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File: 2023-09-25 19-40-53 3.mp4 (4.97 MB, 592x332)
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Keep hope edition
last thread: >>5749905
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Do I really have to be subjected to Dasha's nekrasivi face everyday?
All of the Hyperboria stuff I think is great in theory as a mythological articulation for higher spiritual striving.
But when they splice in tranime, consoomer Win95 nostalgia bait and teenage girls in these edits, that reveals these edits are ultimately cope of now middle aged losers who wasted all their youth and libido on their autistic pathologies. Now they are just trying to paint it as something virtuous and cool.
You fail to understand (probably either as a low IQ, or a non-white/non-japanese) that Win95, the Solvay congress, some animes, cute girls are emanations of the higher european, hyperborean spirit. This is also why Fischer is involved, because, even though he was of Jewish ascent, he demonstrated clear white behaviour. That is, even though he was physically jewish, he outperforms you mentally, and related to his soul, on aryan attributes. I am not the first to say that, but you probably have not read any pioneering authors that are mentioned here.
Now, you may leave the thread, hylic kid, and continue lurking. You didn't get the purpose, yet.
FED jew niggers run everything.
lol, well, I guess ultimately only you can truly prove and probably only to yourself if this "spiritual exercise" is something that can derive any kind of power to make material change that those that made western civilization wielded
or if this is just a pathetic escapist mental circle-jerk.
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I agree with you to some extent. But there are different streams. Some are transparently sincere and some are schizo and only hint at sincerity by being absolutely absurd. The absurdity is part of the charm and in some sense it puts them beyond rational critique/deconstruction (i.e. this does not need to submit to making sense, it just needs to exist). And some are just misses (i.e. include things that are patently pathetic, obsess about pretty but vapid things, etc).
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I can agree to that in an even more diluted extent.
I did start by saying the Hyperboria thing being a constructive in theory and I understand that different people with different approaches contribute to this meme.

However, even if it's hidden in irony, I still believe that the meme has reached a critical mass of people who just want to tag along their embarrassing consoomer obsessions that they over-identify with to a reductive extent, as if to say "um, actually those faggy chinky girl cartoons are actually based, uber-IQ, uber-T and uber-Aryan"
Anime is just an obvious example, since it's a medium shaped for decades by the demand of the most reclusive and degenerate jap and white autists, since they are the biggest spenders.
It has even directly spawn it's own porn "sub-industry".

When it comes to cheekyness I do adore the example posted
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It just aims at showcasing how great are things produced by the aryan conscious/inconscious.
Also, just because something is "modern" doesn't make it "consoomer shit". There are still sparkles of greatness to this age, and it also comes through regular mediums. Some old sides of the internet where Lain became a cult classic can account to that.
I would be way more critical of "edits" which focus on partying, meaningless hard-techno, the gym, ...
Shit thread.

We should have a cringe hyperborea thread filled with hoes, schizo edits and lame e-culture for you faggots and a based traditionalist hyperborea thread for nationalists and esoteric anons.
I don't have a categorical problem with modern stuff.
With the first OP post, it's really the combination of anime, retro computer nostalgia, focus on school/collage girls that separately can be fine, but together next to "le epic nazi esoterics" just screams that it was sincerely made the most cringy parody of a chudjak

>the gym
The memes focusing on physique has been one of the best parts of the autistic right.

Agreed, segregation does not get it's dues.
>I would be way more critical of "edits" which focus on partying, meaningless hard-techno
I would say more focus on communal dance and partying would be a cultural improvement than focus on passive sedentary media, if it wasn't so adjacent to doing coke and sucking anonymous dick in club bathroom stalls.
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Don't you think Baki would be fine next to Reghini ? This is why it was a success, because it reflected the worldview and lessons so many young white men can't apply IRL. It echoed to their inconscious and how great such a world would be.

I do agree with you. However you're quick doing the separation between shit media and actual quality films/games.
>Be Breivik
>Kill a bunch of white Norwegian teens
Wowy, what a great idea that was bro, fantastic, not brain damaged move at all
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I think Baki would be exceptionally fitting.
However, I still say most of animes and their aesthetic is informed by the sickliest part of Japanese culture - the lack of ability to form a vision of life worth living after high school. That is why I'm specifically talking about anime's whose character designs are often influenced by the student age.

>I do agree with you. However you're quick doing the separation between shit media and actual quality films/games.
I'm not saying that there is no great media. I'm saying that no matter how great media can be it can not be end-all-be-all of life or else it's just the culture endlessly masturbating - fantasying and feeling like doing something great without actually doing anything.
Culture that only focuses on media and art breeds people of passive audiences.
>win95 nostalgia bait
>youthful women
tourist KYS seriously
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our chan dot org
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Ich bin ein Junge.
Word salad holy shit. I'm not even complaining about the meaning of the post, its with regards to how its formatted. Please read your posts over before giving us aneurisms. As the Eugenic High Aryan Priestesses would say, "its giving t50".
thanks, anon o7
>non japanese
>low IQ
lmao, I refuse to believe you are for real.

More often then not I cannot comprehend how pathetic people who consider themselves right are.
Words are nothing, action is everything.

If you arent fit and if you dont structure your life around a goal which is in accord with the devine.
I am sorry, you are just a retard then.
In my humble view, there is no way how "watching anime" or in fact consuming any sort of media can be in accord with the devie, at least long term.
Glad to see someone has some sense in their head. And thanks for posting, I allways regreted not saving this gem.
And wow I can acctually do it for one rep now
It is possible to be non-white yet feeling of a place you yearn to rediscover. I get this feeling everytime I watch these videos...
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it was youth wing of some commie party with ton of foreigners. many of the parents still can't go to work to spread leftism because of trauma.

you are just a pussy who's signaling you are against atrocities. Breivik is probably the one of the few who actually had a rational political plan, regardless of the morality of the subject it was effective.
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>pioneering authors that are mentioned here
May I ask?
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Anyone got the Afrikan Union one?
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Reject modernity.
Embrace Papa Yakub.
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