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>>5769706Whats his name, ive forgot? Theres a clip where hes talking about jews and neanderthals thats very funny!
>>5768910So is nazism just astrology for sexless men? There's nothing tangible to what he's saying.
>>5769762> "everything that we're doing is aimed precisely at preventing this from spreading"I'd say they're doing the opposite, but then "never stop your enemy when he's doing a mistake"
>>5770675> jews fooled the masses> that's why we need their godIs he saying that jews are imposing new psy-ops upon us because we rejected the previous one?
>>5770694Catholicism is Neoplatonism. It has nothing to do with Talmudic thought.
>>5770696It still substitutes european identity, history, culture with jewish identity, history, culture.It still teaches jews to practice usury against goyim but not among themselves, it's in the christian bible ffs. Plato taught monotheism, pederasty and communism, thus he was a cryptojew himself.
>>5770701Oh, you're completely fucking retarded. Wouldn't be surprised if you're a kike trying to well poison.
>>5770708Not an argument. Not that I'd expect believers to be able to conduct a rational discussion.
>>5770696 >>5770708 Catholicism is intrinsically at odds with National Socialism, not only because it's built upon the Jewish (Mosaic) religion but also by virtue of the fact that it's an international globohomo organization with its own agenda and goals. For the same reason Rome had already threatened Germany's national identity and sovereignty centuries before Catholicism was founded, Arminius being the ultimate cultural symbol of this struggle. Much like the Reformation, the Kirchenkampf (and its spiritual predecessor, Bismarck's Kulturkampf) was just the latest battle in an ancient, still ongoing war. The NSDAP planned to implement Positive Christianity to put all churches under the control of the party and eventually replace Christianity in Germany with National Socialism itself, a plan that would've become more feasible if they were dealing with a Protestant Germany rather than one divided between Protestants and Catholics, the latter having their own party and being loyal to another state.
>>5770696>>5770936From Mein Kampf, Chapter IV: Munich>People who can sneak their way, like parasites, into the human body politic and make others work for them under various pretences can form a State without possessing any definite delimited territory. This is chiefly applicable to that parasitic nation which, particularly at the present time preys upon the honest portion of mankind; I mean the Jews.>The Jewish State has never been delimited in space. It has been spread all over the world, without any frontiers whatsoever, and has always been constituted from the membership of one race exclusively. That is why the Jews have always formed a State within the State. One of the most ingenious tricks ever devised has been that of sailing the Jewish ship-of-state under the flag of Religion and thus securing that tolerance which Aryans are always ready to grant to different religious faiths. But the Mosaic Law is really nothing else than the doctrine of the preservation of the Jewish race. Therefore this Law takes in all spheres of sociological, political and economic science which have a bearing on the main end in view.But the Jewish State exists within the Catholic State by design. They're inseparable. This is what gradually led to Sicut Judaeis, Court Jews, the Rothschild loans to the Holy See, the Vatican Councils, and lastly Pope Francis, the kisser of black feet.
>The Jew himself is the best example of the kind of product which this religious training evolves. His life is of this world only’ and his mentality is as foreign to the true spirit of Christianity, as his character was foreign to the great Founder of this new creed two thousand years ago. The Founder of Christianity made no secret of His estimation of the Jewish people; when He found it necessary, He drove those enemies of the human race out of the Temple of God, because then, as always, they used religion as a means of advancing their commercial interests. At that time Christ was nailed to the Cross for his attitude towards the Jews, whereas our modern Christians enter into party politics and when elections are being held they debase themselves to beg for Jewish votes. They even enter into poitical intrigues with the atheistic Jewish parties against the interests of their own Christian nation.Chapter 11: Nation and Race - Mein Kampf
>>5770953>>5770990>Christianity was not content with erecting an altar of its own. It had first to destroy the pagan altars. It was only in virtue of this passionate intolerance that an apodictic faith could grow up. And intolerance is an indispensable condition for the growth of such a faith. It may be objected here that in these phenomena which we find throughout the history of the world we have to recognize mostly a specifically Jewish mode of thought and that such fanaticism and intolerance are typical symptoms of Jewish mentality. That may be a thousandfold true; and it is a fact deeply to be regretted. The appearance of intolerance and fanaticism in the history of mankind may be deeply regrettable, and it may be looked upon as foreign to human nature, but the fact does not change conditions as they exist to-day. The men who wish to liberate our German nation from the conditions in which it now exists cannot cudgel their brains with thinking how excellent it would be if this or that had never arisen. They must strive to find ways and means of abolishing what actually exists. A philosophy of life which is inspired by an infernal spirit of intolerance can only be set aside by a doctrine that is advanced in an equally ardent spirit and fought for with as determined a will and which is itself a new idea, pure and absolutely true. Each one of us to-day may regret the fact that the advent of Christianity was the first occasion on which spiritual terror was introduced into the much freer ancient world, but the fact cannot be denied that ever since then the world is pervaded and dominated by this kind of coercion and that violence is broken only by violence and terror by terror. Only then can a new regime be created by means of constructive work.Mein Kampf, Chapter 5: Worldview and Organization
