happy edition
>>5781908>get to sit while you work>get to wear headphones so no one bothers you and you can zone out>simple labor so my mind can wander to things I want to do in my free time, and so I can plan out a real career for myselflooks pretty good to me.but these are soulless bug-chinks, so this is their final destination, and their mind does not yearn for anything higher.
>>5781920They might only get paid if they deliver the boulder to its destination. So its competition for the work that is open to all.
>>5781906>>5781908>>5781911>>5781912Maybe India isn't that bad after all.
>>5781958>>5781961>>5781963>>5781966These aren't the proper definition of being a wagie since all of them are self-employed albeit they're covered in feces.
>>5781885this is how indians food workers imagine they look like when the do all the flash shit
>>5781969Shove the definition up your ass faggot, how about that
>>5781997nah that ain't a dildo, that would be too fucking stupid to be real.
>>5781978Death stranding is realistic after all
>>5781920I've heard it's a way to divide out day labor. if you can grab a rock you get to work and get paid today
>>5781912Jesus fucking Christ I just bought vapes bro
>>5781932Don't worry, you'll be doing that soon enough
>>5781983context? bullying?
>>5781995fake and gay
>>5781972this is the kinda shit from dystopian sci fi
>>5781885anyone knows where this is from? i wanna see the normie's comments on the og upload
>>5781958literal slop
>>5782162you're retarded and deserve your ruined lungs
>>5781911>yay! Rocks!
All of these people have a more respectable life than "GenZ boss in a mini"
>>5782803You have a good point. I think they deserve a little more respect immediately after reading this. That's pretty weird.
>>5782004Read the caption>sexshop
>>5781979That looks comfy. Cruise around, sleep in tunnel, get up and cruise around
>>5781966That's poop bro. That was poop.
>>5781958This is poop bro. There is no way its not poop. It's like each member of a household eats 1 ingredient for a day, and they pooo it into these buckets and cook it all together. It is poop. There's no way this is not poop. I will never believe indians are not eating poop. Its gotta be poop.
>>5781908She should try getting a job at the shoe factory. Better work
>>5781980Man this is some kinky stuff
>>5782773Vapes are safe retard
>>5782902>safeArguably worse. Swapping the Tar for heavy metals and 100x the carcinogenic chemicals is not a good thing. Brain deleting stuff. Enjoy your brain and lung damage weak-willed, no-self-control vapetard.
>>5781915sounds the canary is trying to warn them
>>5781991Quran Karen
>>5781972this is some mad max shit lmao
>>5781920New rocks>>5781995The most realistic aspect of this are the blacks stealing>>5782139>red shoes>youngblood
>>5781980workers in the west fought and died to organize and form labor unions so that this shit wouldn't happen.
>>5781960Reminds me of England where people gave to pay a fee to receive their wages
I'm so glad my husband is a rich engineer and I'll never have to work again.Thank you god
This will happen in the West. Horrible working conditions, no safety, very low pay
>>5783149The oligarchs are working hard to bring it back
>>5782956mind your own business, you busybody.I bet you eat garbage food everyday you fat loser
>>5781932>simple labor so my mind can wander to things I want to do in my free time, and so I can plan out a real career for myselflmao I worked in a factory for 5 years now.At first I had loads of ideas for music, for my D&D game, for writing, etc..Now I barely have any ideas cause I don't sleep enough and because I am in the same linoleum hellscape every day.My body is falling apart hard and my brain is ruined.Don't fall for this meme. Also LMAO @ the idea you're gonna learn a new career on your headphones. I tried it. Doesn't work. If you have a suggestion I'd love to hear it and try again.
>>5783284Sorry but that appears to be a skill issue.The human mind is a wonderful conception, it can learn multiple things at once. I would absorb information subconsciously. Secondly brought lights trigger a cell membrane response in the eyes, that literally let's us adapt to various light conditions, so your eyes will be fine.Thirdly, you should aim for a promotion where you can have extra money but not be monitored or under pressure.I've never worked before but I know the only limit in this circumstance is your mindset
>>5782956I don't think you know shit about shit. Do me a favor and don't vape so I'm not associated with retards like you
>>5783245It will soon enough when Trump approves the H-1B visas and Musk's importation of pajeets.
