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what kind of psycho make videos like these?
The first one is from the British TV show "Hollyoaks". There is an incel chud character named Eric. He hates janitors and enjoys blackpill incel ideology. He also carries around a folder containing images. All of this is canon to the show and I'm not kidding. There is no exaggeration.
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I work at an exotics shop and wrench on McLarens frequently (they are enormous piles of badly built shit) and they definitely have the highest incidence of new money incel fag owners out of any of the major "supercar" brands. You can safely assume any McLaren owner is a closet homo.
Slav/jew/hapa mongrels
>>5775347 (OP)
He was so handsome
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score: 4/7 deadly sins

with sound
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What cars do old money people typically drive? My guess would be Lexus and Mercedes mostly
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this shit is what normies think incels are.
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I don't care what some psycho killer says.

Post real feels only true incels will understand
this was the norm less than 30 years ago. they took this from us.
I got my first gf when I was 18 and only experienced a few months of "teenage love".

There's nothing like it. I love my wife and kids, but that feeling you have with your first girlfriend, you're fucking like rabbits and going out and having fun is just something else. it's breathing taking nostalgia.

I truly believe that if you didn't experience teenage love, you're going to be a sour adult.
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very sad thread
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kek isn't this that guy from /tv/
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Marc Lépine, Saint of Montreal
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Anyone got the gif of that kid who is video taping himself walking down a school hallway with an evil face on? He shoulder checks a kid while he is doing it?
Life ain’t fair, and loser’s experiences are forgotten. There were loser before the internet that never experienced love, and there will be plenty more after. You’re just another fucking loser. Nothing was taken from you because nothing was owed to you. You just have to get lucky, and you ain’t lucky. Also your endless bitching, and moaning won’t change the fact you’re a loser it only makes it evident to anyone who happens to hear it. Fuck you, and your goddamn misdirected spite at the world when you’re the one that decides to keep on living in it.
how the fuck did ""THEY"" find this videos of me??
I literally do this ALL DAY!! please stop mocking my BLACK PILL IDEOLOGY DOT COM
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It used to be different retard
Never said it wasn’t different. You’re just making up an easily disprovable point because you can’t disprove what was stated about the fact people like you have always existed, and life is all about luck. You belong in the waste bin of history, and a literal waste bin you complete, and total fucking loser.
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Mutsuo Toi (movie: Village of Doom)
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Another gem
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Fox News approves.
Anyone else think this dude kinda looks like a young Joe Rogan?
Nope lol. I see no resemblance.
Seung-Hui Cho was a kissless virgin btw.
>it's all your le fault
No one is at fault for your shitty lot in life you’re just unlucky. You’re just unable to deal with the fact your life was misbegotten from the start, but it wasn’t anyones fault it’s just the way things are. It’s just who you are a fucking loser who can’t comprehend it because you’re just so fucked already.
>No one is at fault
except society
Society is literally a concept so how it can bear responsibility for your specific circumstance is an ill conceived perspective. Your existence came about through an inconceivable amount of events, and conditions. Your existence isn’t made from any conscious decision on anyones part that can bear fault. You just want someone, or something to blame so you can feel less responsible for the way your life is. All in all you’re a coward, and a fraud. You blame a man made concept for your failings, and yet still confined yourself to it despite your assertion it’s existence oppresses you. Fucking Loser!
If a butterfly on the other side of the world flapped its wings things would have turned out differently, blame the butterfly
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dunno if incel but this guy has that kino supreme gentleman aura
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Nice one.