>>5770990>>5770999Hitler really had to walk on eggshells not to offend those Christians.>This Christendom, this greatest pestilence which could have befallen us in history, which has weakened us for every conflict, we must finish with.—Heinrich Himmler, Reichsführer of the Schutzstaffel>What does Christianity mean today? National Socialism is a religion. All we lack is a religious genius capable of uprooting outmoded religious practices and putting new ones in their place. We lack traditions and rituals. One day soon National Socialism will be the religion of all Germans.—Joseph Goebbels, Reich Minister of Propaganda>The National Socialist doctrine is anti-Jewish in excelsis, for it is both anti-Communist and anti-Christian.—Martin Bormann, head of the Nazi Party Chancellery
You are all feds.
>>5771005Feds have Discord these days
>>5770694what is god is a question you cannot answer correctly by all means i dare you, go ahead no bullshitting like god is what ever it means to you tell me what is god if you know you know but from your posts i KNOW you don't:-)
What's with the retards itt?The swastika is a cross and Hitler and his party never opposed religion, they only entervened once when a clergy man was aiding the enemy of the country, they where even seen as modern crusaders since they fought godless communists and restored christian moral values.
>>5771049You should do some reading. So many NSDAP officials left their churches (like Bormann, Himmler, Rosenberg, Darré, Hess, Ley and so on) it even became a popular term: Gottgläubig. Some SS divisions had up to 90% of their recruits leave their churches before joining, and their manuals openly decried Christianity, in the same manner as communism. The churches had a long emnity with the NSDAP and even propped up militant groups like "The White Rose," due to things like opposing eugenics, in the middle of the war, effectively siding with the Rothschilds and the Soviets over the European people.Moreover, thousands of priests were executed during Kirchenkampf, and several generals formely associated with Political Christianity (which Hitler shunned) were linked with acts of treason, like Paulus and the Abwehr military intelligence, being part of the "Schwarze Kapelle" who spied for the allies.
>>5771023>>5771049Adolf Hitler – speech at the Ordensburg SonthofenAllgäu, November 22, 1937Since in international life there are only natural, sober interests, it should be based neither on gratitude nor on family connections. Family connections were as useless in preserving Prussia and Austria from war as they were for Germany and England.In Europe, we have more difficult obstacles to overcome than those, for instance, which exist for England-which only [!] needed its naval supremacy to occupy large living spaces with relatively little loss of blood.Nonetheless: we had Europe once before. We only lost it because our leadership lacked the initiative that would have been necessary to not only maintain our position, on a long-term basis, but also to expand it.Today a new state is being established, the unique feature of which is that it sees its foundation not in Christianity and not in a concept of state; rather, it places its primary emphasis on the self-contained Volksgemeinschaft.Hence it is significant that the “Germanic Empire of the German Nation” now puts this supremely capable concept of the future into practice, merciless against all adversaries, against all religious fragmentation, against all fragmentation into parties.If we regard our German history in a very extensive sense from our most dim and distant past up to today, we are the richest Volk in Europe. And if, with utmost tolerance, we allow our great German heroes to march by, all our great leaders of the past, all our great Germanic and German emperors-for they were great without exception-England would have to shrink before us.
>>5771074It is this unification of the German nation which gives us the moral justification to step before the world with vital demands. The fact is that ultimate justice resides in power. And power, in international life, resides in the self-containment of the nations themselves. Today the German nation has finally been given what it has lacked for centuries, namely, the organization of a leadership of the Volk.Today we are laying claim to the leadership of the Volk, i.e. we alone are authorized to lead the Volk as such-that means every man and every woman.The lifelong relationships between the sexes is something we will organize. We shall form the child!We are giving you unconditional freedom in your teachings and in your views on what God is. For we are well aware that we ourselves know nothing of these things.Yet let one thing be quite clear: the Churches may determine the fate of the German being in the next world, but in this world the German nation, by way of its leaders, is determining the fate of the German being. Only if there is such a clear and clear-cut division can life be made bearable in a time of transition.At the bottom of our hearts, we National Socialists are religious. For the space of many millenniums, a uniform concept of God did not exist. Yet it is the most brilliant and most sublime notion of mankind, that which distinguishes him most from animals, that he not only views a phenomenon from without, but always poses the question of why and how.
