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File: grounding.webm (2.08 MB, 720x1080)
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2.08 MB WEBM
File: grounding_experiment.mp4 (5.21 MB, 1920x1080)
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5.21 MB MP4
File: grounding_blood.mp4 (4.13 MB, 880x720)
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4.13 MB MP4
>We can't measure it
>Anyway here are some measurements
Why are all of these grifts so dumb?
Wha'ts the grift? Are they selling sole-less shoes or something? If the guy is basically just saying walk barefoot every so often then regardless of whether or not the reason they saying it is retarded, surely it can't be a bad thing? Literally touching grass is important, despite the meme-status of that phrase.
If that were true you'd feel a little static shock when you came into contact with the earth. That stuff about blood cells being repelled by each other doesn't make sense either.
They can't measure the speed, you midwit.
These are pretty much military grade bs
>saturates with electrons
doesnt make the slightest amount of sense, assuming electrons would go into your body that would mean your charge would change that is easily measurable...
Also electrons cant saturate.
Second video shows an image of blood flowing. The problem is that blood starts clotting imidietly upon contact with air. I have acctually tried to watch my blood uner a microscope back in uni where I had access to one that costs more then my car.
I dont know how these images are produced, but I assume they add some stuff to the blood and if you ask me rendering the experiment useless.

this is just fake I guess

But all this aside, I think walking barefoot is a good idea and I do it constantly.
I just think that all the "new health" people are scammers.
they are grifting using ancient knowledge. If an npc gets scammed it's their fault.
This is why cities exist
File: high_cholesterol.webm (3.75 MB, 464x848)
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3.75 MB WEBM
Snake oil
got a grounded sheet recently and seems like ive been sleeping better. could just be placebo but thats fine it was a few dollars extra for some benefit
btw if you use electronics you are likely being grounded frequently. your PC case ought to be grounded, same as your toaster. anything metal that plugs into a wall should be grounded.
well-poisoning thread
Finally this thread again
Did anyone archived last one webms?
File: idk.webm (4.71 MB, 854x480)
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4.79 MB WEBM
curing malaria with M&Ms is wild tho
>grounded sheet
Googled this. wtf is that a bed sheet you plug into the goddamn wall socket?
yes but only the ground so its not like youre likely to get electrocuted at least i hope not kek
File: 1588258054449.webm (785 KB, 339x550)
785 KB

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