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File: gandalf-low-rider.webm (4.05 MB, 1152x896)
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Previous thread >>5665373
Dedicated Suno/Udio thread >>5791639

Post AI generated stuff. Song covers, animations, etc.
Bonus for OC. Please keep 5 second Hailuo/Pixverse/Luma clips without sound to a minimum.
Open source resources are linked below, but feel free to post anything, open or proprietary.

> Speech-to-Speech

> Text-to-Speech

> Interpolation

> Text-to-Video, Image-to-Video

> Deepfake and Lipsync

> Audio Cleanup
UVR Walkthrough: https://docs.google.com/document/d/17fjNvJzj8ZGSer7c7OFe_CNfUKbAxEh_OBv94ZdRG5c/edit#heading=h.n8ac32fhltgg

> Related boards
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he's right, for now
Looks like something from fiverr
File: Mexican George Carlin.mp4 (1.16 MB, 648x478)
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Is that Jeremy Clarkson at 36 seconds?
top kek
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>Eats burger top first
absolute maniac
File: trump loyal.webm (400 KB, 640x360)
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She sure has a big head and tiny little arms.
Comic book guy is usually right, technically.
That series is the best comedy I've seen in years!
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Here, have something wholesome.
we need more content of Facebook Boomers thinking AI is real.
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People who abuse AI also abuse animals.
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Absolutely kino
Absolute SOUL
>>5801759 (OP)
That could have been better.
pleas for the love of fuck someone post teh vin diesel ai one VINNNIYIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Needs a dad and kitten shark sashimi ending.
>abuse AI
lul, cry louder
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one day you're gonna cringe about being an edgy teenager
i remember 8 months ago when this exact thingqas deemed impossible to do
you will never come to a place where you discover how cringe it is to be a finger wagger on the internet.
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This was actually pretty cool! The shot of burnt Anakin in the destroyed Jedi Temple was kino
The only scary thing about this is the horrendous "music".
Better than the latest movie
he's literally me fr fr
>>5801759 (OP)
This might be asking for the impossible but does anyone have that old AI voice video of mr house going to the KFC and after complaining it had a certain Je ne sais quoi quality he's shown that it's made from rotting horse meat?
>just got home from spittin’
Is that like his job or something or does he just stand outside spitting all day?
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this one is great
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You made me watch an ad congrats.
Highway Star
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how else are they going to get you to drink nano bots?
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proof ponyfags are insane
Did OP ever get his central nervous system back?
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I can't stop watching this
That ending was perhaps the funniest part.
joke's on you, all these replies are llm bots.
>claiming bug butt
Fucking lost
ElevenLabs at home just dropped

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I tried Zonos with translators voice from this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OvE0X_3oBV0 [Embed] but it changes the voice style sometimes.
Looks like there's a dependency with mamba_ssm and I can't for the life of me figure out how to get that working for AMD. Looking at the pypi page it calls out an explicit Nvidia dependency.

Also there's also a new text to music but is uses a shit ton of vram.
What site is used for these?
I got a huge map full of the most fucked up creatures back from the shittier builds of SD so would be cool to animate them properly. (no registration site pref)
>no registration site pref
None do video gen for free.
>working for AMD
oh no no no...

