Previous thread: >>5760973
>>5774609>>5774611>>5774991>>5775191Stop shitting in the thread with low quality posts
Iruma s3 ED?
If anyone has the Gundam IBO openings 1-3, please share and my life is yours. TY.
Anyone did the new shangri la OP and ED yet?
>>5776982It's 2025.
someone post the first yozakura family op
does anyone have Nande Koko ni Sensei ga!?
>>5779271that was quickthank you very much
>>5778493thanks, very comfy OP
Fresh off the press
>>5780198No credit version
>>5780469so fucking baddo you have the old ones?
>>5780622Only this one and the Evol ones
>>5780759Yeah, that's the one.