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When did 4chan start hating transfolk? Is this a /pol/ psyop?
we always hated them, except for the really hot ones we jerk off to every day, they are fine
yeah the really hot ones are the best
Why are those parents not in fucking prison?
Crossdressers were always seen as weird and disgusting. Edgy internet culture considered them to be gross humor on a similar level as posting a bait-and-switch gif where you'd click on an innocent image and see scat porn or something like that. Crossdressers or Trannies as they are called today are basically that.

these two are the kinds of people, who fell for the meme so to speak
they were fooled by a trap image or video, which were posted with the explicit purpose to gross out man by confronting him with the fact he was just fooled into thinking a man is an attractive woman, but they instead went "welp, might fap to it anyway"
Was organic, amplified as a kosher distraction
>woah based conservatives solving this problem manufactured in the past 10 years
>why yes, I love based migrants coming in legally
>no I don't care that trannies are 0.5% of the population and that migrants are 30% of the population
Glowies will deny it
>>5799127 (OP)
what problem?
Trans women are great. Incels finally have a chance at a gf
we will never leave you alone
we are the hunters
you are our prey
>Edgy internet culture
that's why you don't have a girlfriend anon and will die alone. attacking trannies will not improve your station in life.
It will, however, improve the world in general.
These people need locking up
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>what problem?
you're ok with mutilation, sterilization, grooming and sexualization of children?
>minor attracted individuals dont have a choice they were born that way
then there is the whole pronoun thing and them trying to force people to play along with their sick delusions
Sure, buddy.
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Is the Joker make up there to make him run faster?
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>>5799127 (OP)
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i love how he waited until he won to surprise us with this
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I used to go to metal and ska concerts back in high school, a lot of people there were of a similar type. It's wild to think that many of them could have ended up like this.
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>>5799127 (OP)
But, anon, that is antisemitism.
>A putrid meat back on the menu bois? No thanks.
Grocery prices?
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i really like how he waited to win to surprise us with this gem

