond earlier.

Our lives play out like John Nash's little game of FUCK YOU BUDDY that assumes it can never end, because the game's pieces are not finite, and is damning us to engage in a scoring system which can go on into infinity until we run out of everything, we lose everything, and are only survived for so long by whatever AI is left to dominate the stock markets until the last data center shuts down because the last power plant on earth has run out of electricity to produce for it.

maybe there is nihilism in consumerist society but giving your autonomy up for a made up religion that's meant to control you and deny yourself is definitely nihilistic.
Because clearly, behind your pretenses of lampooning the current world, what you're basically saying is that we should join your religion.
I have my own beliefs that belong to me and I do not use them to delude myself into believing there is a reward or punishment in the end or any other made up nonsense.
May a causa sui or anything that may be called god its nothing like yours and certainly not a moral entity
Cope harder pagan cube kisser. Your prophet raped a 9 year old
No projection, you're the one kissing cubes and promising virgins in heaven.
Our God isn't a pimp seducing people with worldly things like sex in heaven.
how do they do it
>pagan cube
It was built by Abraham himself, not pagan
The rape is happening in your mind
God does. People choose. Demons lie
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>The rape is happening in your mind
And 24/7
>Our God is a pimp seducing people with worldly things like sex churches with altar boys.
Your god fucked his own mother when she was 12, so he can beget himself and get caught with a naked boy (Matthew 14:51)
>that makes the mathematically impossible believable to you
"Belief" in a trinity, or even in a god that begat himself by 'overshadowing' his own 12 year old virgin mother isn't a belief
It's s Suspension of Disbelief... All the way until death
You think he was limited by a cross
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Fixed and added minor details
>He says with 0 evidence of Abraham, a Jew, having traveled all the way to Mecca
>ignores the actual historical pagan evidence surrounding the kaaba
More lies, just like everything else with Islam
>Our God is a pimp seducing people with worldly things like sex churches with altar boys
That's not in the Bible. You are just describing criminal actions and doesn't even make sense in this context. So even your comeback is your own fantasy.

You actually believe in a God that will give you virgins as a reward. God is not a pimp. This is a sex cult.
Jesus being born of a virgin is an Islamic belief too. In fact, your religion has the x rated version it says Allah blew into the vagina of Mary to create Jesus. Good job making fun of your own Quran.
>Abraham, a Jew,
-100000IQ trinitard

You're much more likely to do so
>Jesus being born of a virgin is an Islamic belief
Thanks for admitting Islam is superior

There is no 'too'. It says in Luke 1:35, and I paraphrase: The Holy Spirit will cum onto you, and the power of the Most High will cover your naked luscious body
>this is your mind on Arabian sex cults
There are verified hadiths that describe Muhammad sucking the tongues of little boys.
>>this is your mind on Jewish sex cults
So you referred to the Quran, and said "vagina". Now show us which word is the word for vagina according to your lying coping ass

And you didn't call me a liar. You just threw out a retarded non-sequitur
Another lie from a member of a cult already known in the west for raping thousands of altar boys. They're about as verified as your incest book is the word of god
he willingly did it, you people are the ones who believe he was a coward who got someone else to take his spot
He willingly limited himself to getting crucified naked
he literally doesn't have to do any of this. You can pray while sitting.
>t. raised in a muslim school.
>And (remember) her who guarded her SEXUAL ORGAN (Arabic- farjahaa): We breathed into her from Our Spirit, and We made her and her son a Sign for all people. S. 21:91
>And Mary the daughter of 'Imran, who guarded her SEXUAL ORGAN (Arabic- farjahaa) and We breathed INTO IT of Our spirit; and she testified to the truth of the words of her Lord and of His revelations, and was one of the devout (servants). S. 66:12