how is this abusing AI? The AI is dumb as fuck cant even open MS paint and draw a circle
AMD works surprisingly for a lot of things unless some clueless dev puts in an unecessary Nvidia dependency.
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Hailuo AI just trained their AI video model on very specific animations and use very specific prompts for them and I have been having fun with them.
actually one of the most interesting ones done
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not ai and totally real findings in the antarctic
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Pretty good. AI really works well with dream stuff
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wow, never seen this one before.
Anyone got the one where these guys explore an ancient Egyptian ruin in Antarctica?
Never heard of it.
Stop making things up
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Made this with Zoros. Catches the dub voice better than 11labs
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I don't know what she's supposed to sound like, but the cadence is pretty natural.
For the dub it's almost spot on, and for free TTS that's amazing. Taken a year+ for anything to impress me with AI voices
>The world gets nuked therefore the animal instinct of humans to prefer those within their own group ceases to exist and whoever takes over positions of leadership will also now be incorruptible
yeah ok.
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I'm trying to make a video with a Japanese narrator doing voiceover
can someone point me in the right direction?
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Most of the TTS in the OP support Japanese. Don't know about Zoros but it's worth a shot.
I like the third row of teeth.
this isn't AI
I see you
bound to happen eventually
nature finds a way
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Only thing missing is the face a vegan cat makes.
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when it sinks in that I actually have been on this web site for 20 years now
Okay this is genius.
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you haven't seen shit yet
Boring. Take it to whatever non-sound board you came from.
Coomer shit is somehow even less creative than just having gpt generate prompts for you.
give me a kissing sound .wav and I will add it
>girl kissing (you)
>"coomer shit"
take your meds
>Please keep 5 second Hailuo/Pixverse/Luma clips without sound to a minimum.
looks minimum enough to me
>Underage animated character frequently associated with pedo fetishists
Yes. Coomer shit.
I literally made her 18 in the prompt I used for ImageFX, retard. bait harder
>a video of kissing a girl is "coomer shit" according to tourists
holy mental illness
I've pretty much stopped having nightmares since seeing what AI can produce, I can't explain it
you just know
you the real MVP
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didn't ask
>didn't say a couple AI voice covers I really liked off of youtube
>go back to listen to them
>vids are gone
its over
it is known
Yeah it sucks man. Youtube really ramped up its copyright striking shit last year. It's not specifically targeting AI covers but they're a big casualty of their broken system.
link to this?
It's on Pinokio and works OK. Also site hosted with 100 minutes free
File: arnold-zonos.webm (230 KB, 480x360)
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Hot damn you're right. I made that post a week ago and there was definitely a problem then. I just did a pull and it's been fixed. I'm used to waiting for weeks or months for this shit to get fixed but I guess there's been a lot of attention on it.
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it's the last virtual space with freespeach man, Cocto's an asshole
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For comparison.
any more? this shit is great, reminds me of early 2000 tv
David Attenborough works
It's all on YouTube. Read the filename.
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As you can clearly see, kitty is very angery.
that's pretty good
jesus christ the music is terrible. actually grating to the ears
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fuck that's funny
Wonder how long until we catch studios trying to skip out on work with this crap.
To be honest, every supposedly "creative" industry which has become entirely for profit with nothing else driving its existence deserves to be replaced by ai.
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fucking around using picrel as source material. getting best results with
CFG: 4
Min P: 0.15
and setting pitch_std to unconditional

