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>autistic sensitive
>owns a dog
either liar or stupid, maybe both
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what an absolute piece of shit this dude filming is. what a cunt.
we just had this thread and you're posting identical webms from that same thread
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almost made me cry dude. i know that feeling
fuck wagies
well yeah, he's black
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Imagine being this rich, indulged, and detached. Meanwhile, the Machine and its agents continue to devour young adults with autism without reprieve for another day, tomorrow.

First girl in this video is the closest to truth.
People fucking hate you. Not a goddamn thing you can do about it. Doesn't matter how nice you dress (that might make it worse), how well you speak (that might also make it even worse), or how well composed you are (guess what: WORSE).

REMEMBER: It's not you. It's everyone else.
FIND EACH OTHER. Give the same consideration to Spectrum people as other races would do to their own. We can identify each other wordlessly.
Keep your chin up, king.
probably just so stupid she believes whatever she's told about herself by other people (ala almost every interaction on the internet at this point in time for 18-24 year olds)
>Not a goddamn thing you can do about it.
you could channel your autism into being able to read the fucking room, you fucking retard
>hmm people don't seem to like it when i sperg the fuck out
why is the thought process now not "maybe i should try not doing that" instead of "i should just continue to do the thing that makes people hate me"

that's the only reason why autistic people are disliked. and personally i blame the retarded parents for lying to them telling them they're fucking special and they don't need to fucking change for their entire life. there' nothing wrong with having a few quirks or whatever, but if you literally can not connect the dots about how people perceive you and the way you act not being appropriate, and then not trying to change it whatsoever, you deserve to be hated no matter who you are

reminder that we're talking about autistic people, they're not mentally retarded. most of these people are very light on this "spectrum", and yet most of them use being autistic as a crutch for being socially retarded because they think they have no control over it, when in very many cases they do, it's just that they're fed a bunch of fucking bullshit by people online about how they literally have zero control.
>People fucking hate you. Not a goddamn thing you can do about it. Doesn't matter how nice you dress (that might make it worse), how well you speak (that might also make it even worse), or how well composed you are (guess what: WORSE).
Jesus, that hit personally home.
Whenever I get better people hate me even more for a reason.
>you could channel your autism into being able to read the fucking room, you fucking retard
If you assholes would speak up instead of giving secret hints that only half of the populace can understand, we could "read the room."
Maybe not make hating people that are not like you your whole personality.
> when i sperg the fuck out
Nope, instead people get nagry when I am calm, and when I was on this not controlling my sperging outs, people would find me interesting instead. Now that I am more calm and in control, people hate me out of the blue. For some goddamn reason.
>they think they have no control over it
Yes, when people hate you just because you act a bit different from them, you have no control over their situation. You are an awful piece of sh*t.
And you know what is annoying? People don't want you to see you successful for some reason; when you get successful in anything, people get more distant from you.
People just want you see you helpless and dependent on you for some reason, instead of being a person on his own.
>If you assholes would speak up instead of giving secret hints
if you have the power to notice the most minute details of sonics entire biology, you have the power to notice fine details in body language of other human beings. you just need to channel your focus from one useless thing to something that would actually benefit you.
>instead people get nagry when I am calm
a lack of emotional input in a conversation can be perceived as an inappropriate and apathetic response. almost every single normal human being on the planet puts a bit of emotion and expression into the way that they talk regardless of how mundane the topic is. if you are sitting there acting like ryan gosling from fucking drive not everyone is going to find you fucking mysterious and attractive. in fact most people will feel the opposite.
>when people hate you just because you act a bit different from them, you have no control over their situation.
so don't. you could be autistic about emulating other people so fucking well that no one would know how autistic you actually are. but you don't. you can, absolutely, but you don't. and you probably won't, because you're so blackpilled already that you're sitting here coping about how it's out of your control.

you fucking nigger. do you not think normal, non autistic people don't deal with this exact same fucking thing when they're developing themselves into full on adults too? the difference between a winner and a loser, regardless of who they are comes down to two things: understanding an adapting, and self confidence. you can't just have one, you need both. i don't care who the fuck you are.

if you sit here in front of me and use you being autistic as an excuse for why you have no life, no bitches, no social circle, etc etc, instead of actually fucking TRYING to appear even somewhat normal, you have a coping loser mentality and you need to fucking get good. you being autistic can literally be an advantage.
It's why we've got to be good to one another. We can spot each other, and I know you know what I'm talking about. We have an obligation to be kind to lower-functioning people, and compare notes/strategies with peers of similar function. I firmly believe this quirk transcends race, ethnicity, socioeconomic background and intellect.

