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Detransition edition
Is it really life saving care or are they just making them a medical cash cow to be milked until you die?
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>"i'm an almost 30 year old man"
loool nope he isn't. he's a BITCH
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>Hebrew walkers
Once you're a tranny, that's it, you're fucked for the rest of your life.
No refunds.
>giving a child money like a fucking stripper
Why haven't these people been used as ornaments for lamp posts?
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OP - you aren't going to like what I have to tell you, but all I offer is the truth. You hate trans women, because you are weak.

You lack the necessary skills and talents, to charm them to your way of thinking. Were you the kind of person who spent a large percentage of your waking-hours dedicating yourself to a singular purpose; a hobby (the RIGHT hobby), a career or perhaps a healthy mix of both, you would find that most, if not all of your hatred and focus would be redirected as energy into that activity. Instead, your hatred is directed at trans women because you are lazy and unmotivated.

Even men who, for all intents and purposes, are considered "ugly" by society's standards, manage to attract good-looking, available, personable trans women because they know ... not think, not feel, not believe, but KNOW ... that they have acquired enough skills through sheer hard work, for their confidence to be justified.

You would know this also, if you did a single day's worth of hard work in your life.
what do you think about vid rel
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If it's just about gooning the how come they are willing to competely ruin their sexuality in pursuit of it?
This period of history will be be looked upon very horribly.
Feel bad for this dude.
Why do you think the suicide rate is so high?
The future will be in no condition to judge the present. We are entering the era of manmade horrors, from AI, to cybernetics, to genetic engineering, the nightmares are just beginning.
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i don't think anyone itt finished reading this post lmao
>Reals-over-feels refuse to listen and learn, unlike us Feels-over-reals
...Poe's law?
Obviously the latter. Same as HAES bullshit.
Was stale years ago.
Rare based woman.
It's life ruining abuse. There has never been a life in human history, nor could there ever be, that was improved by trooning out let alone saved by it.
>if you want to transition in your 20's that's fine
I hate this weak ass position so much it's unreal. No, it is not ever acceptable to "transition". No one, regardless of age, should be enabled in any way in their delusions. If it's not acceptable to cut your legs off or take fentanyl at any age, why would it ever be acceptable to cut your genitals off or take cross sex hormones? The fact that you even want to do that in the first place means you're not capable of consent, because only sane people are capable of consent. Allowing an insane adult to destroy themselves in exchange for money is still abusive and predatory. It's no different from letting a child do it.
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I don't hate them, i feel bad for them
>only sane people are capable of consent.
That's kinda interesting. I think the left would agree that having sex with someone who is mentally unfit is rape because they cannot consent. Signing a contract with such a person would probably be the same (well, invalid due to inability to consent, not rape).
So the question is how crazy is too crazy to consent?
Stop crying bitch-boy and show me that bussy.
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He's hot, I'd pump his ass, if you catch my drift.
Humans operate in such a way that "crazy" in most cases means "we find his opinions undesirable". Allowing laws to be made around something so highly subjective is a great way to lose your rights fast.
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This fool thinks there will be history in the future.
You're looking at the age of eternal present, the great filter, the man of tomorrow will be just smart enough to copy and run the machines that already exist, but too dumb to do anything else.
i fuckin love these freak perverts~ >//<
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>So the question is how crazy is too crazy to consent?
Anyone who wants to do something that's purely self destructive and has absolute benefit whatsoever would qualify as too insane to make rational choices for themselves.

