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Notice 100% of this clip--from a "scientist" includes not a single piece of evidence, nor an argument based on science about the shape of the earth.
All globie arguments are done by literal government-paid 'anti disinformation' shills, and they are all social shaming based influence operations. They aren't trying to convince anyone of anything except to train you to mock and ridicule flat earth because the moment you attempt to make an argument based on the evidence, the poverty of your position becomes clear.
Social shaming, i.e. attacks that seek to paint the other side as being low-value socially are tradecraft of social engineering.
All arguments that avoid the merits of the discussion to attack someone as stupid, or uneducated, or any other character based attack, means that side of the argument is favored by the regime and should be rejected on that basis alone.
And to demonstrate that point, having now just classified all opposition to flat earth as being done by glowniggers, allow me to buttress those claims by addressing the actual claim central to the dispute.
The only way to test the shape of the earth, is to test the shape of the earth, that is to measure the actual physical properties of what is beneath our feet.
You can do this test many ways but all return the same result; there is no measurable curve.
Being able to see too far absolutely obliterates the globe without any recovery.
There is no explanation in the standard model to make up for the observation in vid rel.
The most common deflection tactic is to blame it on refraction--because people tend not to know much about refraction--but in this case refraction would have to bend light over a mile and that is simply not possible in our atmosphere.
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that's a piece of jewish media using a jewish woman to do what jews have always done, attempt to drive a wedge between man and God.
Gravity has never worked. It literally cannot be used to simulate the standard model.
the only thing we know about gravity is that it's wrong.
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this person being an 'astronaut' is among the best evidence that NASA is satanic and engaged in something approximating a humiliation ritual.
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Why was globe earth invented in the first place?

The same reason they invented evolution. Specifically to give a plausible-seeming explanation for creation without reference to God.

Without evolution you would believe it's self evident that we have a creator.
Likewise, without gravity/space it would seem beyond argument that we live within the creation of a loving God.

Modern scientism seeks above all to separate you from God.
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Jack Parsons avowed Satanist and father of American rocketry
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pt 7
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why would NASA even have a 'lead engineer for VR'?
and why would that person be some spic who can't even speak English without a thick spiccent?

vidrel pt8
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pt 9 of 9
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>All globie arguments are done by literal government-paid 'anti disinformation' shills, and they are all social shaming based influence operations.
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>space is as fake and gay as Islamic terrorism
these are facts
absolute facts.
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>Earth is flat
>prove that you can have night
Flerfers are really defeated by one real life concept, night
Why is it always satan yhis and satan that with you people. Why cant you just accept objective truths and keep your faggy cult to yourselves
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>Why is it always satan yhis and satan that with you people.
really is a mystery
Is that a man wtf
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>Is that a man wtf
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gg no re
lol it's funny that you're so wrong you're now just making counterfeit shitty FE content.
Thats a solid lens, though. The atmosphere wouldnt refract light in this way
What is it with american blacks being so overly aggressive? Is it the lack of fathers? Probably that's the case
This guy is exactly like one of those israelite clowns standing at the street corner shouting "we wuz da real jooz" seeking conflict with others and for no other reason. So easily idoctrinated, i can see why people like OP make for good shock troops and gang members as cannon fodder.
He has no other operating mode outside of seeking conflict, sad really. He'll hopefully grow out of it in a few years and realize he's just living to spite others and it does no good for him. Nothing we can do rn until he hits rock bottom
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did you forget what I wrote? night destroys flat earth.
someone please please post the video of the 60 year old looking guy in his kitchen trying to explain flat earth while his wife walks by and says "I'm so tired of this shit"
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>Thats a solid lens, though.
uh huh
>The atmosphere wouldnt refract light in this way
what if there was a massive, glass-like dome over the earth?
>did you forget what I wrote? night destroys flat earth.
except I showed you that you're wrong.
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>someone please please post the video of the 60 year old looking guy in his kitchen trying to explain flat earth while his wife walks by and says "I'm so tired of this shit"
omg that one's funny
>what if there was a massive solid dome over the earth
Then it wouldnt refract like this either. Light refracts differently between different mediums
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>Then it wouldnt refract like this either.
what shape is the lens?
>Light refracts differently between different mediums
big if true.
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>posts tracking link and fisheye video
wow very pathetic and weak.
you show a lens something we can see and test. unless you can show proof of lens on top of earth you are just pretending.
I love this video, it shows how the horizon is way below normal in simulation but balloons all point to the horizon. instead of fixing simulation to represent reality he just starts spouting nonsense.
Also the horizon is concave in that video showing that flerfers cannot actually use their eyes and see when the line is straight or not.
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>you show a lens something we can see and test
can you see and test the curvature?
>unless you can show proof of lens on top of earth you are just pretending.
if the earth were encapsulated like that, how would one photograph it?
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>it shows how the horizon is way below normal in simulation
so you're saying the horizon always rises to eye level?
isn't supposed to curve down?
>instead of fixing simulation to represent reality
Actually all simulations use a flat earth, every game ever made, FE cosmology, all the flight simulators use a flat earth, etc.
>Also the horizon is concave in that video showing that flerfers cannot actually use their eyes and see when the line is straight or not.
why is that relevant?
if you were an ant on that little piece of paper you would still see that light source even when in the "night" section
>can you see and test the curvature?
>if the earth were encapsulated like that, how would one photograph it?
this is your claim, I will try and figure out your problem for you. you made this bed now sleep in it
i love how flatheads post balloon videos but the second you ask them to watch any video or even livestreamed video of something going higher they start screaming
>aahhhh it's CGI im going insaaane
>so you're saying the horizon always rises to eye level?
>isn't supposed to curve down?
exactly the opposite is what I'm saying.
>Actually all simulations use a flat earth, every game ever made, FE cosmology, all the flight simulators use a flat earth, etc.
didn't ask
>why is that relevant?
shows that the lens is diverging and not rectilinear, meaning fish eye.
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>if you were an ant on that little piece of paper you would still see that light source even when in the "night" section
tell me how seeing the sun at night works.
so do it.