Saint of Oregon
This is the first time I've seen someone who's honest regarding this topic

Suifuel but still much better than lying.
i miss him so much bros
>>5775347 (OP)
Ewwww what is this mutt? If I looked like this I'd go postal and kill myself. Gross.
>>5775347 (OP)
Eerrrr I'm a hapa and I just got hit on by a blonde milf yesterday in a bar??? Does it mean I am incel???
nigger you cant tell me i didnt try. I fuckin tried. I bit the curb more times than i can count and I'm still an angry virgin. I did everything I could to prevent this but it still came to be. FUCK.
hey, does anyone here have the Forever Young Elliot Rodger video? I used to watch it every day when I was a kid and I lost the USB I kept it on.
No. You should've gotten her number or something, though.
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Song pls
you - m1v

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h3QmteKLg_s [Embed]
They're clearly closer to reality than anybody here would care to admit.
>>5775347 (OP)
Rodgers looked like one of those queer guys who just can't admit to himself that he wants to suck cock, and blames women for not wanting him when they all picked him up on their gaydar. Just look at him, he looks like he's wearing makeup.
>one of those queer guys who just can't admit to himself that he wants to suck cock
Projection at its finest. LOL
He looks like a slightly burnt potato. The weak-ass violin music is drowning out his nasally voice. Even his hair is fleeing from his head. He can some get what he wants except for pussy. Incels cope in the funniest fucking ways.
Yeah they would have beaten the shit out of you and mocked you instead of just mocking you. Things are actually better for you than they used to be.
Here we have the incel who can't accept that he is responsible for never knowing the touch of a woman.
No I'm honest that I want to suck cock. Surprisingly enough no one really cares. If Rodgers could admit that or actually be introspective, then he might have been able to get laid.
Well, you're a faggot so your opinion is automatically worthless.
Cope harder.
File: Seung-Hui Cho Edit 2.webm (5.79 MB, 1280x720)
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go to bed boomer
I'm gen z you failed male incel. Get some pussy why dontcha?
>I'm gen z
[x] doubt
Holy fucking shit the cope is insane.
Incel. Get laid sometime, it's pretty good.
I wonder if it ever occurred to him that having good musculature and body is one of the most important things you can have in your life just for yourself. A supercar is nice but it's temporary and can be sold/crashed/traded/whatever. Your body is there with you start to finish, and if it comes to a fight or anything needing physical prowess, no amount of money is going to save you if you cant save yourself.
Thank you anon
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Cool edit but he wasn't incel. He even had a gf on the day of the shooting.
You're just a fucking retard.
imagine killing some random innocent children instead of killing government officials
nigga wat
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They weren't children and they weren't innocent.
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Hardest (Marc Lépine) edit to ever exist
Shit, forgot to remove pronouns lol.
Anyone got more of this guys vids?

Released on YouTube:

Unreleased (obtained via FOIA):
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Was this the guy who committed suicide?
i commend the manufacturer of the chair she's sitting on.
>blames women
Look, if you put these words together in a sentence, your entire theology is flimsy and bullshit.
nah, this is
What's the song?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6dz481Zv3KQ [Embed]
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i never experienced "teenage love" and i am not a sour adult (31 yo virigin), it depends entirely on how mentally strong you are, in my case, i am a bastion
You just have negativity bias nigga you should love yourself NOW
>>5775347 (OP)
200X incel looks high T chad by todays standards
i just dont see the point in this there is no anthing in going after unarmed people. I have always sort of want to be in this siutation as the hunted - and take down the hunter or die, it like I could just let go and do exactly what I want to do.
giving a single fuck about a woman ever, even once.
Also can you send the full version as a catbox.moe link?
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Turkishcel killed a random woman lol
Song please
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>>5775347 (OP)
I'm just lonely, bros...