>>5771075This entire world, a world so clear-cut in its external manifestation, is just as unclear to us in its purpose. And here mankind has bowed down in humility before the conviction that it is confronted by an incredible power, an Omnipotence, which is so incredible and so deep that we men are unable to fathom it. That is a good thing! For it can serve to comfort people in bad times; it avoids that superficiality and sense of superiority that misleads man to believe that he-but a tiny bacillus on this earth, in this universe-rules the world, and that he lays down the laws of Nature which he can at best but study. It is, therefore, our desire that our Volk remains humble and truly believes in a God.Hence an immeasurably large scope is given for the Churches, and thus they should be tolerant of one another! God did not create our Volk that it be torn apart by priests. This is why it is necessary to ensure its unity by a system of leadership. That is the task of the NSDAP. It is to comprise that order which, beyond the limits of time and man, is to guarantee the stability of the German development of opinion and hence of the political leadership.The NSDAP is the largest organization the world has ever seen. All counted, it encompasses a total of twenty-five million people and has 300,000 functionaries. It is quite obvious that an organization that is only eighteen years beyond its founding cannot be the same as it would be after one hundred years.
>>5771076Yet the important thing is that we equip it with the law according to which it came to power and which it shall retain. Here we have established the basic rule of absolute obedience and absolute authority. Just as the Army-the weapon- cannot prevail without this law of the absolute authority of each and every superior to those below him and his absolute responsibility to those above, neither can the political leadership of this weapon prevail. For what is gained by the weapon is ultimately subject to political administration, and what the political administration wants, the weapon is to procure. The leadership of the Volk in former times, the Church, also recognized only this one law of life: blind obedience and absolute authority.Old Germany was overthrown because it did not possess this zealous blind will, did not have this confidence and this serenity. New Germany will be victorious because it integrates these virtues and at present has already integrated them in an extremely difficult struggle. I know quite well that this is independent of the individual. I know quite well that, were anything to happen to me today, the next one would take my place and continue in the same fashion, just as zealously; because that, too, is part of this Movement.
>>5771077Just as it is not possible to instantly turn a political bourgeois association into a fighting group of heroes, it will be equally impossible to ever turn this Movement, which was built up from the very beginning on courage and initiative, into a bourgeois association.That is also the future task above all of these schools: to conduct this test of courage over and over again, to break with the opinion that only the soldier must be brave. Whoever is a political leader is always a soldier, too! And whoever lacks bravery cannot be a soldier. He must be prepared for action at all times. In the beginning, courage had to be the basic prerequisite for someone to find his way to the Party-and it really was, otherwise no one came.Today we have to install artificial obstacles, artificial trenches over which the person has to jump. That is where he now has to prove whether he is brave.Because if he is not brave, he is of no use to us.
>>5770255sex havers aren't into astrology faggot and what gosling said makes sense faggot, it's like, kikes don't have culture and are all mixed are fucked up, they're ruthless>>5770688>we at the National Socialist general won't tolerate being labelled Nazis and Fascists>>5770544"radical feminism" triggers my autism. it implies feminism is somehow okay if not radical
Does anyone have transcript texts of these speeches?going to resurrect AI hitler
>>5770701Reality>Catholic Church condemns all usury>Catholic Church teaches that Jews cannot enter heaven>Catholic Mass condemns the perfidious Jews >Catholic Church forbids circumcising boys for religious reasonsMorons that equate reading /pol/ with an education>Catholics are just like Jews
>>5770701The last 1,700 years of European history, culture, and identity>Christian
>>5772024Yeah, I hate when people confuse the fake Vatican II "Catholic" church with the old real Catholic church. All it tells me is that that person is ignorant when it comes to theology.