biden had millions of chickens killed because 'muh birb flu' so thats caused a shortage which increased the price of chicken/eggs
we're only 2 weeks in to the Trump admin
gotta give them a little more time to recover from the failings from the past 4 years
there are a number of EO's that were signed to get the ball rolling
of course thats what they've said, so we'll see what happens
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I'm guessing when trannies and homos decided they wanted to force their sick perversion into the mainstream and into everyone's fucking business. KYS
she is baiting
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yeah its definitely not fucking obvious that a bunch of these fuckers are pedos
>"before I had transitioned I had like a penis"
>>5799127 (OP)
How does israel let him get away with this?
>to prevent his menstruation cycle
As a rule, it was women who voted for this.
Repeal the tax section of the 14th and all of the 19th Amendment and the madness will cease.
stale pasta yawn
You can seek to cure more than one kind of disease.
>le incel argument
You think like a woman, yet are not one.
That is the most pathetic thing imaginable.
>I'm a MAN!
>let me make the most the feminine cringe video possible to prove it
The parents should be exterminated. One can be excused as bad genes/environmental pollution. But two is almost certainly the result of parental grooming.
Samefag tranny
She was so fucking beautiful before she mutilated herself. :(
More pervs addicted to INCELLED dot com
>circumcised penis
gee i wonder who could be behind this...
this is child abuse. it's like having a vegan cat. not what the cat wanted
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this. none of the real women need to wear hair brushes on their eyes while they do sports.
>>5799127 (OP)
I still can't believe we tricked the left into going all in on the tranny nonsense lmao
I wonder if these people realize they're going to age like absolute shit because of the hormones/surgery. I feel like the number of regret/suicide cases is going to skyrocket in the next decade or so.
take your pills folks
we've been here, we persisted, we ain't going anywhere.
Yeah we're done being nice.
See yourself out
>take your pills folx
Why do you hate normal people?
Why do you make up tonnes of be buzzwords for normal people?
Troons that bully Caucasian wyman are based.
They are man haters
Yeah but the real women still cake on the make up
>>5799127 (OP)
God bless America!
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lmao the sheer delusion
She was pretty before mutilating herself. What a shame.
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>delusionally shares they/them fetishises when talking about their/their trans shit
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Shit like this is why christianity NEED to take back the place it had back in the 1940's
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hahahaha fucking based
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>watching those two squirm in the back
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the balls on this guy
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But wait! It gets worse! His mother is the one who forced him to do the whole bit and she did it to get the attention of Michael Allig the homosexual, druggie, murderer.
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1640's you mean, right?
should lose some weight while shes at it, might help her dependence on ideology
this is satire, right?
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unfortunately the woke agenda is targeted at teachers and kids
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I know but I didn't know it would be this bad. What a totalitarian nightmare.
Holy fuck, the way i would start killing immediately. Take my kid and you and everyone you know dies, I'd trade the rest of my life in prison to keep my child out of that harm and with her mother in a heartbeat
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its much worse than most realize
There're a lot of reasons for why this is happening, including basically at least a century of commie propaganda, but one simple one is that no accountability exists. If you help someone transition or put them on puberty blockers, and they change their mind, end up mutilated or kill themselves - you go to jail. But it may be too late for such a reasonable approach.
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She transitioned into Jet Neptune
I'm quite familiar with what's behind this - 'the long march through the institutions', but I imagined that they would be more subtle.
While this insanity will certainly stop one way or the other, I hope it won't involve burning people at the stake.
bad ai fake is bad
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>dresses are for everyone but if you're a boy and like dresses you're actually a girl and should probably castrate yourself
Dudes have always been free to like weird girl shit and - just like any other freak - society will always be rightly disgusted by them. The only thing that's changed is that in the old days the weirdos embraced and were proud of their cringe while today the fear of nonconformity drives them to self-mutilation and fake identities where they can pretend they're still fulfilling their 'gender roles'.
he should kill himself.
ok Carlos
was this tranny v girls or other trannies?
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>noooooo we must mutilate the kiddos
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I thought this was the meth tutorial
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is this real or a meme
Have you not heard of Bixa Muda? It's a classic and predates tiktok by years. I think he's really mute but he does that on purpose because he knows it's funny.
Wow such a graceful and dainty woman.
>trannies vs trannies
lmao that would be hilarious
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thats just called the "mens"
holy copium
you think real females don't have anyone who knows them? like they just spawned into reality?
more white dude like him molest children per capita than anyone else
newfags dont remember how gay b used to be. pol really ruined this website and later most of the country
Got raped in 2019.
>>5799127 (OP)
The only transgender problem there is is that trumpfags can't stop posting about them which ruins my efforts to ignore them. They are not that common. 99% of their exposure is rightfags obsession with them
I wasn't aware rightfags push trannies in all forms of media and tech and promote rallies to force them in everyone's faces constantly. Thank you for the clarity.
its AI retard.
Also you're brown lol like poopie
I'm fairer than you and I know it. look it up faggot
Wow, didn't know they they had a mixed martial arts wife beating competition
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rage bait lmao
its grooming is what it is
>im a mother
no dude you're not
>all trannies are autistic
they are hyper fixated on this shit so it kinda makes sense
I wonder how the no trannies in sports law will go over next olympics since its in LA
my assumption is that the host countries laws would have priority?
I accept your concession troon
She looks and acts like a little girl wtf
I saw that one too sick reference
no one likes trannies except for trannies and porn addicts
>the university doesn't know 100% that I'm not a real woman so this could totally happen to a biological female, please help us this is a really dangerous precedent, we wouldn't want any woman in sports to face such a injustice