>this is your claim, I will try and figure out your problem for you. you made this bed now sleep in it
I was mocking you I literally attached a video showing weather phenomena interacting with the dome.
don't worry its something you can't do.
>i love how flatheads post balloon videos but the second you ask them to watch any video or even livestreamed video of something going higher they start screaming
when did someone scream that?
how did you know they were screaming?
What goes higher than the Blue Horizons vehicle in that webm?
>exactly the opposite is what I'm saying.
you're saying that no matter how high you go, the horizon will always rise to eye level and thats--you think--proof of a globe?
>didn't ask
It's true.
100% of all games use flat earth. And if you make the game into even an scale earth, it still looks completely weird walking around and it's very obvious it's not the same as reality.
>shows that the lens is diverging and not rectilinear, meaning fish eye.
oh ok, so there will be therefore non-fisheye videos of the curve right?
let me see one.
>so do it.
has been done.
>was mocking you I literally attached a video showing weather phenomena interacting with the dome
no you didn't
>you're saying that no matter how high you go, the horizon will always rise to eye level and thats--you think--proof of a globe?
no. reread.
>It's true.
>oh ok, so there will be therefore non-fisheye videos of the curve right?
there is
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>has been done.
post it
>no you didn't
sure I did see >>5778275
>no. reread.
ok, you seem to say that the globe-earth extrapolation that the horizon should curve away from you isn't consistent with reality, which is true.
you didn't ask?
>there is
may I see it?
>sure I did see >>5778275
ionization sure is pretty don't see how this has anything to do with your claim.
>ok, you seem to say that the globe-earth extrapolation that the horizon should curve away from you isn't consistent with reality, which is true.
>you didn't ask?
false statement.
>may I see it?
you are a truther, you seek the truth about this earth. yet you can't find a very known video on YouTube? you may see it just by using Google.
>post it
see above
Yes, dont believe your lying eyes. Flat earth was created to seperate you from your reason
You cant see the sun at night because it's behind the earth from your perspective
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>tell me how seeing the sun at night works
it doesn't work, on a globe at least... which is my point. There is no night on a flat earth you wank lolol
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>ionization sure is pretty don't see how this has anything to do with your claim.
that's not ionization, they're called red sprites.
>no I can't produce evidence for my claims
that's rough
I can prove my claims though.
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>Yes, dont believe your lying eyes.
my eyes didn't see anything though, and I actually want you to believe what weather balloons show, they always show flat earth if you correct for fisheye.
see >>5778279
>You cant see the sun at night because it's behind the earth from your perspective
so if there was no curve, you'd be able to see the sun even at night right?
>it doesn't work, on a globe at least... which is my point. There is no night on a flat earth you wank lolol
no it totally works, I showed you two different examples of the dome causing light formations that would cause the day night cycle as observed.
see 5778209 & 5778078
your memes are pathetic.
>that's not ionization, they're called red sprites.
red sprites is ionization, it's thunder.
>I can prove my claims though.
you have yet to prove a single claim you made. I don't need to prove anything because my position is default.
You showed two examples of a solid halfball lens, which refracts differently than a dome containing an atmosphere would
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>no it totally works, I showed you two different examples of the dome causing light formations that would cause the day night cycle as observed
you showed me a light being focused onto half a piece of paper, somehow being too dumb to realize you can still see the light from the "night" side of the piece of paper. The gif you posted earlier even has a bit of light shining directly into the middle of the "night" half.
Quintessential conspiracy theory mindset. "It looks like, therefore it's the same"
Holy shit, flat earth is still a thing?
I've been into it in like 2017 or something but figured this retards would have moved on to Q or antivax by now
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>red sprites is ionization, it's thunder.
thunder isn't ionization
>you have yet to prove a single claim you made
what's a claim I didn't prove and what's deficient about it's offered proof?
>I don't need to prove anything because my position is default.
that's good because you literally can't.
>You showed two examples of a solid halfball lens, which refracts differently than a dome containing an atmosphere would
And you said it was impossible to hagve a day night cycle on FE, which was wrong.
>you showed me a light being focused onto half a piece of paper, somehow being too dumb to realize you can still see the light from the "night" side of the piece of paper. The gif you posted earlier even has a bit of light shining directly into the middle of the "night" half.
right, that nighttime sun
>Quintessential conspiracy theory mindset. "It looks like, therefore it's the same"
No one argued it;s the same, nor is that 'typical'
Those prove him wrong that the day night cycle in impossible
you guys figure out you work for satanic pedophiles and iwll roast in hell for eternity for how you choose to live your lives?
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>I've been into it in like 2017 or something but figured this retards would have moved on to Q or antivax by now
your impression of a human is really poor.
>thunder isn't ionization
what is thunder?
>what's a claim I didn't prove and what's deficient about it's offered proof?
any of them but so far you can't explain how flat earth can has night
>that's good because you literally can't.
don't need to bruv
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>what is thunder?
nigger it's no ionization.
>any of them
pick one specifically, the most obviously wrong.
> but so far you can't explain how flat earth can has night
right because of the nightime sun
>don't need to bruv
that's irrelevant, you can't,

yeah but you have to admit it LOOKS like it's just moving away and coming.
If I made a video where I list all of those in a confident voice but say they have been dis proven beyond the shadow of a doubt, would you be convinced?
i hate midwits so much its unreal
Its not wrong, you still haven't demonstrated it
>right, that nighttime sun
nighttime sun would exist on a flathearth anon... you dense motherfucker holy shit
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>If I made a video where I list all of those in a confident voice but say they have been dis proven beyond the shadow of a doubt, would you be convinced?
no you need to heap social shame upon me and ridicule me intensely while having absolutely no evidence for any claims.
Btw, if you dispute anything in that list, let me know.
>i hate midwits so much its unreal
you believe in Space in 2025 the Year of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
>Its not wrong, you still haven't demonstrated it
I demonstrated it twice actually.
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>nighttime sun would exist on a flathearth anon... you dense motherfucker holy shit
if there's line of sight between your eye balls and the sun, then it's day.