There are already laws around this and they're completely objective, not subjective. You already can't go to the doctor and ask them to saw your legs off. You already can't request harmful drugs be given to you for no reason other than your own personal gratification. You can't do these things, not because of somebody's opinion, but because the things you're trying to do are objectively and clearly harmful to you, and no doctor has the right to enable such behavior for the sake of profit. It's just that we ignore these laws when it comes to genitals and hormones, because powerful companies have lobbied for it.
Absolutely no benefit*
the p word?
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in uk:
asian = south asian
oriental = east asian
this is bait you nigger subhumans
So he change his name from Jonathan to India. Why do trans people always choose the dumbest fucking names?
>It's illegal to be honest, you must, legally, play enable insanity.
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you have not been paying attention
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how's that kid doing nowadays.?
>woman attention seeks for a grift and validation
>wowza a le heckin based woman i knew they werent all really bad!!1
i've watched this like 20 times and damn he's hot. lmao at the bitchy gestures he does while insisting to be a man at the same time
i get the ancients with their castrated boytoys and so on

i'm also fag on hrt but not as extreme as him, tho pretty close. probably most humiliating imaginable existence from some guys' pov but it's so fucking hot desu
I think he said puberty blockers not hebrew walkers but he's not wrong either way lmao
he trooned out
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How do you help these people? Genuinely asking.
HRT just makes you fat and gives you wrinkles. Way to fuck up your body for zero benefit. Only natural twinks can be cute.
Tell them the truth. Continually remind them that they're living in a delusion and that delusions can never make a person genuinely happy. Always offer them advice on how to turn their lives around, never kowtow to their pronoun nonsense, and don't give them reasons to believe in their own victim narrative nonsense.
>knowing the comfort is only temporary makes the whole thing bearable
Man the jokes just write themselves
This thing is completely insane, look at its eyes
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still 115lbs lol
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>Tell them the truth. Continually remind them that they're living in a delusion and that delusions can never make a person genuinely happy
if it wasnt for anons on 4chan bluntly speaking the truth i would have trooned out
if you're really looking to help someone just talk to them like a person who's got a problem and calmly point out the obvious mistakes being made
it may sound like they arent listening but they hear you
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not for long. plus bitch tits are ugly as fuck. literally no one looks good with moobs.
im pro trans bullshit just so i can laugh at people like this 7 years later

bonus: i dont get called a heretic/bigot by gender worshipers
>school shooter phenotype
every fucking time
It's still weird when 4chan genuinely helps people.
It's not rare, but it's always weird. A bunch of raving cunts who just want to complain about everything, but if someone needs help some anon will give it a shot.
>it's funny when children get mutilated by adults
I actually forgot about the tranny thing where people were chopping their dicks off. I haven't seen it mentioned much in the past couple years.
when they have created an entire religious cult around it, yeah its funny to watch them suffer for the rest of their lives
4chan actually helped me recover from a porn addiction which probably also prevented me from trooning out because the shit i was jerking off to kept getting worse and worse. this place isnt as bad as people make it out to be
why is that good o_O
you would have have more fun with the porn addiction!
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If at any point you as a man can be gaslit/brainwashed to cut your own dick off then you're just a weak, biologically defective freak to begin with.

Zero sympathy.
The parents belong in ovens.
Lol fucking cope you disgusting mutant faggot freak.
>I feel bad for them