Love when things come full circle
Literally something that a boomer NPC would post on Facebook thinking it's real
Yes, you're very enlightened attacking this strawman you've created.
Found one
More terrifying and higher quality than the Junji Ito anime.
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At this point Will Smith should do a real video shoot of him eating spaghetti just to fuck with people by claiming it's AI.
He already did.
Amen! this is beautiful! and people still dont believe in Jesus????
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look at old shit and how far we have gone in just, what, a couple of years?
Planet Mountain Dew and Trump Fishing still haven't been topped because they have soul.
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Love these guys.
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>Alibaba video model Wan 2.1 will be released today and is open source!
Not too long considering someone is already trying: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dOUIEFT1OLI [Embed]
But honestly, working in a modern anime studio fucking sucks ass anyway, AI should enable individual animators to pump out stuff like pic related without having to die in some slave studio that makes contracts with scummy corporate producers.
That was actually just AI
Just remember. When it ultimately sucks, you didn't say no to it.
I have no problem with AI in-betweening and color filling and that kind of thing. It's like rotoscoping, nobody likes it and it's grunt work that already gets farmed out to the cheapest studios already. Making the keyframes should be where the manual work is focused on.
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this makes me want to drunk coca cola
He survived in the end
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skibidi washer
It's impressive that the marbling on the meat man remains consistent throughout the video, across multiple shots. I would've expected different marbling patterns in every new shot.
Honestly I think the newest open source stuff sounds better than elevenlabs (vid related) now.
"GI Jada" Pinkett Smith would never let him out of his cuck cage to do something that didn't benefit her lmao
very impressive, curious how they modeled this. This is the kind of thing I think AI will benefit. This is better than hollywood faggots, yet its not trying to be real, hits a good middle gorund.
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Yeah 6 fingers and fucked joints are so good man.
>AI isn't demoni-
hehe, thats pretty good
the AI only does what the person tell it to do.
there is some seriously wholesome and beautifull AI vids and pics of our lord and there is also blasphemy.
>the AI only does what the person tell it to do.
not so
I hate when these are advertised as "vine-ripened" but then later after spaghetti night you can still hear meowling.
where do i go for funny ai videos of trump?
I cried. Qui Gon was always my hero, from the first moment i saw him in Episode 1, waiting in line for 3 days outside my movie theater in Southern California, i knew he was my champion, and he still is.
Now immitate liveleak videos China.
Real life
When the world gos to shit like this and we are all reverted back to pointy sticks and tribes/circles/groups/clans of survivors every single liberal/leftist will be eaten alive and utterly ravaged, and as nature is, conservatism will be abso-fucking-lutely brutal and savage. Every single surviving entity from parasite and animal and human will be ruthless to destroy anything that is hindered by emotion. Violence and power will take over and feelings will be raped so fucking wildly to the point it will show it's fucking face when another golden age of comforts will give room for it to fester. I pray this happens every single day. It can't come soon enough, and history WILL repeat itself as it has for 10,000 years of recorded human history across the planet.
>we are all reverted back to pointy sticks
never gonna happen
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pepe snail
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rare ai generated reaction pepe
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>Please keep 5 second Hailuo/Pixverse/Luma clips without sound to a minimum.
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You think it does shit on it's own without someone telling it to?
Maybe SOME experimental shit somewhere can, but the shit we got cannot
You think somebody prompted it to turn the dog into a demon creature, the nose morphing into a mouth? AI does this kind of shit on it's own.
I want you to look around you tomorrow and look for blasphemy against christianity, both irl and on the internet.
After you've done that, take a moment to realise that THIS is the information the AI uses to create content.
Also while you're at it, take a very good look at the ethnical origins of the people who create this already existing weimar republic tier garbage and notice a thing or 2
>Admits that I'm right
Thank you
If that's what important to you sure, you're pretty damn fucking pathetic.
I'm going to be honest with you, I don't know why you tried to say I was wrong in the first place.
the AI only does what the person tell it to do.
there is some seriously wholesome and beautifull AI vids and pics of our lord and there is also blasphemy.
People tell the AI to do one thing and then it often does very different things instead or in addition.
>b-but it doesn't always d-do
Like I said, you're pretty damn fucking pathetic
There is no reason for you to be upset.
There's no reason for you to imagine someone is, I'm just giving you my observations here.
My observation is that you seem to be upset for some reason. I think that because you keep insulting me.
Where do you see an insult?
I noticed you're pathetic, being right is important to you on fucking 4chan, get a clue kek.
when somebody tell you that you smell like shit and you havn't showered in years, you probably think the world is against you.
Ok fren, have a nice day.
Someone got the AI webm of Neil grason saying how they tricked Stephen hawkins into thinking sex is getting beaten up?
I gotta hear that!
>>5801759 (OP)
As someone who missed this entire trend by a long shot (thanks to near-constant night shift), I'm asking you to post your best. What YOU think it's best
this is much saner than trolling through slop on youtube so pls do it.
I'm also gonna ask the same in the AI music thread
I really respect how you left nobody out of that.
If you're monitoring the thread, see if you can give Obama a glock with a switch next time and maybe include Hilary and Vance.
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I don't know about "best", but I had a lot of fun making this one and I like how it came out.
File: My Brother Theme.mp4 (1.45 MB, 848x480)
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>My brother

fucking awesome, thanks

thanks, this is exactly what I meant
File: vegeta-cd.webm (5.93 MB, 854x480)
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This one looks dated now, but at the time it was the best animation technique I could pull off. It's from mid 2023.
>when doves cry
>Prince featuring Vegeta