>no you need to heap social shame upon me and ridicule me intensely while having absolutely no evidence for any claims
I'd pay good money to make you see the irony
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>I'd pay good money to make you see the irony
There is no Irony I have proven my claims numerous times ITT and can do so at will
How do positively prove the shape of the earth?
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you believe how light scatters through a inch wide solid acrilic hemisphere with a light ABOVE the acrilic (>>5778078, >>5778209) is comparable to what you believe happens on a flat earth, where the sun is INSIDE a hollow dome. these gifs mean literally nothing as they inaccurately represent what happens in "ObSeRvAbLe rEaLiTy"
i mean, yeah... when it's dark you can't see the sun... it's behind the earth.
why are flatheads so fucking dumb bros?
neat effect, but like all flat earth demonstrations, alters and ignores many other things to make one narrow issue "work"
like your example would require an unobserved 'dome' of a material with a different refractive index to what is outside of said dome. it would also require a sun much further away than what most flat earthers would say the sun is, and even then it's still not an accurate day/night shape to what is observed in reality
>Actually all simulations use a flat earth
blatantly false
most video game use flat terrain only because it's simpler to program and calculate, and doesn't matter for the scales most games run at. like your typical non-space flight simulator, like real planes, barely leave the surface of the planet, so the difference visually between a flat ground and a correct ground is very small and not worth the effort unless you really want an accurate, whole-planet surface, which you can't do with a flat ground. and again, most games don't have you fly across the world either, so a inaccurate flat projection of a small area is also close enough for most games
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we already have very accurate measurements of the earth, done with many methods and for many purposes
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>you believe how light scatters through a inch wide solid acrilic hemisphere with a light ABOVE the acrilic (>>5778078(You), >>5778209(You)) is comparable to what you believe happens on a flat earth, where the sun is INSIDE a hollow dome.
there's no consensus about the location of or the composition of the sun. I personally think it's projected from outside the dome and what we see is like a an immaterial hologram, like a rainbow.
> these gifs mean literally nothing as they inaccurately represent what happens in "ObSeRvAbLe rEaLiTy"
no they accurately recreate the day night cycle.
>i mean, yeah... when it's dark you can't see the sun... it's behind the earth.
the property of being dark can only occur if light from the sun doesn't hit it. You cannot see the sun from dark areas. You're indescribably retarded.
More importantly, can you produce a single piece of evidence for the globe?
you cannot.
>neat effect, but like all flat earth demonstrations, alters and ignores many other things to make one narrow issue "work"
the claim is that its impossible to have a day night cycle on a flat earth, those conclusively demonstrate that it is possible and its possible using the geometry that is alleged with FE.
It's a proof of concept, it's not something that's scale, or identical to what we think is going on.
This is really not complicated you faggots are idiots for focusing on it
>like your example would require an unobserved 'dome' of a material with a different refractive index to what is outside of said dome.
yes those are implicit claims of FE.
>it would also require a sun much further away than what most flat earthers would say the sun is,
1) you don't know that, and are basing that on nothing, 2) no it wouldn't, 3) you have no idea what we think as evidenced by you making the claim about the different refractive index, you don't even know the basic of our claims how could you know permutations and distribution of alternate theories?
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>most video game use flat terrain
if you say 'false' that means you disagree with me.
>we already have very accurate measurements of the earth, done with many methods and for many purposes
you have models
you cannot measure curvature under any circumstance
it should be easy to demonstrate on lake beds or on long lakes
yet you cannot demonstrate it and never have been able to
just parlor tricks.
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fascinating how flat earthers have their own little mental gymnastics on how the earth works
>erm acktually, i think something different than literally everyone else, therefore youre retarded and im smart
>if you say 'false' that means you disagree with me.
that is true. do you know what "most" means?
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there's no dispute that the sun APPEARS to be within the dome, I just think it's a hologram projected from outside the dome. It doesn't matter, no matter what you can't produce a single piece of evidence to support the model you pretend to believe in so much you defend the government online.
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>that is true. do you know what "most" means?
it means you want to avoid talking about how you literally have no evidence for the thing that you pretend is so important to you, that you go online to defend the government.
It's weird that you're so passionate about a topic that you literally have not a single argument or verifiable piece of evidence to support and seem to avoid the merits of the issue at every chance.
im sure it's nothing.
>the claim is that its impossible to have a day night cycle on a flat earth, those conclusively demonstrate that it is possible and its possible using the geometry that is alleged with FE.
how does it look under sunlight? parallel rays? genuinely asking because i don't have a solid glass hemisphere to check with
>It's a proof of concept, it's not something that's scale, or identical to what we think is going on.
sure, but a major issue i have with FE experiements is that they don't agree with each other. an accurate model has to pass any test /at the same time/. it's usually pretty easy to force a result you like if you don't need each test to have the same conditions
like the sun can't be in the dome and out of the dome at the same time, so tests that require one or the other can't all be right
you defend the hologram of the sun online
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>how does it look under sunlight?
>parallel rays?
there are no parallel sunrays, every human alive has seen proof that they aren't parallel but, as I'm sure you know, them being parallel is a given in Eratosthenes' experiment and if they aren't parallel (they aren't) then his results actually prove flat earth.
>genuinely asking
you're not, you've never asked a genuine question, asking if the lights in the two demonstrations I shows cast only parallel rays evinces an utter lack of understanding of any of the topics you raise.
>because i don't have a solid glass hemisphere to check with
no light has ever been parallel from the sun.
>sure, but a major issue i have with FE experiements is that they don't agree with each other.
you're just lying.
tell me the most egregious inconsistency between flat earth experiments.
because you have no problem whatsoever with having LITERALLY ZERO EVIDENCE FOR YOUR ARGUMENT.
>like the sun can't be in the dome and out of the dome at the same time,
sure it can, it can be projected from out side, but create a hologram. It actually does this in the demonstrations, you can see a little spot of glare that kinda acts as the 'sun' inside the dome.
>so tests that require one or the other can't all be right
there's no 'tests' on that issue, there's just a couple demonstration. There's no experiments that I'm aware of.