Lol you're a weak pathetic little faggot too.
I genuinely don't view creatures like this as human. It's a mutant that needs to be euthanized.
post bottom surgery regret is like post nut clarity
which is why tranny suicide rate is astronomically high
once they realize they can never orgasm again and it was all in pursuit of a fetish, they mentally break and an hero
Lol of course it's a kike.
Adults created the religious cult and forced it onto their victims, who were originally children. Those children grew up and returned the favor on other children. This is a cycle of deadly abuse. There's nothing funny about it.
>when they have created an entire religious cult around it, yeah its funny to watch them suffer for the rest of their lives
are you describing trannies or circumcision? jew.
I thought it was the realization that nothing's really changed for them, mentally. They're still the same person they were before, they didn't transform into someone with high social skills or whatever.
I dunno about that anon. I get the feeling that this is just the beginning of a descent into a world that we don't want but will get anyway
>4chan actually helped me recover from a porn addiction
same here
its not perfect but i'm not sitting here daily for hours trying to find that one thing that gets me going anymore
that one was groomed since childhood
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natural selection, the dumbest motherfuckers stop procreating and those with the slightest ability to critically think will survive
Sad to watch. She used to be so pretty. She, like all the rest of them, had some other problem and struggles, but was convinced that it was due to "dysphoria" and if only she trooned out it would fix everything. And maybe it worked by distraction for a short while. But then all the other issues slowly crept back in until she realised it didn't work. But now, instead of being a pretty and healthy young lady, she is instead in a broken, scarred body with a myriad of other health issues on top of the old problems. And the reminder of everything lost looks at her every single morning. This is truly sinister, demonic, evil. How long do you think she has left in her?
>says his pronouns are "she/they"
>his own parents refer to him as "he"
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leftoids really need to be mass harvested and used for psychological experiments, i genuinely wonder what makes them so mindbroken. and i think we will learn a lot about our own consciousness when we do
They did the part where you grow up and learn compassion.
They didn't do the part where you grow up and learn reason.
Arrested development. You're arguing like an adult with someone who can only reason like a teen.
>You're arguing like an adult with someone who can only PROCESS like a teen.
Changed it for clarity as I said they cannot reason like adults.
i see i see, it tracks given the near constant sass, arrogance and high emotional volatility you see from them
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the funny thing about this is that these cultists also include top surgery scars as a thing in their fantasy videogames.
they see the process itself as the identity not what its trying to accomplish
transgenderism itself really is just a massive science experiment and the people who fall for it are just the jew's guinea pigs. they are being used for psychological experiments, but they dont need to be locked up because they willingly just go to their facilities to pick up the drugs they are being given and are easy to observe because most of them live in big cities which are full of cameras with face recognition software and shit like this (just like china, except they keep it hidden because dont want you to know about it), having them be free to roam around where normal people live is the ideal habitat for such experiment because you can observe how they act in the real world on a day-to-day basis among normal people
oh come on you cut out the best part where the tranny says his "vagina" is fully functioning because you can stick a dick in it
parents and adults are supposed to tbe the guardians and protectors of the youth. all youth.
they were failed and betrayed in one of the most fucked up ways by those that were supposed to nurture and protect them.
oh its the UK, no wonder is retarded.
>jew star necklace
>you nazi
>Hebrew walkers
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Yea, those damn kids not being able to critically think at age 6
>Hebrew walkers
lost hard
their parents cant, so the genes will inevitably transfer over
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Letting children get sexually abused isn't natural selection, you absolute moron.
They don't know the first thing about compassion, because compassion is predicated on reason. You can't do well by others unless you actually know how to think rationally about what benefits others and what harms them, so that you can do good while avoiding harm. Their "compassion" is just a selfish desire to take on the appearance of a caring person. It's not genuine.
Buffalo Bill, what's up? Skin many women lately?
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it got buried hard, they never taught this at school, only just learning this now.
>as a man
But he wasn't a man, he was a kid with issues, and a feminine boy at that. He was preyed upon and conned into mutilating his body irreparably by the transgender cult of death. Growing up and just accepting himself as a faggot would have been more preferable than that, although it's possible he would have also outgrown that and just became a normal man, if feminine, like what those Japs and Koreans like. Transgenderism is demonic and the fact it's not being stamped out but proliferates instead is indicative of how deep the (((forces of evil))) have corrupted Western society.
>the way the light fades from her eyes as she tries to recall the concept of joy
Very sad
nobody cares. not every human is precious. we let people die in the streets all the time. your children are not important.
at least it voluntarily removed itself from the gene pool
we should do an actual genocide
>useless dog in a stroller
If I knew nothing else about this person I would hate them
I wouldn't say they lack compassion. It might just be me not having the meaning of the words down perfectly, but my take is: they have (too much) compassion and it's being weaponized by people for personal gain (primarily subversion), and ideologies. This is easy to do by applying extreme bias to parties by contrasting them via the oppressor/oppressed idea, and also by putting an insane emphasis on equality(equity).
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Does anyone have the video of the two polish(?) trannies injecting heroin or some shit in a bedroom. They're facing each other sitting on a bed
These subhumans literally groom children into living a life full of chronic pain and emotional/psychological suffering. Theres no compassion in them.
>this is a semitic argument
you dont say
Women do not talk like this lol.