Agreed, I'm in the same shoes with the difference I started at 17 and the caveat being I never came from the sex (had to stop prematurely every single time so I won't risk getting her knocked up) so technically I never fucked her properly in the 2 years we were together but it was truly a genuine experience and the only time I can say someone liked me for who I was (besides my parents). This was in 2009, last relationship I had was in 2014 and it was a pale shadow, a very cheap imitation by comparison. Girl's age was perfect too (started at 15, for the Americans reading this the age of consent was 14 at the time, even now it's still at 16 after they raised it) but it was too late from a socio-cultural standpoint, the difference just a few years made was insane and never got along with anyone else since. (doesn't help I was already going bald in my teens). Now I'm 34 and with the start of this year it's been 11 years since I even touched another woman, I'm oddly at peace and somehow would feel more like a burden to get into a relationship again even if the woman in question was the perfect 11/10 virgin tradwife, I'm simply too detached, it feels like a different reality I was never truly part of, just like a dream.
Don't know honestly.
I'm taking Prozac and I genuinely don't feel a need to find a gf anymore. I think it's also a serotonin issue.
Is that a school map for gmod?
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This guy is a retard. We don't claim him.
Got anymore of this guy?
it's not over until you start balding and treatment won't work for you.
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>>5775347 (OP)
I remember hearing about this massacre, except in real life he used a Remington 11 shotgun.
Is the movie any good?
looks retarded doing that stupid chewing all the time
Yeah. It has sex scenes at first, though. If you want to see the massacre, skip to 1:16:44.

You can watch the movie here, anon:

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Was he one of us?
nta it's more dependent on location but here Outbacks and Highlander Hybrids are extremely popular. Most popular Mercedes is the E-Class wagon but it's a distant third.
Wait didn't he troon out? I think that's him
His neck itch tick he has going on is giving me anxiety.
Wtf is this? QRD?
Shool shooting massacre in Sweden yesterday with 11 killed (so far). That guy recorded himself hiding in the bathroom throughout the shooting. The cops after searching him, decide he is not the shooter and tell him to lock the door again and stay there
That's hardcore, thanks Anon!
Whitest Swede
Maybe he needs a haircut
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I just upvoted your comment :)
That Cher clip is always taken out of context
https://youtu.be/EAl5A7l-nuk?si=8f0_N-vg64S3ZDeT [Embed]
This is actually decent
More real-life father figures, less influencer slop
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>>5775347 (OP)
>(Kavinsky's Night Caller intensifies)
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femcels represent
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mewing or natty?
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>>5775347 (OP)
Whoa, what the fuck? Even the police in Sweden need a special permit to carry firearms. How the fuck did a Swedish civilian get ahold of one there?
Pretty crazy that this happened in Australia but would have even been considered a big shooting in the USA. 35 dead.
What song is this? Sounds like one of Negative xp's
Looks like its someone way more edgy
At what point did 4chan turn against virgins? They were, and probably still are, a large part of the userbase.

Hell, on SA (and many other forums when they used to exist), sexlessness was the norm so much so that people used to post
any time someone mentioned they had a gf, all the time.

>but anon we're talking about "incels"
The way the word is bandied about, it seems like it includes all virgins.
Just finished watching the whole movie, thanks for the link anon. It was worth the build up to the massacre.
He'd go from incel to pussy heaven if he just dated his own race.
No problem. Glad you enjoyed it.
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>demoralization thread
Hope has arrived, for now I am here!!
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it's deradicalization shills. They have noticed that incels (in the true meaning) have dangerous destructive potential and are trying to keep them from having safe spaces where they could affirm each other
based take
wifejak is such terrible garbage
its not a clownworld just because we're subjected to test and they're not.
our libido is on crack + rocket fuel due to this, theres isn't. Supply and demand is in effect.
the answer isn't to blame them, its to engineer some fucking chemical relief from the constant noise and regain some control.

that way we can go about ignoring them all
Kony 2012
What's the context of that webm?
It's literally been over a fucking decade, why is wojak still around and SO FAR removed from his initial "feels bad man"?
>it's deradicalization shills.
The what shills?
>why is wojak still around and SO FAR removed from his initial "feels bad man"?
there was a pause on OC around the time that phoneposters got online.
they can't create, only consume. before they came along, OC was a constant cycle, new things replaced old, and pepe/wojack would have been supplanted.
This wasn't organic by any means, the content creators in tv/movie fucken hated PC popularity, and pushed for consumption only devices like phones/tablets
Who's this guy?
/r9k/ classic
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Ecole Polytechnique massacre in GMod by True Crime Archives

Sorry, didn't see your post.