>>5783483I suppose you're right but unfortunately i'm retarded now so I don't know how I can undo the damage without going NEET.>Thirdly, you should aim for a promotion where you can have extra money but not be monitored or under pressure.The more money I make, the more pressure and monitoring I have. Sweet spot was my old job where I made 21 an hour and got away with fucking off to the bathroom for 15 minutes several times a day.
>>5783790oh snap it's Durgasoft
>>5783790>trans people exist therefore i voted to be enslaved like the chineset. maga retard
>>5781920They think some of the rocks might have jade inside. Google "China stone gambling." Get a seemingly worthless rock, cut it open and if it's jade, you're rich. Somebody is just dumping those rocks on the ground so it is unlikely any of those rocks will amount to anything.
>>5783120>take medicationwhat for?
>>5782895>Don't make sales target>Girlboss slaps you as punishment>Make sales target>Girlboss slaps you harder as reward
>>5783949antidepressants no doubt, americans take them like vitamins and thats not even hyperbole
Me in 6 hours
>>5784087At least you have a loving wife to come home to
>>5783875You are just exxagerating anon
>>5781968The only difference between China and India is that Indians can have some basic level of human empathy.Otherwise, they're both pretty similarly fucking filthy.
>>5783149Yeah? Where were they when employers forced workers to get clotshots or be fired?
>>5781978this can't be real can it?
>>5784087I called in sick today
Maybe humans shouldn't have to live like this
>>5781995>white robber>black heroesthis shit made by netflix or what?
>>5781915I guess this is how your package gets stuck in china for weeks. Stop dumping new ones until you've made some progress REEEEee
>>5784088wait he crashed his car and still delivered the food?
>>5781908I'd love to have this job. You could just sit there listening to ebooks or something.
>>5781915That reminds me, I have to put in an order.
>>5782102This was my first thought, too
>>5783483>I've never worked before but I know the only limit in this circumstance is your mindsetLmfao
>>5782902That's what they used to say abouts cigs, doctors used to even reccommend them.
>>5783149And lo and behold it ends up being more corrupt and full of commie bullshit than an actual communist country. Fuck unions.
>>5783137>>red shoes>>youngbloodGlossed over this thread some hours ago and then just now I happened to stumble across this red shoe shit for the first time, in an unrelated archived thread I had open in a tab from weeks ago that I never got around to reading. I knew I'd heard it somewhere before. I wonder if it's a meaningful coincidence or just that everything in the whole world always boils down to evil pedo jews
>>5785089Fucking union workers.
>>5785115It's funny to me how Americans actively works against their best interests, because big business owners like Elon brainwashed them to do their bidding, keep slurping that corporate dick
>>5781991what's wrong with a municipal police doing his job?
>>5785311It's funny to me when people from irrelevant places try to tell the most economically successful country in human history how to run its economy. Americans invented the modern labor union to improve working conditions during the industrial revolution. Then we recognized that unions become parasitic once working conditions improve, so we stopped supporting them. Unions increase costs and lower productivity, which companies pass on to customers as higher prices and lower quality services. It's a net negative. And reemergence of that same addlebrained leftist thinking that protects lazy people at the expense of the productive is responsible for most of the social problems in the west today.
>>5783949How else is he supposed to function?Any normal person without medication would off themselves in the depicted scenario.
>>5785336>Unions increase costs and lower productivity, which companies pass on to customers as higher prices and lower quality services. It's a net negative. And reemergence of that same addlebrained leftist thinking that protects lazy people at the expense of the productive is responsible for most of the social problems in the west today.t. union buster lapdog
>>5785336You're always welcome to work in China, there's no legal labor unions in middle kingdom.
>>5782826I wouldn't eat indian food.Look at india. There's poop everywhere, people there eat it, you go in the streets and you see people pooping at every corner and they never have even heard of soap in their entire life.I have tremendous respect for indian, they're great people, but their food, culture and people need to go back, their music can stay but their food, culture and people have to go back.
>>5785089An improperly worn mask (note twisted elastic) cannot protect against nerve gas.
>>5784380>Indians can have some basic level of human empathy
>>5781980I like how the video calls them employees and not pepole, like they aren't even human
>>5785326He isn't police, he works for the local council, they don't actually enforce any laws, they just hang around the place and issue fines.
>>5785089Looks like narcolepsy. I had a tutor that would do this. It was really weird.