so I guess this is where he left behind his title of Sayan Prince and embraced his career in music
I love smug "I will totally get the last laugh" faggots like you. Whatever helps you sleep better at night
>reading comprehension failure
I don't wanna be right. I hate being right because I'm good at seeing bad shit coming. We're going to end up in a sea of uninspired trash, and not enough of us will reject it to force real animation to come back. Cool animation like we've seen from Bones, Mad House, and Trigger is going to die off because people have shit standards.
"Oh woe is me I hate being right because I'm good at this!" Nice job proving my point. keep your ego in check melodramatic faggot.
My sides, GJ.
he didn't do shit you retard. It was made by these guys
At least I'm capable of defending my stance with more than insults.
nice one
>doesn't refute anything
So you admit you are just here to boost your ego then? I accept your invitation to concede
>you are in this council, but we can't not concede you the title of ring bearer.
anti AI people are unhinged and can't wrap their heads around managing AI versus human created content thanks to the obvious human creativity spark that is lacking in AI generated content. And it's always just them scrambling to shit on AI generated stuff because their soulless talentless slop made by human hands is already being replaced with soulless imitation AI slop that even though it's an imitation it's in a way far more entertaining and creative than anything they ever make because it's put together by people who are actually funny and without effort unlike the insufferable kinds of people who are barely talented enough to make stuff with their own hands and get self absorbed in their own ego because they learned how to pick up a pencil and to sell mountains of the same disgusting hand drawn furry porn to the same poor sap degenerates who are willing to buy it for all that money so they can make a living off of people with disposable income. This is why you won't get people to side with Artfags against AI generated content. People just don't like pathetic self-absorbed narcissism of low talent people and artfags who think they are special just because they learned the slightest bit of how to pick up a pencil are finally in for a reality check because even the most soulless imitation is just enough to replace them and they become insecure when slop exists that is barely good enough to outdo their untalented ass. It's the same thing with American English voice actors as well. If anything, AI slop content has revealed the undeserving ego of the least talented people in the world that are making money off of their so-called "talent" and expecting more than they are actually worth. If anything, AI slop existing should be an excuse to up the stakes and increase standards for art and people should stop settling for hacks with misplaced egos that expect high pay for their low tier talent. Get a reality check, artfags.
Lol the same exact people that lowered the standards on human hand made art and human voice talent are whining about AI slop replacing them. The veil is becoming undone and they trip over themselves trying to get it to stop. Amusing to witness.
This to be honest. AI isn't replacing art. It's raising the bar so shitters get filtered while the good artists are still there. Same thing happened with calculators and digital art.
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Hell does anyone have the david Atenburho Indians getting preyed on by trained voice over?
This one's a classic.
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Bring on the same mindset that gives us lightbulbs with short lifespans and infinite subscription models. Greed will fuck your optimism.
>it'll pump infinite slop at high speed
>I don't have to pay it
>it never stops working
If the masses buy it, they will fire even the top talent artists so they can keep all of the money instead of paying it out. This happens to everything. Don't think I'm an artist or a luddite. I'm just some guy who tinkers around and watches the world. I'm astounded by the rate at which people get jewed but fail to catch on.