>you defend the hologram of the sun online
correct. Becuase I believe it's true and I have reasons and arguments.
you can't produce a single argument or piece of evidence for a topic you pretend is so important to you, you seek out conflict online.
It's absurd.
Everyone knows you're shills, it's obvious, you actually make redpilling about this so much easier with all your seething.
in other words, if you want anyone to take flat earth seriously, you're going to have to come up with a single, consistent model like what the globe has, rather than many disparate theories that don't mesh with each other
>there are no parallel sunrays, every human alive has seen proof that they aren't parallel
crepuscular rays are not evidence against parallel rays, if that's what you're implying
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>in other words, if you want anyone to take flat earth seriously,
we're fine, we've already crossed the threshold, most of the online right is already on board or don't care enough to argue about it.
it's inevitable.
> you're going to have to come up with a single, consistent model like what the globe has
thanks for the tips glownigger, if I could get my hands on you I would print them out and stuff them down your throat.
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>crepuscular rays are not evidence against parallel rays, if that's what you're implying
correct they absolutely refute parallel rays.
>nigger it's no ionization.
what is it?
>pick one specifically, the most obviously wrong
>that's irrelevant, you can't,
don't need to
>yeah but you have to admit it LOOKS like it's just moving away and coming.
because you don't understand what you are looking at. ignorance is what move people like you. you don't want to learn how shit works you just want to be right. people like you are retards of society
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Quintessential ballearther cultist mindset. "It looks like a man, therefore is a woman."

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>what is it?
a topic you're more comfortable talking about than the evidence for your model or the evidence for my model.
are you literally in my head? I was just thinking about this making this webm
well done. saved.
>topic you're more comfortable talking about than the evidence for your model or the evidence for my model
yes proving you as an idiot is very easy. but imagine this, electrostatics prove earth is round. ever heard of magnetic declination? impossible on anything but a sphere.
ionization you are seeing is proof of globe. any video you posted is proof of globe if you have any understanding on the topic.
how do you figure?
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>yes proving you as an idiot is very easy. but imagine this, electrostatics prove earth is round. ever heard of magnetic declination?
I'd love to hear this argument that's totally not imaginary and you will never articulate beyond this.
> impossible on anything but a sphere.
oh weird you forgot the make the argument.
>ionization you are seeing is proof of globe.
this will convince them for sure.
>any video you posted is proof of globe if you have any understanding on the topic.
what's the point of even interacting like this?
you aren't serving your employers, you're continuing to do evil on their behalf.
Why accept culpability for something if you aren't even trying to be successful?
>how do you figure?
lol vid rel
well? what about them demonstrates they aren't/can't be parallel? i can't read your mind
>I'd love to hear this argument that's totally not imaginary and you will never articulate beyond this.
argument is simple
dB/dt=n((d^2*B)/dx) where n = 1/(sigma*mu)
it's really this simple.
>oh weird you forgot the make the argument.
I don't have to, you forget I only have to make statements. my position is default and unless you can show how your position can overthrow default you have no position.
>what's the point of even interacting like this?
because I remember these threads from 5 years ago when CADnnon was here, posting proof is futile it's fools errant.
i think you may be talking about me, lol. i did a bunch of models in solidworks for these threads for a brief period. haven't visited one of these threads in ages
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struggling with basic definitions?
> what about them demonstrates they aren't/can't be parallel?
yeah that part
> i can't read your mind
I'm not convinced you can read text. >>5778904
>argument is simple
yeah it's just fake.
>dB/dt=n((d^2*B)/dx) where n = 1/(sigma*mu)
I did a year of college calculas, differentials are actually really easy.
what about this equation has anythig to do with curvature.
Reminder glownigger, EVERYONE you encounter online is better educated than you, a retarded idiot who joined the globohomo military but somehow managed to flunk out despite historic recruiting shortfalls.
>it's really this simple.
Actually brownian motion and the motion of subatomic particles generally isn't governed by Gravity or subject to the three body problem.
Interestingly, claiming that electrostatics are responsible for what we call gravity is a FE position.
>I'm not convinced you can read text. >>5778904
that's not me
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>i think you may be talking about me, lol. i did a bunch of models in solidworks for these threads for a brief period. haven't visited one of these threads in ages
what models would you do for flat earth threads? post one.
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>that's not me
you're really bad at this.
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>posting proof is futile it's fools errant.
also you can't because there is no proof because I'm right.
and if you thought it was a fool's errand, you wouldn't be here seething like a faggot
there was a number of them, like showing how close commercial aircraft fly to the surface of the earth, a mockup of that clip of someone looking a shadow under the moon with the sun on the other side of the sky showing how it works with established sizes and distances of the earth/moon/sun, etc. i didn't keep any of the webms since i don't take these threads seriously. i've seen others repost them
pic related is one of the SW documents i still have
as bad as you are at explaining something you've asserted?
>what about this equation has anythig to do with curvature.
The equation assumes the liquid core of a round planet.
no planet, the equation doesn't work yet it matches reality. thus planet round.
>subject to the three body problem.
what the actual fuck dies this have to do with anything?
>Actually brownian motion and the motion of subatomic particles generally isn't governed by Gravity
yes they are.
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>lol vid rel
>You cannot see the sun from dark areas
yes you drooling retard. When your place on the globe turns away from the sun, you can't see it. You will always see the sun on a flat earth. Dumbo
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>as bad as you are at explaining something you've asserted?
lol would hit harder if you were able to explain the thing your presently asserting
fucking n00b
>The equation assumes the liquid core of a round planet.
No it doesn't.
>no planet, the equation doesn't work yet it matches reality. thus planet round.
Gravity doesn't work for planets either. So the thing you're pretending is a theory is basically just as good as gravity.
>what the actual fuck dies this have to do with anything?
Gravity not being able to simulate space seems like a big deal to me.
There is a kind of universal blase reaction to this information. But you'd think if the only thing we knew about gravity is that it's wrong--and that is the present state of our understanding of gravity--that we might try something else.
but alas, we are not in a society dominated by science but scientism. So the lies told to us because they view us as Children remain inculcated--for incurious midwits like I I suppose.
