Post Random webms and random mp4 thread .mp4 ar OK but webms are encouragedPrevious threads:>>5765436>>5752098New Year's Day edition
>>5773974Fuck, wasn't expecting that.
>>5773970>do you really think that's air that you're not breathing?
>>5773954Not the jannies anyone asked for, but the jannies we need.
>>5773954The cameraman walking backwards
>>5774562is the the one original, the one those ducks are mixed in one? This is the one I like.
>>5774564man, the ediacaran was wild
>>5773950fake and gay
>>5774495somehow, some retard thought this was funny
>>5774772Jews are so fucking stupid
>>5774772>dont do it yourself>hire us insteadoy vey
>>5774772Acidic Jews are the dangerouest
>>5774566Nuh uh! It's fucking real, faggot!
>>5773954fake, the camera is being held sideways
>>5773954yeah all the leaf litter is falling or blowing toward the camera man. none of it going down the "cliff"
>>5776224>"a Palestinian influencer shot a firework into a child's bedroom before he was arrested while trying to leave the country.">"Younes said he had been the victim of racist abuse after social media users told him to leave the country after his stunt.">"Just before his arrest, Younes had told a Bild reporter at the airport that he 'just wanted to celebrate' and that he 'didn't know [the firework] was so dangerous'."
>>5776248>he sacrifices a rook just to take a pawnwhat a shitty player
>>5773954those were all baby sparrows btw
i picked a random .webm from a huuuge folder
>>5776678I love this stupid format.
>>5776250>>5773975>filename claims to be webbum but is actually vastly inferior empeefourwtfman, I can't even reply to all of these misnamed files without 4chan thinking my post is spam
>>5776848Forbidding mass replies was the best thing to happen to this board in a long time.
>>5776851thinking about it you're probably right, but allowing mp4's was the worst
does anyone know where i could find the original or better quality to this one
>>5776615post another?
>>5776841shits crazy
>>5777003I think I will not
>>5776841>>5777005I saw this shit on the Ocean Ranger, nightmare fuel.
>>5776975Cool one, is that Constantinople?
>>5777124Thanks, pure horrorPetrobras 36Alexander L. KiellandAban PearlPiper AlphaDeepwater HorizonMumbai High North
Not really random, don't have anywhere else to post it.Of all things a devlog intro looked too damn good to be confined, so now it's snipped and put here.
>>5778580The hell is with their underwhelming reaction? That kid would probably die if such a thing happened.
>>5776250fake and gay
>>5779003What's that?
>>5773948What a fag. I'd break his other arm if I saw this shit.
>>5779002My favorite moment of Gates's life!
>>5779352If Rem looked like that I would've dropped the entire show.
does anyone have the webm of one of these dog-agility contests but it's the poorly drawn sonic shooped in?
Guys I’d love to have a webm or mp4 of this scene in Platoon that starts at 34:00 and goes 90 seconds.Been a while since I made one and never was good at it. Would someone make it for me? Or tell me how to do it myself the easiest way? My concern is that I’d have to download the whole movie. I don’t even know how to do that without finding a torrent instead of this link.
>>5779192poor choom forgot to update his cyberdeck in time
Anyone know the song?
>>5776247the patience of the hunter on display here. took the inside route anytime he could, while they prey went wide.
>>5775569More of these please
>>5773942bobby's checkmate
>>5776678Redpill me on the brutal maturation machines
>>5780064It came from another bullshit testimony a jew gave as a memoir, people were supposedly masturbated to death. What a way to die, horrible. Look at that cat face !
>>5780063He makes a good point. I don't care if somebody has almost every trait in common with me. If I see somebody doing horrible things like child abuse, mass extortion, or financial enslavement, I think they deserve prison and hard labor at bare minimum, and firing squad at most. The only thing stopping me from saying it in most online places is the strict rules and narrative shaping bullshit. Out in the rest of the world, I say it flat out.I actually got a chance to show a Jew all of the atrocities that other Jews had committed, and he wouldn't budge an inch. He wouldn't condemn a single one.
>>5780098>I actually got a chance to show a Jew all of the atrocities that other Jews had committed, and he wouldn't budge an inch. He wouldn't condemn a single one.If you do the exact thing about what my ancestors have done or actually do, I would laugh at your stupidity. Since you don't history by yourself, it's completely irrelevant. I think Fisher is confused here, because the jewish interviewer turned that question to skip his response for the jewish lobby, he was shut down rapidly. Tricky jew.
>>5780550>>5779187it's from a shitty film called emilia perez. it's about a trans mexican cartel boss. it won a golden globe for some reason.
>>5780688no one forestands what you meaning
>>5780698Yes that do man
>>5780109I'm not talking ancestors. I'm talking about living, breathing pieces of shit.