Yea, it is. The first scene of him walking is from the docu "Massacre at Virginia Tech" (https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2xwxku). Last pic is him on the autopsy table (https://www.reddit.com/r/masskillers/comments/nzk4xm/nfsw_seunghui_cho_on_the_autopsy_table/).
the modern michel de montaigne
Used a M1 carbine there instead of the mini 14. I used to think that the Mini 14 in Left4Dead (Hunting Rifle) was a M1 back when the game first came out.
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Why incel is used as an insult: https://youtu.be/xw0iKHeKAfQ [Embed]
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Dunno if I posted this before.
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uh shoutout to uh... egg white
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qyao7RtKDpg [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QxuLSkq5i_w [Embed]
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So what would you replace it with smartass. Its more accessible and versatile than pepe, but still simple (so better than AI slop) and allows an endless range of emotions and stereotyped characters
maybe someone would have spent 6 mins in ms paint instead of 3, who knows.
it will never happen again
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heyo I like this guy.
>>5775347 (OP)
This guy wasn't an incel, he was a fucking psychopath, and a useful idiot for the misandrists.
None of these guys are incels, they're just grifters, psychos and wastes of meat.
knower. to anyone reading this, i used to wallow in the misery of the doomer and incel threads on 4chan and wasted the best years of my life. i was fucking addicted to negative emotions, it was all i knew in my shitty childhood, even after my childhood was over i just lived with regret and anger thinking that i'm weak, annoying, unlovable freak. every moment i didnt spend hating myself or hating the world, i had to spend distracting myself with vidya, porn and consooming shit that made me angry and miserable. i hated entire groups of people so intensely, people who i never met. what you are experiencing will consume you to such an effect that when you reach that crisis point (near death experience, loss of family, suicidal thoughts) in you will finally understand what me and this anon is communicating
it didnt. you are living a fantasy
it's not your fault, like 99.999% of suffering on this planet. you havent reached that rock bottom yet, where you are forced to accept that inequality simply exists and that you have to change your mind
I'd still send him nudes anyway, I hate myself.
Nvm, found it.

siouxxie - ketamine (slowed + reverb)

https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=WTt0TLykZLA [Embed]
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Thank you
Throw my hat into the ring here for devils advocate, bringing in some white pills. I (((experienced))) teenage love, and while it was an interesting memory I will always look back on, your best years are absolutely ahead of you. You'd have to be absolutely retarded to think otherwise. Teenage love is clumsy, traumatic, and can otherwise solidify or destroy what someone's outlook on what a healthy relationship can look like, for many, many years following. I fawned over one girl for 5 years, ended up dating her for probably a few weeks, and then she broke it off with me. It devastated me to no end. My subsequent relationships were with gold diggers, drug addicts, and emotional / physical abusers. I'm a man, by the way. That being said, dating when you have some emotional maturity, a disposable income, and the ability to be picky is such a fucking breath of fresh air. You're no longer limited to geographic location like you were when you're a teenager. You're not just dating someone because you live next to each other.