he's learned the jewish tactics very well
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that is so fucking off, like really really weird. hes fucking that poor little dude isnt he
his gf is a tranny and he has a child wich he also grooms. im not kidding.
Somewhere between "Consenting adults in the privacy of their own bedrooms" and "Drag Queen Story Hour".
>you are completely insane
Should've got there long before this but at least we got there.
This guy has to be joking. He 100% browses /pol/
>make no effort to avoid tranny shit
>99% of tranny shit I see is you fags bitching about it
Your words have no weight
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i envy that you live in a place without trannies
every time i go downtown i see at least 2-3 trooned out faggots
even the businesses i service have some
they're fucking everywhere
with the internet and schools they've become more and more common
if the goal wasn't to transition, mutilate, and chemically sterilize kids i probably wouldn't make threads about it
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American accent on the dad and English on the son. wtf
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>youre a sad person
says the sad tranny
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nah...its just AI voice over see >5801009
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>i don't like that there's pee on the seats and toilet paper on the ground
women do that btw, that's not trannies lol
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they pee on the seats while sitting down?
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>it shouldn't be taboo to ask my pronouns directly
>she *had* to know what my pronouns were
make up your fucking mind dude
>i said same which isn't true but i didn't have time to explain my real pronouns to her
yes, it's a joke
he's got other videos
Yes, it is blatant, obvious, shoved in everybody's face and everyone is going along with it.
This is obviously a skit though
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you think he just voiced over the people in the background or made them read lines?
there is probably some legal reason for not showing the kiddos

also see
he literally has a tranny "gf"
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This kid trooned out now, shocking I know
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YWNBAW you disgusting pervert. KYS
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>lots of people like me not afraid to die
Yup, it's up to 48% now, right?
At least he's taking the initiative in transitioning and is thinking like a woman.
stupid faggot.
nobody cares what your made up bullshit is, they're just trying to be polite. you're trying to be a cunt because they asked? kill yourself

inb4 its just ragebait teehee
This ones golden. Look at the fear in that kids turn into disgust. lol
Its Cassidy Campbell you twat, he's a professional troll. He's a toplad
Why does a man dressed like a women make me think the smell must be disgusting, but if it was a gay man I wouldn't think the same.
Toddler makeup lol. Lisa simpson trans aesthetic. Good ol clown paint.
Teacher: Fag?
Kids: Everyone!
That baby is thinking "Yes I want milk, but what is wrong with this giant human man"
Never would I ever think I miss the MLP culture compared to the tranny nightmare it turned into
Atheists then: Haha you believe in Jesus? A made up story! hah!
Atheists now: Damn... my society is turned to hell, how could it have ever gone wrong! O well time to drink my onions milk and let the buck break me and my wife again.
Another genius progressive lol. Leftists are great entertainment but we cant let them gain power again
A childs nightmare in real life.
Lmao. where is this from?
That's just a man with long hair and manboobs lol.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2y4E5OTlIM&ab_channel=%CE%9C%CF%85%CF%83%CF%84%CE%B7%CF%81%CE%B9%CF%8E%CE%B4%CE%B7%CF%82%CE%86%CE%BD%CE%B8% [Embed]CF%81%CF%89%CF%80%CE%BF%CF%82
Degenerate Braindead Leftists.
Fag is it's pronoun
Men are so disgusted that they cannot look at this monstrosity.
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or maybe you're a fucking disgrace?
nah its gotta be cuz you're so hot
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i think this man has all the answers you need
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>wants to be taken seriously
>looks like a clown
many such cases
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disgust and fear are two separate emotions, so simple a concept, that a kids movie could be made about it
>>5799127 (OP)
Can you dumb fucking niggers all go the fuck back to the shithole board you came from?
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i always find it funny that these mtf trannies equate immaturity with femininity
I sort of like how trannies make wyman seethe so much.
European here: can somebody tell me what these situations are usually? I see them a lot, a person in like a courtroom talking into a mic. Is this a normal thing in the USA that normal people are giving these statements? Why? I mean, is there a broad context here, like this is a way of citizens to get there word up?
>>5799127 (OP)
Why is there no webm on the jewish contribution to trans liberation?
>We're against gender essentialism
>So we'll do the most ridiclous gender essentialism and assign gender to colors
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You must admit most women do not mature.
Why do they all look the same?
yes for the most part, for a number of reasons that arent relevant, but not like tranny levels of immature overall
how do you cure gender dysphoria?
rejection of degeneracy and an investment in self-reliance culture
i almost trooned out but thanks to anons they woke me up to it being a mentally ill delusion
there's really no such thing as gender dysphoria, for men something called Autogynephilia
>defined as a male's propensity to be sexually aroused by the thought or image of himself as female
most people who transition have something major in their life that they're trying to block out or run away from
gotta face those issues
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vid rel
You need to be 18 to post here anon. This was never just a pol thing
>You must admit most women do not mature