>yes they are.
no they aren't.
>you cannot measure curvature under any circumstance
i>t should be easy to demonstrate on lake beds or on long lakes
yet you cannot demonstrate it and never have been able to
well if we're going to play the "just make shit up" game it's easy
>you have models
rich, coming from someone who probably doesn't even know what a scientific model is
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It's WILD how the bulk of academic subjects are literally just lies agreed upon as true.
Theoretical Physics hasn't progressed in nearly a hundred years.
meanwhile the government has zero point energy, anti-gravity, and used that technology to kill thousands of Americans on 911 and over a million arabs in the forever wars 911 justified.
>lol would hit harder if you were able to explain the thing your presently asserting
which is? i started my conversation with you with a question, and i have not asserted anything. you were the one who brought up crepuscular rays unprompted, and now i'm asking you to explain yourself
if you can't explain it, that's fine, but why accuse me of things i have not done?
I'm not sure how there is still a crisis if all the trannies can just live rent free in your head anon
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>yes you drooling retard.
why are you calling me a retard if you agree with me?
>well if we're going to play the "just make shit up" game it's easy
what did I make up?
>rich, coming from someone who probably doesn't even know what a scientific model is
you work for the government because you have a severe personality defect that makes you too ineffective to be a zog bot
how the fuck do you manage to get out of bed without slitting your wrists?
You spend all day slaving away for LITERAL satanic pedophiles against people who you are oath-bound to not carry out your task.
And every day you are reminded that the narratives you push are indefensible, you know you have no evidence for curvature at all, and yet you come back
day after day
Maybe you are such a wretched creature some tiny core of your brain understands that you deserve nothing but misery and punishment, so you subconsciously oriented your life into a kind of hell.
I like that explanation, I'm going to believe that.
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>which is
I have no idea, you failed to assert it.
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>I'm not sure how there is still a crisis if all the trannies can just live rent free in your head anon
the ones in my head actually commit suicide even faster than the real ones.
>why are you calling me a retard if you agree with me?
no, we don't agree, lol
you're just proving my point, mate
i remember now why i stopped visiting these threads
any time someone challenges a flat earth point, you guys'll go silent, change the subject, or just throw back any accusation you can think of. never just a straight answer or argument
all i asked was how you believe crepuscular rays demonstrate diverging/non-parallel/local sunlight, but it seems you don't actually have an answer to that, have you even really thought about what they are and how they're formed?
>I like that explanation, I'm going to believe that
summing up the basis of your world view in one sentence, I couldn't have done it better
>that technology to kill 9/11
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why does the sun get smaller? it should stay the same size from your pov in the arctic like pic related. how does it move away so drastically that it shrinks that noticably?
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>why does the sun get smaller? i
it's moving away.
> it should stay the same size from your pov in the arctic like pic related.
no it shouldn't. it should appear to go around, which is what it does.
vid rel
>summing up the basis of your world view in one sentence, I couldn't have done it better
yes I am better than you at everything.
>i remember now why i stopped visiting these threads
because you're lying and started coming here recently when you failed out of the military and took a pathetic oath-breaking job that will result in you being murdered righteously by a mob one day?
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>you're just proving my point, mate
if your point is that troons are gross then yes, I am.
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>no, we don't agree, lol
yes we do.
you said,
>>When your place on the globe turns away from the sun, you can't see it.
and I said,
>>You cannot see the sun from dark areas.
we agree.
>vid rel
how does that prove that the government has zero point energy, anti-gravity, and used that technology to kill thousands of Americans on 911 and over a million arabs in the forever wars 911 justified? you just posted a movie trailer.
>vid rel
nice trailer, is this the new mission impossible movie?
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>how does that prove that the government has zero point energy, anti-gravity, and used that technology to kill thousands of Americans on 911 and over a million arabs in the forever wars 911 justified? you just posted a movie trailer.
are you really supposed to divert me into 911 truth?
I think the 911 stuff is more counter signaled than the FE stuff.
check with your boss you're way to retarded to make calls like this.
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>nice trailer, is this the new mission impossible movie?
schizophrenia is pretty wild
>vid rel
can you prove alien technology without making some high school quality movie clip compilation? perhaps a write up with citations?
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>schizophrenia is pretty wild
what's wrong?
you don't like thinking that you're directly employed by the people who did 911, and really you're carrying out the same mission?
That's not even the worst part...
God's real and you're going to burn for eternity in hell.
and you deserve it.
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>can you prove alien technology without making some high school quality movie clip compilation? perhaps a write up with citations?
no. Aliens are a for retards.
so why are you shilling it?
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>so why are you shilling it?
there is no amount of money you could pay me to shill. I would rather die of starvation that sell my opinions to the higest bidder. Not only is polluting the marketplace of ideas destructive to western civilization and good governance, but the personal cost of selling your very agency offends me as a free man.
in fact, since you sell your agency, it is therefore accurate to say you effectively have no agency, just a flesh automaton
God isnt real but i wish it was so that fags like you actually got what they deserved instead of the sweet embrace of oblivion
>because you're lying
yes, people who want to stay on topic and discuss shit are the ones lying, not the once always consistently changing the subject.
flat earth fails because night exists.
flat earth argument timeline:
>*shows alien technology in reference to how 9/11 was carried out*
can you prove it without being retarded?
>no. Aliens are a for retards.
ok so why are you trying to prove the government has alien technology to kill people by showing alien technology?
>there is no amount of money you could pay me to shill. I would rather die of starvation that sell my opinions to the higest bidder. Not only is polluting the marketplace of ideas destructive to western civilization and good governance, but the personal cost of selling your very agency offends me as a free man.
>in fact, since you sell your agency, it is therefore accurate to say you effectively have no agency, just a flesh automaton
no, we completely disagree on the shape of the earth. You are an idiot who thinks the earth is flat. I'm just stating the fact that night and day does not work on a flat earth.
>he's a 9/11 truther too
i mean, im not surprised... just disappointed.