Nobody can accept "us" like we can. As we age, it's important to mentor the next generation of people with autism, too.
Don't take the bait, anon. It's them, not us. We can control for every variable in our power (and we should), but we will always be "different" to neurotypical people for reasons they may never be able to explain or describe. It's they who are suited to a broken world, not us.

Find each other. Help each other. Work quietly but earnestly.
this is a prime example of why people don't like you.
fuck off typic
this is just a normal kid being a kid
nope autism
I don't really think so lad, I think you are just punching down at these poor sods to make yourself feel better.
An autist and a bong. This guy got the short end of the stick.
>blah blah she's sensitive to overheating
That's a thyroid thing
See how you go out of your way to hurt others at every turn? That's a sign of deep self discomfort and insecurity. I'm not even an autist or a bong, but the fact that you go out of your way to attack people you think are like that, you must be one sad little man. Destruction is all the weak willed man who cannot create knows.
>autists: "we're immune to propagada"
>also autists: *troon*
Why are you using Bing words then? Genuinely curious.
Because I can? I will appropriate culture for the lolz.
It's cringe to talk like a bongoloid whether you're from that miserable rock or not.
Just so you know. I've got your back ;)
should have beat the shit out of him for filming.
>why is the thought process now not "maybe i should try not doing that" instead of "i should just continue to do the thing that makes people hate me"