You have a point. Wyman screeching they can do anything a man can but better.
Now they cry because they can't compete against trannies in volleyball.
And they expect men to make it right despite hating them
Has /LGBT/ been shut down since trump made lg-alphagettoes illegal
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You didn't trick them. They did it all to themselves
He doesn't even think like a woman.
They're not that common, but they punch above their weight. They infiltrate organzations and take them over. They are everything the most paranoid schizophrenic antisemites only THINKS Jews are in their wildest imaginings.
And it also depends on where you live. I come from the costal Northeastern United States. You'll note that other heavily anti-trans people also come from places that are more or less controlled by troons. England, California, Canada etc. We've seen what you people do once you get enough power.
If such a thing were possible, you'd go there too. "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere," after all. You couldn't leave people alone, and now you reap the consequences. Enjoy the next four years.
The illusion was broken a long time ago. Christianity will never be what it used to be. Now we have to hope we can make something better on our own. There is no better chance of Christianity fixing society than there is of all of Protestantism collapsing and rejoining the Catholic Church in the next 5 years.
can I get a physiognomy check on the dad? he looks like a tribe member
I love this guy. He's the guy they bring in on the "why are you gay?" interview. Pastor Martin Ssempa.
Friendly reminder this is what tulsi caught glowniggers doing when she fired them
This guy hasn't been on the dark web. Try Latin America and Southeast Asia my dude. After that, probably Eastern European Slavs.
dont be silly, you dont treat mental illness by giving people mind altering drugs, you treat it by giving people body altering drugs and chopping off their dicks
Idk if it was Biden, but I had a feeling that the whole bird thing we're going through now came from people in power who were angry about the whole "muh groceries" thing.
This shit is so insane it's almost funny. These kinds of posts make it seem as if trans people are taking over the world or some shit. Yet in my 27 years of living on this planet I've known like a single person who was a friend of a friend of a friend and is trans
>These kinds of posts make it seem as if trans people are taking over the world or some shit

Tulsi just fired 100 glowtrannies for having a gay orgy at the nsa and CIA.
Glowtrannies were trying to defend this on twitter and on Pol.
Anderson cooper admitted he was CIA and he is also huge butt pirate.
Now every normie will associate ladyboys with alphabet agencies instead of Thailand.
Lmao, glowtrannies will never recover.
We now know all the slurs, lies, gaslighting and narratives are uttered by hysterical perverts.
Your finished
For most of the video I thought he was threatening women in bathrooms
god DAMN thats a 5head. must be real smart looking like a white yakub
the intent is to create a food shortage
they also went after the potato farmers in Idaho by cutting off their water to half a million acres of land
there has been a war on our food from golbohomo to try to get us to the point where we will eat the bugs
one of the many strategies in play to try and topple the US/West
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people have been fired from their jobs for not using the right pronouns and shit like that
its worse than you think (was)
feel fortunate you can walk down the street without seeing 2-3 trannies
they're fucking everywhere where i live
see them walking down the street when i'm driving through town and shit too
the biggest deal to me is that they're trooning out the kids and making them think that they can change their gender
then they sterilize and mutilate them at a very young age
years later they regret it and its irreversable