>its moving away
enough to shrink about 4 times its size when the vid started? if its moving away, why does the sun move faster when its the farthest away? the opposite should be happening. if the sun is moving across the sky at a fixed speed, the farther it appears to be, the slower it should be moving across the sky, if the earth was flat and the sun was moving across the flat earth at a consistent and fixed speed and altitude ofc
how far away is the sun? how big is it? how high is the dome? do the stars' lightbulbs need changed? why is the sun and moon and other planets and stars that are on the dome spheres but the earth is flat? how do planets on the dome change position but stars are stationary? what about satellites when they move across the sky with considerable speed? how is it that when the International Space Station, the largest and therefore most visible satellite, moves across the sky, you can see distinct features like its solar panels?
Volcanoes and earthquakes prove a globe, volcanoes would have no driving force (gravity) on flat earth and no reason to erupt. Strong earthquakes send shockwaves through the earth and are measured from multiple stations in multiple countries. Not only do they conclusively show the earth as having a solid core surrounded by less dense material, but the times between detection at these sites don't work at all on the flat earth "map".
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>God isnt real
sure he is, who made this snowglobe we live in if there's no God?
>yes, people who want to stay on topic and discuss shit are the ones lying,
no aren't people glownigger.
>can you prove it without being retarded?
you work for the government, I don't want to convince you it happened, you are LITERALLY culpable for the terrorist attacks on 911. By counter signaling this theory your an accessory after the fact, I want to execute you for your ACTUAL NO SHIT complicity with 911, you legitimate terrorist.
>no, we completely disagree on the shape of the earth.
no you don't actually even care enough to have an opinion, you're just paid to pretend you really believe in the globe despite not having a single argument or piece of evidence to motivate said weird obsession with supporting government narratives.
> I'm just stating the fact that night and day does not work on a flat earth.
repeatedly, without even an attempt at logical reasoning.
It's good your demoralized, that way you might actually get the courage to kill yourself when your contract runs out and you're forced to face your personal failure and succumb to a long-suffering meaningless life or making 'the right choice'.
>enough to shrink about 4 times its size when the vid started?
yes, the sun changing size is absolute proof it's not 94 million miles away, your side has to believe it doesn't change in size at all (aside from atmospheric distortion).
> why does the sun move faster when its the farthest away?
it doesn't it appears to because of how perspective works.
>the opposite should be happening.
100% of the time you retards claim anything should happen, you're just saying random words in no specific order with no meaning, I've never had one of you faggots ever try to articulate why you think x should happen, because you don't believe it, you just pick some detail and spam some cope about it that's utterly meaningless
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produce a single piece of evidence to support your model.
>Volcanoes and earthquakes prove a globe
good luck selling that.
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I don't have to sell it, the facts are there and conclusive. Earth is a spheroid, deal with it.
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>I don't have to sell it
lol bitch you're a salesmen
you're just selling the most defective product ever imagined, the government's opinion.
it's seriously so disgusting I don't know how you get up every morning I would 100% kill myself if my 9-5 was ruining the internet and attempting to prevent organic human interaction.
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To people arguing flat-earthers: Does it matter?
Same to flat-earthers. Does it matter?
The people who believe in a flat earth are insignificant. Just as insignificant as believing that the earth is a sphere. So what? What does the shape of the earth matter to anything? What does it matter if some random group believes something that you don't? They don't really impact your life in any way.

Only thing that flatties are pointing out is that governments lie. Which they all do. They've admitted and been found to do many times throughout history.
The only thing that the argumentative anti-flat nerds are pointing out is that people believe an insignificant lie.

None of this matters. Get a hobby.
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>Does it matter?
see vidrel here >>5777940
>The people who believe in a flat earth are insignificant.
> So what? What does the shape of the earth matter to anything?
I was in my late 30s when I came to FE, the biggest change is when you accept we live in a snowglobe, there must be a creator
I was a lifelong atheist, very very very atheist, like the atheist kid in high school that would argue religious kids at lunch until exhaustion.
The primary 'job' of globe earth is to hide proof of the creator.
How could you be an atheist if you were taught the truth that we live in a flat, unmoving, contained system .
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>The only thing that the argumentative anti-flat nerds are pointing out is that people believe an insignificant lie.
it's not insignificant
it's a 'radicalization event'. It changes the way you interact with government forever.
Realizing the powers that be are literal theistic Satanists that belong to mystery religions and are coordinating society-wide psyops.
I'm starting to think you're just a fed trying to make flat earthers look like total lunatics
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>Get a hobby.
you don't get it?
you're my hobby glownigger.
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what's insane about what I'm saying?
they're schizophrenics who think they've discovered some massive government conspiracy to keep people away from god through the alteration of their perception of reality

no i'm not kidding
guaranteed (you)s every time
it's the perfect (You) topic, it attracts everyone. people who want to call them retards, people who're curious how they came to this conclusion, people who want to try genuine arguments (bless their hearts), people who see this as an opportunity to throw in other conspiracies like 9/11, etc, etc.
this is what i have been wondering. personally, i (of course) have witnessed a whole lot of evidence that makes me think i live on a globe. but if someone thinks different, what the fuck does it matter? they don't like to play with aeronautics or comms technology. i don't have to deal with them. it doesn't bother me that people think something else. further, there is a nonzero probability that, indeed, i live on a flat earth. i may have been tricked this whole time. but none of it really matters to me when my projects operate with their desired intention.
i think it's that they tie it into religion which makes it "matter". i haven't looked into it for a while, but i have previously seen that it turns into a kind of personal mission to save people from government lies that turn people away from god, or something to that effect
basically, the shape doesn't matter. i've even seen some say that it's more important that earth isn't a globe than it being another specific shape, it's possibly why they can't agree on anything, because any thing that isn't a globe is good enough
i couldn't say how this become intertwined with religion, however. sure, ancient religious texts/depictions of earth were usually flat, just because people back then had extremely limited information to work with, but why still now? idk, i guess the idea that any information presented in religious texts may be wrong is just too offensive to them
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>To people arguing flat-earthers: Does it matter?