Joe, eat shit.
semanitc =/= semitic
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Any retard dumb enough to fall for the tranny meme deserves it and needs to tongue my anus
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Poor bastard.
This movement has just ruined so many people.
> got top surgery at 14
Ugh. And they say this stuff never happens.
Wonder which state it was in.
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Look at this lady's fuckin ears lmao
Oh Christ, is this the same person?
are you autistic they look nothing alike
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> They've hijacked the suicide hotline
Holy fuck. That makes a horrifying amount of sense.
It'd be the perfect place for them to find recruits.
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Wait, you're right. Just rewatched my own video now.
Ah well. I am a bit face-blind, but it isn't usually this bad lol
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>Ugh. And they say this stuff never happens.
and here's one of the sick fucks that does them
this thing dances around saying surgery on kids >>5783003
>whats new is genital surgery on one undergoing pubertal suppression
which is groomer speak for kids on puberty blockers
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supposedly this one detransitioned
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Dudes never gonna experience twink death he's got it made and doesn't realize it



Why can't these beautiful faggots accpet the fact they are perfect sexdoll cum receptacles. I wuold fuck all these beautiful twink men so good. THey shouldnt give up they should sit on my dick and cuddle me t osleep
Twink death doesn't exist. If that dude had grown up naturally he would look the same, except his organs would work correctly. Those puberty blockers don't make you look younger. They just destroy your internal organs and make you like 100 times more likely to become obese. Just look at Jazz Jennings if you need proof.
Your take is wrong. Compassion, by definition, is earnestly wanting what's best for other people. Anyone who truly wants what's best for other people would be unbiased by their very nature. They wouldn't bend over backwards to protect an ideology, because if what the ideology claims isn't true then they'd be eager to know it so that they can stop doing harm and start doing good. They would investigate the integrity of their own beliefs with unclouded judgement and a mind open to the possibility that their assumptions might not be correct. That's what somebody who actually cares about other people would do, because someone who cares prioritizes the truth over their own agenda. That's what it means to be compassionate by definition, and that's exactly what these people are utterly incapable of doing. Because they're self centered and agenda driven, not compassionate.
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Or her handlers forced her into it

Like I can't imagine Bradley Manning got captured for ratting out the govt and used the opportunity to troon out. They chopped off his dick and threatened his family
i think thats a filter, watch how the background moves, could also be that even a filter cant make this ..."person" look good
Jet Neptune origins
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>Tell them the truth. Continually remind them that they're living in a delusion and that delusions can never make a person genuinely happy.
I did that. She still fucked herself over and became a 'man' anyway, but at least now she can say I made her a true victimized martyr due to my bigotry.
Anything resembling natural selection or eugenics would only do anything good if we weren't mass importing people.
If factual information is bigotry in her world view, that ain't on you.
You can't fix someone else's insanity against their will. The best you can ever do is guide them towards sanity, but you can't take the steps for them. They have to want to do it themselves. The only thing you're in direct control of is your behavior towards them, and as long as you made that as truthful and beneficial as possible then you have nothing to regret or feel ashamed of. It's your responsibility to offer the advice, theirs to follow it.
kek this is the funniest shit ever
This thread is making me cringe more than most rekt threads. Just looking at these people... Ugh.
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i think i might be a bigot
Camp Choppakockee?
Always remember. Faggotry is disgusting, and anyone who isn't disgusted has something wrong with them.
imagine trying to be so condescending when you're that fucking retarded.
fucking hell
this is quite literally retard abuse.
I thought the same thing.
this disgusted me more than anything else in the thread.
This poor woman spent years jumping on false solutions, while ignoring their problem. Some anon did a time line of her public announcements, I'm vegan and now everything is now fine. I'm some religion and everything is now fine. I'm gay and everything is now fine. I'm married to a woman and everything is now fine....
Obvious lie, this tortured soul never had ant friends
Mental illness in action
>I just took the cure that was handed to me
The pain this poor creature is pouring out discussing the lies she was sold by people praying on the young mentally ill
>I'm ruined
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