i've made some serious mistakes in my life but nothing that was irreversible
Oh fuck, this guy.
Why do they always chose names like this? "Laci Violetta der Cumbucket"
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This guy gets it. Idk where you're living, but I live in Massachusetts. It's terrible up here.
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i live in a cali town thats also a sanctuary city
working on getting the fuck outta here
seed vid rel types all the time
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part 2
>20% of the swelling is gone
but still 100% masculine, god i hate this freak and timeline
dis nigga lookgood
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I still see a dude. These doctors are just as much to blame with this shit. They don't care about a patient's wellbeing, they just want to make money.
lmao bro, this has to be parody
not kidding man can i have the sauce
agp doesn't negate gd though
a lot of people try to block out wanting to troon for most of their life and then end up doing it at old age
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u cant post that webm without sound... its only funny with sound
bullying would solve this
These are all the equivalent of town board meetings. Every dept. has regular meetings open to the public and people have a right to speak.
I'm on my county's soil board and we have pretty contentious meetings.
School boards are the most political because that's where all the culture shit comes to a head.
I don't know, man. This has gotten so far out of hand I'm not sure there is a way back.
I think this is the last white culture event before extinction and replacement. I hate to see it end this way.
Don Quixote in the 21th century
My irl encounters, I live in Minnesota:
>FtM student speaker at college graduation ceremony (she talked about cutting her boobs off, it was very awkward)
>MtF speaker hired by my employer HR dept to talk to us (I work for a Public Works, but I didn't attended)
>MtF coworker it a different department left after transitioning during covid.
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this dude looks like he's 6'5 if not taller
obviously his parents trooned him out as a kid so the voice isnt deep but still looks like a dude
gay male pups rise up!
Idn if kill, but at least jail for the mother
Frog bros, we are so back
Ngl, if I were drunk I would rekt him
she likes pepe posters?
Damn, this one is cute, too bad it's trans and has manvoice
videos/photos are very misleading
this dude is probably 6 foot tall with broad shoulders along with the voice
honestly would
Honestly if that tranny actually plucked its eyebrows and had a little better hairline, it would be pretty hot
>Michael Strahan flinch before handshake

Gives me a chuckle every time I see it.
what was the final look like
he actually went to school with those nails
ur gay
How do you know it? We are living in a dystopia.
I will kill you when I find you.

Let me tell you: go to a table-top game store. The Trannies have at LEAST one representative there either playing games or behind the counter. For reasons, the trans-cult is trying extremely hard to take over the world of in-person social games.
I don't think Trannies are trying to take over by themselves: they are a tool for someone who wants to throw the rest of us off balance.
The people behind them?
They need to get sent to the bottom of the ocean.
>I don't think Trannies are trying to take over by themselves: they are a tool for someone who wants to throw the rest of us off balance
Holy fucking shit thanks for the laugh. Yes, I bet subversive elements of the deepstate want to shake the foundations of the board gaming community.
Either way, I haven't seen a single one in my local store or at any of the public events I've attended
Stop putting so much plastic and petroleum in the food supply and maybe you won't have so many trannys you fucking idiot.
>just fooled into thinking a man is an attractive woman, but they instead went "welp, might fap to it anyway"
Where do I find one of these ones that do actually sort of like 1/2 or 3/4 pass who wants to shack up and play house for like six months or a year or something?
I don't want to get gay married or anything, but I kind of want to do cutesy couple stuff and have date night and things like that, but also relentlessly buttfuck them until they cry and curl up the corner in a puddle of piss and cum and shit. And then after some cleanup, we can like cuddle and stuff.
>shit covered hands typed this post
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remove escapism leave the desire intact
i washed the shit off, typed the post, then reapplied the shit.
nice try, jew.
The person in this video would not have fucked you pretransition
I'm into trannies and nah, this one isn't hot. 100% man voice, not even trying, man face, bad hair and receding too and even has fucked up teeth to booth. Just looks like an ugly lower class Brit dude with long hair and dressed like a faggot
He belongs to the tribe for sure
I knew a gay chinese guy who wouldn't let me smash who was THE most feminine dude ever. Grew up with 3 sisters, he was really good looking too so that + the extreme feminity...I swear sometimes I would think he was a real girl
>hang in there
hang indeed

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