I'm not someone who really argues about them beyond occasionally coming to threads like this for a laugh. But I definitely see the value in people who do it more thoroughly.
the tl;dr is that flat earth is the conspiracy theory for absolute bottom feeders. If you believe the earth is flat you'll believe literally anything else. And also I suppose it's just another symptom of the whole trend of pseudoscience gaining more attention as the internet and social media become more accessible and it gets easier for clueless idiots and/or grifters to spread lies
>Same to flat-earthers. Does it matter?
Well to them it's obviously important. If the earth really was flat and 75% of humanity was in on it, they'd be very special boys for knowing the trurh
>The primary 'job' of globe earth is to hide proof of the creator
This is such a weird justification for it. Why would a flat earth necessitate a creator? Also the church and most Christians were historically and still are totally fine with a globe earth, what's up with that?
i have personally interfaced with somebody that believes in shit like this. i wonder: why always must they be so militant in convincing me? i am genuinely interested in what the say, but they become angry when i explain that something they are saying is inevaluable. typically, it's something like the origin of humanity is angels reproducing with men. but then they get upset when i explain that i have never met an angel and cannot, whatsoever, attest to what that is. then something about book of Enoch, etc. then they say shit related to math and science but clearly don't have a base-level understanding of these topics.
on one hand it's eerie how similar they seem to be to one-another, but on the other hand, it's not like anyone who has done independent research and has the faintest clue about science or math would believe in any of this. it seems only very specific kinds of people can be roped into it
never met one in real life though, must be a trip
yes that is true. they often behave remarkably similarly. i hesitate to say but i wonder if maybe they're experiencing some level of personal grandiosity (at least for the vehement ones). the guy that i would talk to in real life wasn't very clairvoyant. he would regularly get roped into schemes not limited to dropshipping, "multi-level marketing," and the like. areas that promise money fast but are very evidently already saturated.
and also, he uses this word "frequency" often but doesn't seem to have any understanding of what it means regarding probability, oscillation, electromagnetism, or anything. he would get mad when i would ask him of his personal definition of words that are, frankly, not easy to understand.
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No 'one' made the earth
the curvature of large bodies of water is measurable
the atmosphere gradually thins to a vacuum over a large distance, there's no hard line where it's atmosphere on one side and vacuum on the other. it stays on the earth for the same reason everything else stays on the earth. space also doesn't "suck". there's gravity pulling it down to earth, but nothing pulling it away (nothing strong enough to counter earth's gravity near the surface anyway)
Has night on flat earth been explained yet? how come the truth seekers, the knowers of everything can't explain phenomena happening daily around the world?
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this is some of the most pathetic same fagging I've ever seen.
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you don't have a single argument or scrap of evidence for the thing you're pretending to be interested in you dumb fucking glownigger >>5779774
>the curvature of large bodies of water is measurable
may I see it?
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>there's gravity pulling it down to earth, but nothing pulling it away (nothing strong enough to counter earth's gravity near the surface anyway)
this is contrary to the claims of science; the kayfabe is we lose a shitload of gas each year to the vacuum of space.
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who are you trying to convince?
the closer you get to death the more that reads as a prayer.
You will meet your maker, and explain to him why you spent years of your life denying his creation.
I'm not arguing for anything, I'm asking for your argument why night happens. you cannot answer, you have no arguments or evidence. please provide your truth seekers evidence as to why night happens.
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>there's gravity pulling it down to earth, but nothing pulling it away (nothing strong enough to counter earth's gravity near the surface anyway)
The theory of gravity claim the mass of a helium balloon to being pulled towards a ball under our feet. Observable reality doesn't match the theory made to support the globe theory.
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>This is such a weird justification for it.
why do you think that's weird, that was also the explicit reason the theory of evolution was created.
They didn't even hide it. Modern sciencetism a priori rules out God and any explanation consistent with Creation. Most secularoids don't actually see a problem with this and seem to believe that science definitionally excludes supernatural explanations.
It doesn't.
Imagine if science absolutely proved there was a creator.
Good news.
It does.
>may I see it?
>The theory of gravity claim the mass of a helium balloon to being pulled towards a ball under our feet.
it is, it's just that presumably, you're talking about a helium balloon suspended in air. air is heavier than helium, so it's "pulled harder" to put it in simple terms, than the helium in the balloon, causing it to push into the space under the balloon, resulting in lift
The theory of gravity says all mass is being pulled towards the center of mass of earth. but buoyancy also is using the theory of gravity and explains how liquids work with said theory.
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>Why would a flat earth necessitate a creator?
because its impossible to imagine a flat, unmoving, self-contained universe to have spontaneously assembled itself; if we live in a snowglobe, someone made the snowglobe.

The whole reason space exists is to explain what's under our feet without reference to God.
And of course the big bang, gravity, stars cycling and blowing off heavier elements, all that tumult is so that you can get to a green earth but not attribute it to a creator.
But if you ever look up at a total solar eclipse, the moment the sun and moon interlock the idea that there is no creator seems incredibly absurd.
>The whole reason space exists is to explain what's under our feet without reference to God.
>And of course the big bang, gravity, stars cycling and blowing off heavier elements, all that tumult is so that you can get to a green earth but not attribute it to a creator.
The majority of the things were discovered by god fearing people, why they exist is because they are real and observable. no matter if god exists or not gravity will be a thing, no matter if god exists or not stara and space is real.
you are coping with things for no fucking reason.
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actually no.
>it is, it's just that presumably, you're talking about a helium balloon suspended in air. air is heavier than helium, so it's "pulled harder" to put it in simple terms, than the helium in the balloon, causing it to push into the space under the balloon, resulting in lift
gravity literally cannot be used to simulate a solar system FYI
>The theory of gravity says all mass is being pulled towards the center of mass of earth.
that's pre-relativity, the updated kayfabe is mass bends space time and that causes gravity somehow.
>The majority of the things were discovered by god fearing people,
There has always been secret societies of people hostile to religion, not from a secular perspective but a theistic one, who have infiltrated the highest ranks of science and education and staked out vital positions that were designed to usher in the clown world we now live by way of effectively killing public religion and replacing it with scientism.