>>5781981>Ok sirHowling
>>5781915why the fuck are most of them shirtless?
>>5781978History repeats itself eternally.
>>5781915I exclusively purchase through the internet.
>>5785336customers pay the higher prices reluctantly at first but then accept it eventually. everyone wins
>>5783483>zoomer redditor so obvious it's obvious
>>5783483>I've never worked before but I know the only limit in this circumstance is your mindsetHonestly, the internet might have been usefull at some point but these days it seems its just a shitfest of parroted worthless opinions.
>>5785913heat / lack of proper ventilation
>>5785089>"say when"
>>5784662It would get taken out of his tips, shit happened to me when I was 19
>>5781885But he could have done all of that in 3 seconds by just sweeping is arm across the table onto the plate and then immediately start wipingWell, I guess that's why I'm the engineer, and he's the slave hahahah
>>5781971he still looks like a fucking fag though>>5781962I would have gone for the elevator button from the beginning.Its good to be white, and smart
>>5784484I was working from home hahahaFUCK NORMIES
>>5784484do you ever think about anything else?
>>5785401I'm okay with mendatory military drilling thots tho.Heck you wouldn't even have to pay me, I'd scream and bully bitch into formation for free
>>5785683I am, yeah.You see them run to help injured people and people being attacked. Chinese don't do that. Does that mean I don't see all the negatives? No, don't be retarded.
>>5782956>Swapping the Tar for heavy metals and 100x the carcinogenic chemicals is not a good thingfuck you're dumb.
>>5781961ahhhh yes, the ever famous secret ingredient.floor spice
>>5781979I'm sure its filled with exhaust fumes
>>5781981what a douche
>>5781908>>5781911>>5781915>>5781916I wish we could have this kind of work ethics in America. Instead everyone want to have useless university degrees and salaries that leech off of the company's profits.
>>5781980Cucked police stopping this healthy enforcement of company rules.
>>5786422There's a video of some jeet getting his legs run over by a train and no one moves an inch to help him except a lone vacationing white guy.
>>5782139I had literally the exact opposite experience. I came into work every day and my boss said I didn't have to and could work from home. Literally said "Most of us just come in on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The other days are really empty."They gave me a phone worth 1500€ and a free subscription that has 50GB. Our cafeteria is literally a restaurant. They regularly take us out to dinner and drinks, all paid by the company. Last year we went on a weekend trip to another country.
>>5785415>their music can stayBro wtf
>>5785730>narcolepsymore likely opioid addict.
>>5781981what a king. Fuck pajeets
>>5785730It's heroin.
>>5785941Can't fly it off the mountain.
>>5786955I don't condone that kind of treatment for fast food workers or anything, but I can't deny that slap is hilarious
>>5781885dab on 'm
>>5781987I know this is the shit the gooks are saying whilst I'm standing there ordering Chinese food.
>>5786999>>5787001The wages must be really fkn good to put up with this shit.>those digits
>>5781911so thats where all the limestone from the pyramids went
>>5784088the krusty krab pizza is the pizza...
>>5787123they dont have a choice but to work there.
>>5785941amazin picture, good post
>>5786955Honestly, people with foul tempers like that should be locked away for good.
>>57870010:39 was kinda hotbut 0:59 was too far
>>5786999I volunteer, but not as one of the end ones, they only get slapped once per pass
>>5781932>looks pretty good to me.$3 a day though, 10-12 hour days with only 1 break and a 6 day work week. nah I'd rather uninstall my life instead
>>5782162yeah never buy them from chinaits worth paying double/triple to get one that hasnt been kissed by a chinaboy with birdflu, or one that wont just infest your lungs with heavy metals or blow up in your hands
>>5782262pretty sure. I used to watch Chinese twitter and the amount of female abuse was staggering. the guys are always smoking when they do it
>>5785730Same, though I've seen people with severe untreated Sleep Apnea do the same, as well as people who try to juggle 2-3 jobs at once. Man it depresses me that like 50% of everyone works 2 jobs now.