Same word used elsewhere
>Prosperous are the believers who in their prayers are humble ... and guard theirprivate parts (lifuroojihim). S. 23:1-2,5 Arberry
>Men and women who have surrendered, believing men and believing women, obedient men and obedient women, truthful men and truthful women, enduring men and enduring women, humble men and humble women, men and women who give in charity, men who fast and women who fast, men and women who guard theirprivate parts (furoojahum), men and women who remember God oft -- for them God has prepared forgiveness and a mighty wage. S. 33:35 Arberry
>and guard theirprivate parts (lifuroojihim). S. 70:29 Arberry

Cope cube kisser.
>inb4 you respond with fake translations of the word written by embarrassed Muslims trying to cover it up

>he no longer believes sahih hadiths. Throw bukhari in the trash am i right?
>the daughter of 'Imran,
By the way in the first passage, Muhammad confuses Mary the sister of Aaron and Moses (daughter of Imran) with Mary mother of Jesus, who thousands of years of difference between them.

The author messed up. The Quran also refers to the Trinity as the belief in Allah, Jesus and Mary as God, leaving out the Holy Spirit and substituting Mary instead. So the author doesn't even know what the Trinity doctrine actually is.
The sophism he (and most muslims 2bh) is called "no true scotsman" or apeal to purity.
does anyone have the audio version of this webm?
nvm found it
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So the word wasn't vagina... It's Farj

And like a demented cult follower of a naked cross god, you again used the word MUH SEXUAL ORGAN when the word farj is a rated PG word in Arabic
All you've done the whole thread is talk about sex and accuse the Arabs of being the ones to do it instead

فَرَج • (faraj) m

a male given name, Faraj

Now you tell me, you stupid paulshit crosscuck fuck, would someone name his kid "Sexual Organ"?
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Here comes the grasping at straws

>And she said to his sister, "Follow him"; so she watched him from a distance while they perceived not. And We had prevented from him [all] wet nurses before, so she said, "Shall I direct you to a household that will be responsible for him for you while they are to him [for his upbringing] sincere?" -Quran 28:18
So which Mary was this, pig-eating crosscuck? How come you didn't mention these verses to really show us that the Quran apparently thinks the same Mary waltzed out of the Temple in Jerusalem to ask Pharaoh's daughter a question? Fucking mongrel
Those Muslims and their Scotsman arguments
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How did I predict your cope? Your taqiyyah doesn't work anymore. People can have the internet and people can read.
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This man:
>Gave bible study to an Assyrian
>The Assyrian railed and nailed his whore wife
>His wife told this faggot Sam the Sham that the Assyrian's 7 inch dick is much nicer than baldie's 5.5 inches KEK
>She took his 2 little slut daughters with her
>She broke up with the Assyrian cuz she felt guilty, then starting whoring herself out
>His 2 daughers have guys literally coming in to fuck their mom and leave in the morning

Just another cult following demented loser, worshipping a dead naked jew on a stick

And funny hearing a trinitard talk about cope
Again, what can be expected from a retard that thinks Jesus spoke English?
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That's not an argument against the things he's saying.
But Muhammad having a healthy marriage is an argument against his?

Seek help, and I think that Jesus demon of yours isn't helping
Oh, and yes because it means he's a faggot loser and if that's your role model then you are scraping the very bottom of the barrel
Now give me some David Toiletpaper. I feel like wiping my ass with you and your faggot apologists
jesus is the persona of god as man, so jesus not knowing something does not imply god not knowing something. in fact, god can only "know" as one of his three personas. in this case, he knows the hour as the father. the father is all-knowing and jesus is not. to be knowing of something is an attribute of a persona, not of god as an abstract entity. in christian parlance, "god" is taking to mean god as the father by default, which is a bit imprecise, but doesn't present a problem if your iq isn't below 90, which is sadly untrue of these two fellas.

also, scripture is written by man, and while it is the word of god in the sense that it is by the divine spirit, it is still prone to human error, so taking everything from the bible to be infallible is not in the spirit of christianity. in this case however, it's not even a problem.
>a Jew
Abraham is before judaism by multiple generations
>pagan evidence
There's none
Abraham is a muslim, the kaaba is built by a muslim

>sex cult
it's all you can see about islam, paradise is mentioned to have a whole lot of other stuff, but you focus on "virgins" and "sex" same with the life of Muhammad peace be upon him
Why are you so obsessed with sex

>blew into
You're making stuff up again zionazi, see >>5775945
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By who? your rabbi?

