This topic is getting a lot of attention over at twitter so I thought I'd share my collection of related webms
I think one thing regular people could do to fight these rape gangs is to set up stings where a woman walks into an alley in front of a rape gang, and if they follow her a couple vans pull up and take the men away to be killed and disappeared. You'd need some sort of warehouse type facility for eliminating the bodies, chop them up and dissolve them, dump the residue in the thames or whatever. Also you'd need some brave women and some rough and ready men, obviously. A small team of ten or so could get a start on it.
>>5773867It would be better to leave them crippled/maimed as an example to others
>/wsg/>worksafe gifs>UK gang rapeI sometimes wonder where you guys work.
>>5774558we are talking about the issue of rape not depicting literal rape
>>5774569I am profoundly disappointed and my day is ruined. Should not be teasing a fella with funny like that
>>5773808>the police were worried about being called racist>the the child protective services were worried about culture>they were incompetent and cowardlyFucking lies.This was systematic, and from the top. Organized criminal coverups, run by (((someone))) and perpetrated by whole host of scumbags - Who still remain in their jobs to this day.
>>5774558ironic post is ironic
you know its really bad when indian news networks have reported about it
>>5773867nah you want this to be political and make noise, especially if the normies are to a point they have to act.First thing first you record what these vermins do before starting your fun, then you get your ass to an animated billboard that usually display adds and shit, preferably somewhere white people still exist and you play the video of the vermins being vermins on replay on that thing, then assuming you already have your little vermin in hand you make another video, a liveleak sort of video and again you go to another big display screen, preferably where it's full of "youth" and you make sure it plays there on repeat and heck, put speakers all over the place so everyone can hear the new national anthem of youth-istan.Now the corps or maimed body, you dump that shit right in front of an immigration center, a politician or judge house, a news station or whatever fucking bullshit that currently side or have sided and protected these vermins and you make sure they understand that if you can film them too being what they really are, the public is not going to cry about them either when you'll get your hands on them.Because you have to understand the gouvernemental administration is your real enemy here, the political parties in place are not only allowing this, they are profiteering, protecting and making sure this shit goes on and this is what you're really up against and what you also have to understand is that in time of war, murder do not exist, only problems and solutions.Now ofcours none of this is necessary, because we all know voting works and democracy cannot possibly be undermined by exploiting technicality and manipulating the public opinion through news, entertainment and social media censorship and ofcours it would simply just not work, because we all know the police forces are all powerfull and they are a super competant force for good that always win against the bad folks ... right?So nobody should do anything ;^)
>>5774596Some cultures don't mix well. Middle eastern and its relations with the rest of the world.
>>5774272It would be better to have not allowed them into your countries. refugee and asylum rules are a scam for the host country.
>>5774688fair take
>>5774774This is why Tommy is in prison
rape gang or gang rape
>>5774691And (((someone))) brought these "cultures" over here and protect them from justice
>>5773867The one thing regular people could do to fight these rape gangs is to execute all shitskins.
>>5774558You work at the Yeshiva.
>>5773812why post a bunch of silent webms with speaking? just like the clip retard
>>5777664Do you think I created that clip? It's obviously from some TV broadcast.
>>5774596yes, and the only reason its being brought up now is to drum up support for war against muslim iran
>>5773817i remember reading the narrative in reaction the the initial wave of grooming gang arrests was that asians were a small minority of peado predators with a source to back it up. and if you look at the source it references some other government report. and if you look that up it references some other report.and if you read that it says that asians are probably a minority because the author simply could not believe the actual over representation of asians in the crime statistic police numbers and concluded that there must have been a mistake based on absolutely nothing at all.
>>5777714no but you you converted it into webm for some reason
yawn. I read the statistics. Pakis are just barely overrepresented. Elongated muskrat brought it up to distract from his h1b fiasco
>>5776589>rape gang or gang rape
>>5778063>yawn. I read the statistics. Pakis are just barely overrepresented
>>5774558The UK, obviously.
>>5773867I think one thing regular people could do to fight these rape gangs is to deport all foreigners.
>>5779447>regular people could do to fight these rape gangs is to deport all foreigners.LATEST CSA report link>Pg 38>No Over-representation of paki in CSA>Picrel
>>5773867The mosques have detailed records of all the families around them, they are the ones encouraging targets, that is the root of the problem, but no one touches that subject because of the 'sanctity of religion'The truth is without destroying this ridiculous religion this shit will happen over and over again
>>5773808Can you please tell me what documentaries these are from?
>>5779624>mosques have detailed records of all the families around themShill Kek. No mosque does this. That isn't even a job of a mosque, you would have known as well if you ever had been to a mosque on Friday. Most people don't talk to each other, 95% are stranger to you. Imam gives the sermon then leds the prayer.The only record they may or may not have is regarding donations. Some mosque hand out donation receipts, some don't. These records aren't detailed, as information in such is filled by the person donating himself. The records have only the name and amount donated..
>>5773808the uk is done
"ASIAN" is how cowards in Great Britain reframe and rename Muslim R4pe gangs, so as to shield Muslims from culpability.