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This whole woman's thing is "reee they are lying reeee!" We all know our nations are lying to us, its that we don't care anymore.
>we don't care
Most people don't, most people know they are being lied too but there isn't much they can do about it and her just screeching into the void as if its some sort of new discovery just shows how dumb she is.
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>just shows how dumb she is.
I don't know why this is funny to me but it is.
>Ukraine is NATOs pawn
>Ukrainians are Nazis
Not all of them but one of the parties that was elected to their Parliament was their Nazi party, they were a minority within the current government but they were still elected. There are still neo-nazi military groups that Ukraine is still using, just like they were using earlier in the war.
>Nazi paramilitary groups
Not those are "Nationalists" now kek.
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>nafoid /k/ope spreading to /wsg/
Don't you fags have 3 containment boards? Stay the fuck there
as someone who grew up in the US during the cold war, I am starting to wonder... did my government lie to us about the soviet union? because what I am learning now is that the russian navy back then was one black market sale away from collapsing, and is now just barely functional. jesus russia! have guys never heard of maintenance?
None of the things you said were words.
Its hard to maintain a Navy when your so far north that all your ports freeze over during the winter, its partly the reason why Crimea and the Ukrainian Black Sea shores are so valuable to Russia.
interesting cope, because it seems that russia doesn't believe in repair and maintenance until it's about to sink then someone reluctantly allows parts to actually make it to the ship. the whole country is like this.
>interesting cope
>everyone who replies to me is coping
>because it seems that russia doesn't believe in repair and maintenance until it's about to sink
Anon, if you ruled Mongolia I bet you would invest money into building a navy. Russia isn't America, Russia is far more interested in projecting power on the old USSR territories. Sure every nation would like to have a giant navy to project more power, but Russia has never been a naval power and most likely will never be a naval power as it doesn't really need one outside of 1st and 2nd line defense and tactical reaction.
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vs west?
>not a gif
Gif is a format. It doesn't have to be animated
ineffective format for a picture when there are jpgs and pngs around.
Then try posting your superior png in a /wsg/ thread then dumbass
>posting a static gif because he wanted to post a png
Not in the spirit of the board, is it?
tell me you're a tourist without telling me you're a tourist
also lurk more
>lurk more in a general that is about linking audio webms to other boards and generals
lmfao, mad
non animated gifs and webms are a bannable offense here.
how is this a general?
tell me janny, how much do they pay you to be an insufferable cunt like that?
call the police I don't give a f
>how is this a general?
I thought this was audio webms because thats the only general I'm perpetually in.
I'm not a janny, it's in the rules and lists of things you can report.
cool vid
More glowie propaganda. World, please know Americans do not want war. The Zionists and pyschos in the Pentagon want war. And I would like to say sorry for the pyschos in our CIA and State Dept usurping the democratically elected president of Ukraine. A president who served Ukrainins. And didn't want war. Sorry Neo Cons and evil war mongers in our government started this war over greed. Greed for Ukrainian natural resources. Greed for Larry Finkelstein and Blackrock Zionists who lust for power and money. And care NOTHING about 800,000 dead Ukrainiain Christians. Sluaghtered. Because Larry Fink and Blackrock wanted money. And land. To feed Zionist Greater Israel. I would also like to apologize the the Russians. Our government is corrupt. They are war mongers. They hate peace. They are evil. Sorry. You dont deserve this. The world doesn't deserve this.
None of those are in the bible also go outside and touch grass.
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>More glowie propaganda. World, please know Americans do not want war. The Zionists and pyschos in the Pentagon want war. And I would like to say sorry for the pyschos in our CIA and State Dept usurping the democratically elected president of Ukraine. A president who served Ukrainins. And didn't want war. Sorry Neo Cons and evil war mongers in our government started this war over greed. Greed for Ukrainian natural resources. Greed for Larry Finkelstein and Blackrock Zionists who lust for power and money. And care NOTHING about 800,000 dead Ukrainiain Christians. Sluaghtered. Because Larry Fink and Blackrock wanted money. And land. To feed Zionist Greater Israel. I would also like to apologize the the Russians. Our government is corrupt. They are war mongers. They hate peace. They are evil. Sorry. You dont deserve this. The world doesn't deserve this.
imagine going to a foreign country and dying because a mongoloid former taxi driver who larped as kgb wants "muh soviet union" back.
You are ignorant and sad.
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>You are ignorant and sad.
where can I find russian census information? when was the last census taken?

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