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File: Elevator 10M17gi.webm (2.47 MB, 1280x720)
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2.47 MB WEBM
File: hold the elev.webm (2.49 MB, 1280x720)
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File: delivery Ele.webm (2.94 MB, 1280x720)
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2.94 MB WEBM
File: elevator 12o.webm (1.78 MB, 720x720)
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File: trio.webm (2.73 MB, 1264x720)
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At least this one had a presence of mind to step away from it.
Good thread.
One of my favorites, guy dragged it like it was made of tungsten.
A corona classic
File: 1714472099318081.mp4 (5.74 MB, 720x1280)
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5.74 MB MP4
checking those trips
Also, what happened in the video. Mental illness?
It seems consistent with what I have read about a methamphetamine high, namely, lots of energy.
filename lol
Poor guy. He deserve it for being a drugaddict though.

How autistic people sit in desk chairs
Good thread
just needs chinese guy pissing on elevator controls
why is it mostly asians? Weren't they supposed to be the smartest society on the earth?
it is just a drug addict "tweaking out"
Yeah, they are. But they're also the most don't-give-a-fuckest society on earth.
nerve gas, obviously
thank god he's ok
File: 1735420258342754.mp4 (5.23 MB, 640x360)
5.23 MB
5.23 MB MP4
He's still a retarded fuck
I get train enthusiast guy vibes from this, I like the music at the end
Kill yourself, faggot.
what are the odds that they keep making the same mistake? you'd think one of them would've noticed
autism is a magical thing
May just be that there's a lot of them. Some 60% of Earth's population is Asian depending on how broadly you define that.
Everyone knows the largest predators of the chinese are elevators, escalators, and industrial lathes
File: 3SwHB1n9B13AOM0i.mp4 (1.5 MB, 828x720)
1.5 MB
1.5 MB MP4
File: 1735873413020103.gif (3.81 MB, 1000x1040)
3.81 MB
3.81 MB GIF
lmfao how heavy could it possibly be
literally me
Never forgive covidiots.
based autism enjoyer
File: Russian Love Story.webm (3.68 MB, 720x404)
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3.68 MB WEBM
File: wah wah wah wah.webm (3.75 MB, 720x1280)
3.75 MB
3.75 MB WEBM
1. cameras everywhere
2. they all live in apartment building with elevators
3. there's loads of them
Fuck is this queer shit?
Why are Slavs like this
gib insane covid gf
Better than an entire modern YLYL thread.

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