>>5772103Reality>Vatican II made zero dogmatic statements meaning it changed literally nothing at allMorons that don’t read books>duuuur Vatican II was a conspiracy!!!!!lollmao, even
>>5772024>Morons that equate reading /pol/ with an educationWhat if it's your post
How it started>>5772103>Christianity is pro-JewishHow its going>>5770701>The Catholic Church is fiercely anti-jewish
>>5772024>Catholic Church condemns all usuryExcept if you're a Jew.The Catholic church and Catholic monarchs created what later would be known as "Court Jews" to work for them as their financial agents. By banning usury to the goyim they ensured future monopolies for the Jews.>Prohibited from nearly every other trade, some Jews began to occupy an economic niche as moneylenders in the Middle Ages. Only they were allowed to take interest on loans, since—while the Church condemned usury universally—canon law was only applied to Christians and not to Jews. Eventually, a sizable sector of the Jewish community were engaged in financial occupations, and the community was a financially highly successful part of the medieval economy.[3][4] The religious restrictions on moneylending had inadvertently created a source of monopoly rents, causing profits associated with moneylending to be higher than they otherwise would have been.[5] By most parameters, the standard of living of the Jewish community in Early Medieval period was at least equal to that of the lower nobility.[6]>The Church forbade Christians to be usurers, so the Jews secured the remunerative monopoly of money-lending. This decree caused a mixed reaction of people in general in the Frankish empire (including Germany) to the Jews: Jewish people were sought everywhere, as well as avoided. This ambivalence about Jews occurred because their capital was indispensable, while their business was viewed as disreputable. This curious combination of circumstances increased Jewish influence and Jews went about the country freely, settling also in the eastern portions. Aside from Cologne, the earliest communities were established in Mainz, Worms, Speyer, and Regensburg.[15]
>>5772563So do not engage in usury, duh.Typical moron thinking=>the Church tells me usury is bad & I hate Jews buuuuuuuut imma take out a usurious loan with a Jew then wonder why he had my moneyYou’re no different than a man angry that the Church bans adultery because he cheats on his wife and she left him over it
anyone know which music is used in this one?
religious debates never result in anything but shitting up threads
>>5770694modern (((jews))) share no faith, genetics, nor language with the ancient israelites from which Christ came.(((jews))) are shapeshifters and have always been. you doubt them when they claim to be white. you should also doubt them when they claim to be jews.
>>5772820>church actively making the jews the richest people on the planet by banning the charge of interest to everyone but them and employing them as their financial agents for centuries>So do not engage in usury, duh.the absolute state of cucktholics
>>5773320>>5773321>>5773322>Nostra Aetate: Furthermore, in her rejection of every persecution against any man, the Church, mindful of the patrimony she shares with the Jews and moved not by political reasons but by the Gospel's spiritual love, decries hatred, persecutions, displays of anti-Semitism, directed against Jews at any time and by anyone.
>>5768910This makes me want to off myself. There's no hope, is there? It's too far gone
>>5777014If you aren't mixed all you have to do is to have children
>>5777049I've had 4. All white. I'm Irish/Welsh Amerimutt. All my grandkids are white too.. I just feel it's over for us. We're heavily outnumbered. The minute sometime can wrest the Atlantic shipping lanes from the US, it's fucking over. We'll be eating each other within a year
>>5777059>We're heavily outnumbered"Never lose hope, be persistent and stubborn and never give up. There are many instances in history where apparent losers suddenly turn out to be winners unexpectedly, so you should never conclude all hope is lost." -Uncle Ted
>>5777463Hope is a tenuous thing, anon
Never despair and never surrender.
>>5771004hitlers issues with the catholic church does not negate his own words about jesus christ you are replying to and its dishonest of you to pretend otherwise. i share hitlers critiques of the catholic church but hitler had much more to say about so called "pagans" in mein kampf saying he had a profound contempt for those miserable play actors and saying that one got the sense they didnt want a nationalist unified germany in the first place and further surmizing that many of them were the jews themselves wrapping people up in absurd religious controversies to keep them from being unified against the primary enemy namely the jews.
>>5777818This fedshit is hilarious.
>>5768912is this guy ok? I remember months before the war in Israel was announced, there were a few different white conservative twitter accounts that popped up and got very popular very fast. then when the Israel war actually started they all started supporting it.
>>5774732Implanting ideas in the citizens. Same thing jews do now. >a madman ready to go to war with all in the area or something
>>5768914He's coming back
>>5777847I remember he got banned from Twitter not long after tweeting that and then someone was impersonating him or something. He probably came back under a different name, but who knows.
does anyone have a redpill video with this song?
>>5768910Need this without the gay music
>>5778237thank you