>follows a grifter
No wonder you're like this, i'd bet that man would drop you for enough cash
>jesus is the persona of god as man, so jesus not knowing something does not imply god not knowing something
Now post a webm of a square circle. Ask the Holy Ghost in the name of Jesus
>>pagan evidence
>There's none
I think he means the fact that the cube was used by pagans at the time of the Prophet pbuh, which is centuries after Abraham lol
following that logic, the presence of mosques in America means the Aztecs were the first Muslims
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So you falsely and prevertedly accused the Quran of being rated X, and you still haven't told us how your bible compares

>Luke 1:35
>And the angel answered and said to her, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Highest will overshadow you
So what word is the word for "come onto" and what is the word for "overshadow" here. Visual examples would be great

If you need help, ask your Jesus to send you the Holy Spirit with the answer
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i hope you learnt arabic instead of spending all your time on 4chan (haram anime site)
Is your Holy Ghost telling you to run away from discussion Luke 1:35?

>Luke 1:35
>And the angel answered and said to her, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Highest will overshadow you
So what word is the word for "come onto" and what is the word for "overshadow" here. Visual examples would be great
i'm not christian
>sucking the tongues of little boys
Were they random little boys? Ask your Holy Spirit if they were random little boys off the street
no it was his grandson's. why?
I know you're not christian. You're a paulian trinitard pig-eater
Christians don't slander prophets and try to make them look bad, especially by grasping at straws like you. Paid cocksucker, enjoy your 1 cent per 10 posts you loser
>no it was his grandson's
So how many is a grandson? If you need help just ask the Holy Spirit

i just found this thread today i'm not the guy you were speaking to yesterday lol
You just found this thread today, and your first instinct was to tell the Muslims to learn Arabic?

Now go learn what the difference between "little boys" and "his grandson's" is, you fucking ESL trash
akhi you must listen it was a naseehah. even the devil gave good advice to ibn Abbas. the Prophet (SAWS) said that all bani Adam will be asked on yawm al qiyamah about what they did during their free time. now go do something better with your time and leave this hole of snakes Allah has put a seal on the heart of this people
>even the devil gave good advice to ibn Abbas
What's that, to always lube up your dragon dildo before you insert it? Go eat some sausage retard
All these abrahamic religions and you can't get along to save your life. Sad
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Lol we need a women-only gym guys. Men are disgusting pigs, and all they think about is sex hehe
We need a place where we can, like, let loose and be our real selves! YAS QUEEEN! Don't let anyone tell you that shaking your booty isn't an expression of the highest freedom!
Now go slay, hon! Show off that plump, juicy ass!
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It's easy to stray from truth, the human being finds it easy to lie to himself through psychological bias to only accept what he desires to accept

It's a human being thing, Islam fixes that an the further you stray from it the more conflict there is, remove Islam and what remains is chaos war and injustice, no matter how "civilized" you are perceived to be

for example Khabib here >>5774120 is an example of how Islam prevents us from falling for our biases, we only need to be true believers (lots of Muslims aren't at this level which was normal back then)
>used by pagans
Well Muhammad destroyed those statues around the kaaba and eliminated their polytheistic practice, their pagan belief was removed, the kaaba isn't pagan they didn't build it Abraham did
>following that logic
The logic is abraham was a prophet (nabi to be exact) and so were lots of people from his progeny (Moses, Jesus, Muhammad)
They are all muslims

Aztecs and Masjids in america have no link or relation
are you a troll or just retarded?
>are you a troll or just retarded?
He's a well-meaning shiite that should mind his business
is that your idea of a retort?
Yes, if that's your idea of logic
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>Jesus was a Jew first off the bat
Yeah, a real Jew unlike those fakers in Israel.
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note that everything she mentioned is commonplace in what's considered the muslim world today. plus sex slavery was legal under caliphates, and "underground" places that served alcohol always existed, and some caliphs consumed alcohol themselves.
>plus sex slavery was legal under caliphates
Projection. Numbers 31:18
Numbers 31:18
King James Version

18 But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves.

Go eat some pig
Forgot the previous verse.