>>5783120I can do all this and I don't even need to work
>>5785730i have that conditioni sleep between 12 and 24 hrs a dayi cant get shit done, at allim constantly tired and it doesnt matter how long i sleep 6-7-8-10 15 or 20 hrs it is all the same for me or what type of meth i mean meds i get perscribedit has some perks tho. i overlsept the first 8 motnhs of the convid plandemic. so when every1 was agitated and hyped for an untested genetic therapy, i was like, what lmao.im very tranquil, i do my tou autopraitein and my carpe diems, no stress policy. im 27 now and look like 21. i chill my days and my youth while you guys are wasting your time slaving away.still, i dont wish this condition to even my enemies (if i had any, or friends for that matter, lol)
>>5785401imagine the smell
>>5786422jeets are the worst when it comes to empathytheir "karmic cast system" prevents anyone in india from giving a shit about death>he deserved it>oh that baby got run over by that jingly truck - probably was an asshole in a previous life, owell let me just drop trow next to it and drop drop off a steamy load of paneer>oh that rich brahman guy whos an asshole, better suck up to him because he clearly has good karma!hinduism is the most evil largely practiced religion on earth.they all essentailly want all human life to end to cure "human suffering" - to end "samsara", they pray to a deified messiah called "maitreya" who will come down and end all human life, therefore finally ending the cycle of death and rebirth for the ultimate goal of ending human suffering>kill everyone so they physically cant suffer anymore instead of helping your fellow manIndians are actually the worst.
>>5787123>wages>choicepick one
>>5781885how much amphetamines my boy on you wager?
>>5781932your back and joints would explode after a single day with your amerilard weight
>>5782817>This beef and salt too spicy!!
>>5781972how are those solar panels not worth way more than they could ever earn in the slop fields?
>>5783149half of america is fighting tooth and nail to end that
>>5781992heem sleepy
>>5782139is this what wagies think an office gig is like? lol
>>5784662wagies in ukrain still continued delivering stuff when russian tank driven around and grenades hitting streets
>>5786999>allegedly volunteered for punishment>allegedly
>>5787917You're retarded
>>5786955Ran away like a coward.
>>5781885that table is still dirty as a mother nigger
>>5782956I'll wait for a source (other than your ass)
>>5781911I fucking love rocks!
>>5781966Why are they so good at making stuff that looks like sewage?
>>5786649Hi, Elon.
>>5781995This is boomer-tier fake.
>>5783960Doctors actively push them too. I saw all the nasty shit related to them and said no. No meds here.
>>5788130don't totally knock antidepressants. I feel less depressed and suicidal on mine
>>5787926The strongest zoomer
>>5784380>>5786422>Indians can have some basic level of human empathykek I've seen enough jeets getting stomped by elephants as revenge of their abuse, so no. Also an anon already mentioned this but to elaborate their caste system literally encourages shitty behavior because it doesn't matter how much you try when you're born as a lower class caste or how abusive you are as an upper class caste anyways.India is figuratively and literally shit.
>>5786422More like run to rape
>>5781983Y PP HAWD ????
>>5781961definition of nigger food, not fit for a slave
>>5786999The twist is an all are BDSM company and that is the 1 slap per hour mandated by the union from the designated dominatrix
>>5788144I tried two of them. One killed my emotions, and the other made me want to punch a hole in the wall. Never again.
>>5788071I need a niggerhating wagie soldier of a wife like this.
>>5785730it's fentanylanyone that has worked one of these shitty minimum wage jobs with niggers knows that they all load up on drugs before going in to workthey'll cry about racism if the white manager tries to fire them
>>5788071I wouldn't want to fight a Waffle House employee. They have too much xp.
>>5781932nah. the perfect job for thinking about life is security. Guarding some low risk location like hospitals and offices at night is kino living. Even as you do your routine rounds you can think about things. You're also not required to put your life at risk in case of trouble, just call the cops. No music tho.>>5781966I wonder if Indians ended up relating sewage color to 'tasty food'. Like how we may relate colorful mushrooms to 'sweets' even though it's probably poisonous. Do they like, look at poop and go 'Damn, that looks like rajesh's dahjeet cookies. Now I'm hungry.'
>>5781992Fuck these bystander niggers man. I was so hyped for the beggar to get his teeth kicked in. I hate these de-escalation niggers that always side with the beggars. I was ginning watching him scream like a dying goat. so annoying, bystander niggers are so annoying. Stupid bitch better sucked his dick all night when they got home.
>>5788071I she got fired after this if irc
>>5785776Is he scared or confused or just like "yeah I should be heading back anyway I don't really like it here"?
>>5782139Too real, hitting all the marks here.