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>Complain about the EU
Switzerland is part of the common market and has open borders with all its neighbors.
They only cursory check cars for trafficked goods and illegals.
Still doesn't make sense. The borders being open to the EU immigrants does not mean that they should feel the need of changing EU immigration laws, since merely being in Switzerland does not constitute citizenship. If they didn't want any immigrants in their country, they logically would have deny all those of the countries where the immigrants migrated from entry into their country, not trying to influence EU law.
Then the EU would throw them out of the common market.
The UK had a special status that allowed them to investigate every single migrant at the border.
Switzerland (and Norway) don't have that.
Anyone have that ad played in southern California about the woman who didn't vote and Trump gets elected and she says "I should have voted" and this black guy goes "You didn't vote?!"
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