Numbers 31:17
King James Version

17 Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him.
18 But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves.
>the presence of mosques in America means the Aztecs were the first Muslims
They were
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are mosques always this wild kek
>commonplace in what's considered the muslim world today
Depends, Turkey and Libya are very different
>sex slavery was legal under caliphates
Slaves can have (voluntary) sex with their master, who are you to stop them when they want that? it's halal and there's no wrong in that, the master is responsible for the children are obviously, this is better than your boss having unbound hidden affairs with his secretary
There are slaves in muslim nations that ruled, they had rights, our definition and meaning of slavery is very different from the west, western slavery is brutal, muslim slavery is like modern "wageslavery" but with a way out. Islam also gave muslims the task to free slaves as a way to expiate their sins, leading to erosion and "end" slavery (until the next war).
And you have to know that caliphates have different level of islam practice, they are far better than any muslim nation today, but the first caliphates are the best (did less errors in islam enaction)
>underground places that served alcohol always existed
Heroin and coke are illegal in the west but dealers always existed
I'm sure the caliphates did a better job at banning alcohol than the west is at banning drugs, unsurprisingly as sharia is a better legal system than what you have
As for your accusations against caliphs you better check your sources and their chain of narration, a caliph is supposed to be among the best of us in terms of religious knowledge and practice, and all the big known caliphates had caliphs, even if not good weren't even close to the level of degeneracy you're accusing of
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>but the first caliphates are the best (did less errors in islam enaction)
yes other than being the cause for the first civil war, the companions were great

>a caliph is supposed to be
yes "supposed". just because islam says something doesn't mean muslims will do it. for example castrating slaves was common in the abassid caliphate and later even though it's haram. kaafur, the famous ex-slave king of egypt, was himself castrated.

>among the best of us
you mean among the best of quraysh?

>Slaves can have (voluntary) sex with their master
-_-. more like: "i better have sex with this dude so he feeds me.", which is not much different from prostitution, except the slave earns less.
>which is not much different from prostitution, except the slave earns less.
Except prostitution is only a normal topic of conversation if you're an Ali-worshipping shittite cuck

Shia aren't Muslims. You're closer to the cross worshippers, and you know it
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This shit isn't Islam. You're not a Muslim
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>read criticism of the companions
>immediately assume it's le shia
i am not even muslim. and you can't shame mut'ah since according to sunnis muhammad allowed it in the beginning.
You're using shittite talking points. Maybe if you're such a big man you can come up with your own
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Stop playing with my words
>according to sunnis
>muhammad allowed it
Muhammad never allowed it (see >>5773780), this is like saying "Muhammad allowed" drinking alcohol in the beginning
It's not true, he never allowed, rather he forbade by the order of Allah to a people who used to do that stuff

Muhammad started preaching Islam after 40 years, does that mean he allowed haram before that? no! saying this is true is madness
yeah you're right about that one actually, sorry. he couldn't show up with all the laws at the same time, or he would upset people. like that time muhammad didn't kill some hypocrite because people would have badmouthed him, even though he was fine cutting some woman's hand and said he would cut his own daughter's hand if she were to commit theft.
At this point all you say is lies and manipulative talk while giving yourself a credible image
You are well poisoning this thread
>Murder anyone who doesn't convert to your cult
>Brag about how many converts you get
Muslims worship a pedophile.

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