Unlike teenage love, you have the ability to find someone totally compatible with you and your life experiences. You can find anyone you want, who shares all of your hobbies, is as smart or as retarded as you, is autistic like you, works in the same field, has no job, wants to be a mom, doesn't want to be a mom, likes sex as much you, or hates it, or whatever, there's so many women on this planet that you can't even conceive it. Honestly. The idea that experienced all that love has to offer in a fleeting sand grain moment during the ages of 15-16 is an absolutely braindead idea. If anything, you can look back on that and cringe at how you thought that was as good as it was going to get. A good woman in your life will enrich you in ways you can't even begin to imagine. She will lift you up, be your rock, love you beyond compare, unconditionally, wholeheartedly, with the assurance that you need, you just gotta find the right girl.
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What was this troon in jail for?
nah, my dick is big enough, i don't need to compensate
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LHT4GeMxdj0 [Embed]
You make it sound so easy. Even semi-attractive dudes have it rough out there, there's not that many decent women around anymore
who knew a wicker basket could hold up a car
Honestly awkward / aspie girls aren't really cute or endearing. They're just as annoying as their male counterparts. If you disagree you're probably autismo yourself
If they're decent looking they may be worth a fuck tho
the fucking skull emoji hahahah xD
the reaction wasn't
i am not mad anymore
i realized it
>sex offender
Of course
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kill yourself, sodomite
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Join the dark side.
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Lady Gaga - Government Hooker (D00nik Remix)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hce0yF8vgts [Embed]
A song literally only 14 years old. Anyone old enough to be here was not only alive but actively participating in pop culture when that album was dominating public media. It's not possible for anyone to seriously not recognize Lady Gaga's work.
Explain how 4 year olds can actively participate in pop culture.
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>Finns are whi-
Whiter than you, Ranjeet.
Wait I was expecting a happy ending to that story. At least you're honest. Losers aren't losers because they sit at home playing vidya, watching porn, and engaging in online friend simulators, they're doing it to distract themselves from not being Chad. These no risk but low reward activities have no barrier to entry like having to be accepted based on your SMV. Chad of course has more options and can have more meaningful experiences like traveling the world meeting new people and getting blowjobs from random girls.
Who is this guy, and what did he do?
That's Pekka Eric Auvinen. He's a finnish School Shooter

File: gay sex Sun Tzu.webm (3.89 MB, 480x486)
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with the postmodern times where onlyfans models make more money than all of NBA, where "situationships" are an unironic thing, it's hard to be optimistic as you oldfags.
Globalization isn't as great as you think it is
From the moment I understood the weakness of chads, it disgusted me. I craved the strength and certainty of mgtow. I aspired to the purity of the blessed incel. Your kind cling to your harem as if it will not betray and fail you. One day the crude biomass you call a woman will leave you and you will beg my kind to save you. But I am already saved. For the incel is immortal.
Where's the st hamudi, ITV, savvyguy ect ect? Your all a bunch of fakecels lol. I know you fags want to post Elliot but its getting repetitive.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aUcSoTiymbI [Embed]

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=46LnPPxpvF4 [Embed]
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today this guy would get millions of followers and live in a fucking mansion with a personal harem
truly a visionary of a more decrepit state of humanity
he was ahead of his time
people get fucked over before they can count to ten all the time, anon
it doesn't need to be that way, but for psychopaths slaving endeavors
your "luck" is simply an expression of your severe lack of knowledge and rationality
I pity you, for if not for the weak masses, evil would hold no power over this world
he wouldn't
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the fuck? delete this video of me asap
Well personally I'm into Rimac but if I'm minted and find out where you live I'll pull up in a McLaren of my choosing and rev just outside your place for 2-3 minutes.
>nothing was owed to you.
So... we owe nothing to others ?
Sounds like your justifying ER's action
Song ?
link to this remix?
Washing Machine Heart - Mitski

https://youtu.be/3vjkh-acmTE?si=scQDW1XZ585Z4Ovv [Embed]
Old money usually either pick cars that will only appreciate or brands they have a history with. Pre-war cars, Bentleys, Cadillacs, and pre-Tata Jags. Though, they rarely drive themselves. Lincoln Navigators, Audi Q8's, Lexus and Bentley SUV's are usually their choice to get driven in, from my experience.
I have a bunch of "enthusiast" cars in the driveway, so every fag with a modified shitbox that sees me outside wrenching on them rev bombs every time they pass my place. You wouldn't be the only one, I'd just assume you're also gay.
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Full vid?

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