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>, why they exist is because they are real and observable.
There is literally no evidence you can produce for gravity or for the curvature.
I posted the entire candace owens segment on the Satanic Origins of Nasa earlier.
>that's pre-relativity, the updated kayfabe is mass bends space time and that causes gravity somehow
you can use einsteins equation GM/rc2 same result.
actually in strong gravity spaces einsteins equations represent newtons.
The fact that you can take an object with the same mass and measure it at different points of earth and get different weight is proof that gravity is real, also proof that earth is a sphere.
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>you can use einsteins equation GM/rc2 same result.
there's no 'math' that 'works out'.
Just two ways to describe something that's entirely imaginary because they know the truth but don't want us to figure out free energy.
>actually in strong gravity spaces einsteins equations represent newtons.
what do you think a newton is?
>The fact that you can take an object with the same mass and measure it at different points of earth and get different weight is proof that gravity is real, also proof that earth is a sphere.
you can't do that and that is not evidence gravity is real. That's evidence whatever gravity is caused by is influenced by natural conditions, and as it turns out it's an EM effect, so moving around the earth's magnetioc field would predictably cause permutations in weigh if what we call gravity were an EM effect.
>you can't do that and that is not evidence gravity is real.
yes you can, this is why gold isn't a measurement of weight but rather mass.
>EM effect
Gold, plastic, and water are all affected by gravity the same but not by EM. so this idea that EM can explain things is false.
>free energy.
if it were real it would've already been done. but not one person is able to do it.
>what do you think a newton is?
newtons not newton and in context of the sentence you can understand I'm talking about newtons equations not a person.
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>yes you can, this is why gold isn't a measurement of weight but rather mass.
>Gold, plastic, and water are all affected by gravity the same but not by EM. so this idea that EM can explain things is false.
no those are all affected by EM.
I posted a video of EM being used to turn off the mass of water.
>if it were real it would've already been done. but not one person is able to do it.
The energy required to turn buildings to dust is insane; you'd need like every power plant in he country to make vid rel happen without some kind of zero point energy.
>no those are all affected by EM.
at different rates
>I don't take pride in my job
yes, very obvious.
>It's good your demoralized, that way you might actually get the courage to kill yourself when your contract runs out and you're forced to face your personal failure and succumb to a long-suffering meaningless life or making 'the right choice'.
the flathead's stupid lense over a piece of paper experiment didn't convince me... and now look at him punch air hahaha holy shit
>EM being used to turn off the mass of water
lol wut
>you'd need like every power plant in he country to make vid rel happen without some kind of zero point energy
the Twin Towers were not turned to dust. They crumbled and got crushed. Lots of things survived but much was crushed and twisted.
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>it is, it's just that presumably, you're talking about a helium balloon suspended in air.
>air is heavier than helium, so it's "pulled harder" to put it in simple terms, than the helium in the balloon, causing it to push into the space under the balloon, resulting in lift
>The theory of gravity says all mass is being pulled towards the center of mass of earth. but buoyancy also is using the theory of gravity and explains how liquids work with said theory.
Your claims doesn't add up. Earth is said to be a ball part of the solar system, therefore the center of the mass is the sun. If air is necessary for a helium balloon to not fall towards the ball Earth, there is no way for the ball earth not to fall through the vaccum towards the sun.
the earth is in orbit with the sun, in a manner of speaking, you could say we're in free fall with the sun, it's just that our orbital velocity with the sun is great enough that we "miss" it perpetually. same way any other stable orbit works
anything thrown sufficiently far from earth's surface towards the sun would eventually decay and fall into the sun, provided it's not affected by the other planets between earth and the sun
>center if sun
equation is
see that r squared whole equation is being divided by?
it means the longer the distance the effect is exponentially weaker.
>if gravity is real, how come boats don't sink
didn't that recent antarctica trip basically completely btfo flattrannies?
How is that related to my video which simply demonstrates how some flat earthers seem to be unable to grasp the scale of the earth?
>why do you think that's weird
because of the things I've pointed out in my post. The existence or non-existence of a creator is unrelated to the shape of the earth.
That's really funny, because if you'd actually look into why this is the case you'd learn something interesting. But alas you prefer the "I don't understand it, therefore it must be wrong" way
Honestly their reactions are a lot more telling than the actual results of the trip.
If they were intellectually honest they wouldn't instantly jump to trying to claim the trip was fake or happened in a different location or whatever the fuck
I just want to know why things that should be far below the horizon are still visible.
often times it's just a mistaken distance or mirage
That explanation doesn't cut it and you know it.
dude, are you ok?
>no explanation for how volcanoes work, and no reason why seismic tomography shows a core.
I like what you posted there, good job.
guessing youve never actually seen samefagging then?
so why does the sun disappear below the horizon even though its at extreme elevation (we dont know how high or big it is, the bible doesnt specify so its not important lol)
>muh light refraction
>muh perception
That explanation doesn't cut it and you know it.
i agree, he should have said "every time"
can you name an example that has conditions which are both known/knowable and couldn't reasonably be a mirage?
the only redeeming factor of these threads is that it could make someone look up why flat earthers are wrong and learn something in the process
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Did you watch >>5779862?


Regardless of density, objects surrounded by vaccum fall the same towards earth surface. If the solar system proposed by the globe model was true, the sun should've fall the same through the vaccum.
watching that video will prove that equation wrong and show is a better mathematical alternative? No? it's useless.
>Regardless of density, objects surrounded by vaccum fall the same towards earth surface.
true, things fall at different rates through air because of drag. there's no drag in a perfect vacuum
>If the solar system proposed by the globe model was true, the sun should've fall the same through the vaccum.
can you reword this? you seem to have made a typo and i'm not sure what you mean
>astronomy literally refers to stars, so can't refer to earth
true, earth is not a star and has never been classified as one
>earth was created 3 days before the planets
according to what evidence?
>planets appear to move erratically
does this not make you wonder if this is because we too are moving, thereby our point of view is constantly shifting, causing what appears to be strange movements?

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