Autistic individuals are completely self absorbed and can't read the room. Not saying everyone of them is like that but most genuinely can not see beyond their needs rather than the needs of others.
Innit bruv? Oi u fakkin wat? I will continue even if you find it cringe, because it's funny to me. Even better if it makes people project the entirely wrong image of who I am
>I have lost two friends today because of this election
So they offed themselves then. Sounds like autism
elections don't kill people
trannies do.
oh i think about this video sometimes. guy was clearly having a bad day and then puts EVEN more pressure on someone who was, quite obviously, on the verge of an emotional breakdown.
this nigga needed a hug not niggers hassling him.
>why did you get mad and hit the computer!?!
>... because i have mental he-
>i'mma show you on camera!!!!! alright!?!?
see this is what i was talking about. guy just didn't fucking need a nigger hassling him on top of whatever else he was going through.
Let's make that 3!
why do you care if other people dont like you?
just move on nigga whwo gives a shit
What a refined man. I aim to employ such verbosity within my own writings throughout 4chan and so it is with great respect harbored towards such gentlemen that i bid him, and you, the fondest of good nights. Fare well Anonymous.
>I'm highly anxious and overwhelmed
>Let me film it and share it with strangers
>Oh, I almost forgot to get naked for strangers on the internet today, good thing I was so anxious and overwhelmed, otherwise I wouldn't have an excuse to get naked on camera
I can bullshit. Before you ask, yeah, I'm autistic. I used to feel these ways before I trained myself to be better. When I did actually feel like this, the idea of sharing it with literally anyone was mortifying and shameful.
This is just another normie woman looking for attention. Guaranteed.
anyone have the pupil of the week one
>>Yes, when people hate you just because you act a bit different from them, you have no control over their situation. You are an awful piece of sh*t.
have you tried not acting a bit different from them?
bing obsessed with birds and being able to mimic their sounds so well that you enter the talent show to show everyone how cool your bird sounds are......is normal?
pussy nigga had that camera on him so he could cry to the police
>kid knows a lot about and gets enjoyment from a real and timeless topic and has developed a talent that he and other people enjoy. Will probably become a based avian expert that gets invited into schools to do this routine for classes
>derives joy from mocking and trying to create misery in others like a cartoonish villain and sees no issue with that. Will create sadness and drama wherever life shits him out for hollow and temporary amusement.
Being able to perfectly mimic animal sounds is a legitimately impressive talent. For hunters, it is very useful.
seems like i worded my reply poorly
the kid is extremely talented and i think the anon i was replying to was downplaying that skill by calling it 'normal' when its really next level
Haha I'm sorry I judged you, it reads like a snide character from mean girls or something (not that i've seen a movie like that...).
I think with happy but unusual people, people can either enjoy what they have to offer and potentially create a legend like Steve Irwin, or can just stamp them down and create another Chris-Chan (an extreme example) for a cheap and soul-poisoning laugh. Like, you could have just watched some Mr. Bean and had a laugh at that instead and there'd be one less sad tranny around.
1st time on the internet?
hello, reality here.
half of the reason or more is because you're a bitch. an entitled, childish, bitch.
>REMEMBER: It's not you. It's everyone else.
when i first read about everything people on the spectrum do i did what i could to correct it.
struggle with eye contact? look at people's eyes if they're addressing me or we are talking to eachother.
cant pick up social cues? never make myself the subject and empathize with others around me.
if the mood dying, make sure im not the reason before trying to brighten things. if i am then sincerely apologize and signal my exit from the group/conversation.
if not then stick around especially if i like the people in the group.
people on the spectrum troon out?
dont. changing who you are biologically will only fuck you up more than you already are, live with what you are and treat yourself nice. you'll feel like shit if you look bad but put in work and others will notice, especially you.
If i get a nice haircut and wear my contact lenses people smile when they see me smile.
i learned most of these in high school but i wish the best for people still struggling into adulthood.
just makes me believe even more that she's faking it
Holy shit a civil, level-headed autist that actually tries to fit in even with their issues. Normally I say to put all autists in camps but you aight, you can stay with us. God bless.
she never had autism to begin with shamalamayan_plot_twist.wav
all good it was supposed to be snarky at the anon who downplayed his skill for sure but not at the talent
unusual people are great and are way more interesting
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Lesbians are funny
she belongs on a meat hook
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brave teacher protecting bullies
Based black wtf?
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Women with autism!
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fake food autism "illness"
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nvm I posted the wrong webm....I thought I had it saved...
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She isn't nearly as attractive as she thinks she is
>social anxiety
>posts this shit online
>no lonely autistic gf
it's not fair...
>some people don't like us because be are autistic
Isn't having someone dislike you something common to just about every human being?
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>Too autistic and anxious to do most things outside
>Not too autistic or anxious to go outside in a bra and panties in the snow and dance for thousands of people online to see
Kill that nigger wtf

He shouldn't be employed
Islam is right about women.
lesbro's have their moments
heh i have no friends and havent for a while
am i autistic?
And somehow it's the US fault that the Taliban took over? MSM would never show the world the reality of the situation.
Based black man knows not to put up with white fragility, not even being ironic
I have a hard time believing diagnosed autists use social media
Im glad i was only diagnosed as an adult because it forced me to adapt. Some of the issues are still there but i can actually function in a society.
All that text and effort, and all you accomplished was reinforcing anon's original points.
Your advice boils down to simply pretending to be something you're not. Live a lie and pray you never slip up.

I do not care if you are right. I have lived in the way you describe. It was torture.
I would rather live and die alone than wear that mask again.
It's quirky, that doesn't make it autistic.
It's def cooler than sitting at home doing nothing
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Now whenever I fantasize about having a cute sperg gf with the same interests as me I'll remember the mouthbreathing retarded women in this thread. Fuck you OP.
Well, they hate me and I hate them too. We're on equal terms. At least, I can do other things than bothering socialising with other "human" beings.
t. Assburger
based kid
Brb, buying a Mini Cooper
Autistic women don't exist. The same problems just develop into either histrionic or borderline personality disorder.
If you want companionship, you might as well just embrace the gay. Or accept the loneliness.
She probably doesn't have a lot of those things, she's just been heavily psychologized. Or it's made up as the red flags (which are present) point very much to other things.
She's attractive *enough* though, which is the relevant metric when understanding this kind of female behaviour.
I'm willing to overlook most of this due to her being sexually attractive.

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