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Noodle time
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what the fuck did they just pull out?
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Does anyone have any webms related to that guy that owned an extremely deadly rare snake from the other side of the hemisphere and literally nobody has any antivenom in the whole country? He was apparently posting all this shit talking about how if you're a really good snake keeper, you'll never get bitten, but then this guy gets bitten and his organs start failing over the next week.
It was just this past year.
I thought it swallowed a golf club at first but I guess it was a grabber.
File: snek-tangle.mp4 (4.23 MB, 720x1280)
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4.23 MB MP4
crazy cool looking
I wonder what their face armor (scales) feels like to the touch

looks like a bath towel. maybe it thought it was a fluffy animal.
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2.19 MB WEBM
so rad

looks like a towel
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That dumbass got bit by an Inland Taipan which is literally the most venomous snake in the world. It's a miracle he survived. Everyone in the hobby fuckin hates him lol
>mouse sensitivity too high
got me good fucker
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woah preeeeeety
I have a snake, he is white and his name is Guttorm
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I remember this. It ate an electric blanket and mistook it's heat as another animal.
>when its got yah its got yah
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File: sea snake hunting.webm (2.85 MB, 640x360)
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Aww poor robin
How do you tell a constrictor/strangler from a venomous/biting one?
If he bites you and has fangs in the front he's probably venomous
If they're in the back he's probably not (as) venomous
You just learn what they look like.
you fucker
the worst job on this planet
File: holy shit.webm (981 KB, 360x640)
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yee haw!!
needs the screaming cumming guy dubbed over it
Clint's Reptiles says they feel more like legless lizards than snakes.
I guess that means more rigidity or something?
Fuck that. All sea snakes are highly venomous.
>even a poisonous snake isn't bad, you just keep away from the sharp end.
not a python, this is an emerald tree boa (you can tell by the row of huge heat pits on the upper lip)
>>5772042 (OP)
schlop snek
Imagine the smell
when they said 2025 was the year of the snake, this is the snake they meant
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>tail tip evolved to look and move like a spider, to lure in birds to eat
cool, hadn't heard of this one
Imagine the early ones where the tails only looked somewhat like an insect, they must have been confused as hell with all the birds trying to attack them.
this is fucking worse than the dog icecream one.
I have a ball and shes such a fucking slut, she refuses to eat dead in anyway and just 3 weeks ago she killed one and just didnt eat it.
Poor guy. Imagine just hatching and immediately having to appear threatening.
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If it takes you so long to swallow the whole egg isn't there a good chance of the mother bird returning and pecking the shit out of you
can snakes...umm, reverse?
>fuck did ya say punk ?
What a beauty. Is it true that they can recognize their caretakers?
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Reptiles are nigger tier, sorry. They're interesting but they do not deserve to live over or even feed off mammals.
All the things that actively cause you problems in your life are mammals.
idk man what about the ayys and lizard people
Insects actively cause problems in my life.
Bro wtf this looks edited. There no way a snake bigger than a plane fr
What the fuck is this?
Imagine being the stuntmouse
>is this retard done yet?
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My wife and I have like 30 snakes. We love the year of the snek <3
oh come on
no interstellar?
Anyone ever gone out rattlesnake skeet shootin?
just because you're fat doesn't make you two people
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Realistically what do you do if you encounter one of these and you're not ona boat?
Isn't this the deadliest snake in the world or something? I think I saw one of those in a zoo in aussie land.
boat and aint gonna do shit
Anacondas don't hunt people and don't want anything to do with you. Are there a few documented cases? Yeah but shit is ultra turbo rare. If you aren't randomly alone in their habitat and if you aren't fucking with them they don't even register you as food. They go after smaller prey because they don't want to be vulnerable.
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Beautiful creature. Too bad about that ugly monkey thing behind it.
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I have spent my life looking for that one good black man and here he is
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>>5772042 (OP)
nom nom tasty water
>I can do anything because it's a prank because it's filmed
this faggot deserves a good beating
File: Snake II on Nokia 3310.mp4 (5.86 MB, 854x480)
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5.86 MB MP4
why not just crack the egg first
Bem Bem
This made me yawn lol
This made me yawn
I've never seen a snake take a shit before.
File: snek tribute.webm (2.6 MB, 320x566)
2.6 MB
Thats a pet like situation!
I lost my leg to an alligator so no
It should have taken the rest of you lol at least then you could have been useful to something in this world.
Bro just wanted to play some CS:GO at the Cafe.
That bird was a retard.
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>You Died
File: spider snake.webm (2.85 MB, 405x720)
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Absolutely amazing!
A child that sits still.
>dumb fucks can't even strike a dead mouse accurately
How do they survive in the wild?
Then all the nutrient goo gets spilled.
There's special teeth in their throats that crack it once it's deep enough.
poor guy ;__;
That spider bit of a bit more than she could chew
Constrictors have blunt noses, venomous snakes have pointed or rounded noses
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I guess this video is sorta old but it does seem fake as fuck.
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do snakes ever get stuck in a knot?
Not sure what's happening, but i'm rooting for the snake
the hook seems to instantly defeat them. what does the hook know?
My favorite part about it is that they just invented a lizard.
I think they can get tied up but idk about getting stuck. They have too much muscle control ya know.
not how evolution works. somehow this snake discovered that by flicking his tail around, he could mimic an insect, and attract a bird to eat it, many generations ago. the trick worked, and his kin learned from him. each one had slight variation in their tails. the most successful at snaring prey had tails that had slightly darker tips. they had children, whose tails all had some variation. etc. etc.

one nootices that you seem to have no prooblem with him perfectly blending in with the rocks
>watch out, watch out, watch out, watch out... OH MY GOD! KO!
I wish that snake was my penis, and the tube was a girls's vagina.
You can get any child on the planet to sit still with literal sticks. You're just a fucking failure.
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>I turned myself into a sperm, Morty!
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>>5772042 (OP)
Me at 6 in the morning
clean it up jannies
she's afraid the snek will eat her
no mammal caused ever any problems in my life, only insects
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megaman 3 snakeman level
how is his ma still alive
>Clown snake
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File: tokaygecko.mp4 (3.47 MB, 720x826)
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he protec
fake audio in post
fucking hate snakes god please kill this thread
snakes are so fucking evil
File: snek_1.mp4 (2.51 MB, 576x1024)
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2.51 MB MP4
>snakes are so fucking evil
brain knave
>snakes are so fucking evil
Evidence for that claim = 0.
Toads are way more foul than any snake could ever hope to be, and spiders are a million times more clever at slaughter.

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