Speaking of classics, does anyone have those OG Jordan Peterson webms?
Back in the day, some guy made a website where you could do Jordan Peterson TTS. He took it down after a few months because Peterson pitched a fit about his voice being stolen, but it was a big deal because this was pre 2022, before AI voice was accessible.
History ain't on your side my nigger.
Just by looking at this guys face you know he's a gigantic faggot, has aids and herpes, and can't stop thinking about pozzing little boys all day long.
That's a good point except it already happened before ai was a thing. It's called outsourcing.
At this point shit even gets outsourced by the people it was outsourced too and everyone takes their piece of the pie with the end result being absolute garbage. Look at the animation industry.
The sooner that shit gets killed off the better.
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It's the reason I'm so damn picky with what I watch. When I was younger, I was disgusted by how low the bar had dropped in Western animation with garbage like Total Drama Island and other similarly distasteful abominations. If it can be made by shuffling simple paper cutouts around, even my stupid ass could do it. The short of it is, I don't actually hate image generation, but shitty products.
I agree. Most ai generated stuff seems shit because it's low effort promp gacha shit which relies entirely on randomly making something that seems servicable to someone who doesn't give a shit about what they're making anyway. They have no vision, they put in no effort to improve or refine things etc.
Nice things could be made with stable diffusion 1 if you put in some actual effort and just used it as a tool but 99.9% of people don't.
pretty fucking good
Except for the audio, this makes me weirdly happy to watch.
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Someone got Nirvana performing Platinum DIsco?
It's stupid with cg's existence though, it sucks but it's good enough that if you rotoscoped it, it would be fine and guaranteed decent without near as much quality control. Keyframes can be reserved for the applicable scenes or budget shows. For reference, the skating scenes in medalist are cg and naturally stick out jarringly, but the animation of it is fine so just pay 2 more gooks to trace it...
1. The last time I checked cats were obligatory carnivores.
2. That amount of salt would be lethal.
How do you make these where you put other lyrics on the original song? pretty please with sugar on top, no homo
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Just like any other AI cover. Separate them into instrumental and vocal stems with Ultimate Vocal Remover, but discard the vocals and manually re-dub it.
I would imagine they either are able to upload a portion of the song so the AI goes with it & then the lyrics will go along with it, then they replace the music (via stems & separating the vocal track out fro mthe instruments) & then merging them back together - all in Audacity or a another similar program.You only need the lyrics & song to go along with the music, AI will always try to fit them in - hence why the same lyrics can be used for pretty much any style of music. So the key thing is to get the speed & the style similar to the original, the lyrics will fit anyway, the nyou justy substitute the instrumental track to the original & the lyrics & singing should match. There might be a simpler way tho to simply get the original style of the original to be done in AI so it is very much the same
In short, you have to be able to sing or use autotune or vocaloid or some similar process. It's much more effort than the run of the mill cover where you don't change the lyrics.
why would you do that when say in Suno or Rifussion you can simply put in any lyrics, grab part of the vocal style, upload it (maybe it get's past the filters) & it will sing to that vocal style? The song style of that is pretty basic 50's country pop. sure, AI doesn't give you the control, however they are all trained on ripped songs anyway, so if it was trained on that style, it should be able to do it.
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Thank you for explaining this in a way that an ESL Grug may understand
>manually rebub it

How do you go about doing this? If you're willing to go the extra Grug mile.

I understood half of what you said, and know how to do half of what I understood.
But I'll get there.Thanks.

Regarding covers I did think of a few songs I'd like to Sinatra-fy so that sounds easier than putting new lyrics
>le Sinatra meme
I know it's one of the first done but he had a soothing voice. Besides, parents would love some "new" songs.
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Quite literally you record yourself and run that through RVC.

>AI doesn't give you the control
That's precisely the problem. If you want to change the lyrics to a specific song, you want to match the pitch and rhythm. Uncontrolled vocals will give you something like this, which can be fun but it's not viable for actual singing.
I think in order to get more control you have to write the lyrics in such a way they follow the specific points where there are key changes, pauses etc. It can be lot's of re-gens, Ultimately tho it is better to use the genned instrumental that goes with the genned lyrics. It is more original anyway than simply having singing over the backing track of the original.
> Ultimately tho it is better to use the genned instrumental that goes with the genned lyrics
That entirely depends on what your goal is.
If you're going for a cover of a specific song, you want the original instrumentals. It's a cover, not a remix or "inspired by".
If you rewrite the original lyrics to the subject to want (chatgpt can do it) you will get the same word flow, the same number & you can edit it to look like the original, then if the gen a song in the style of the original (you can try to upload some of the original as well - (might not get past the copyright filter tho) you should get something similar to the original. Then it is simply a case of using the stems to separate the vocals & then put them on the original instrument only track after stripping away the original lyrics. A lot of songs keep the same pace all the way through, so even wit hkey changes it isn't going to take lot's of editing messing around matching them. Ultimately tho is it really worth the effort to simply put new lyrics on top of a backing track of the original? To me it sounds cheap & shit, even the original artists would like to put their own style & not sing or play like the original studio over produced track.
>is it really worth the effort to simply put new lyrics on top of a backing track of the original? To me it sounds cheap & shit
Yeah well that's just like, your opinion, man.
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nuggies plz
no hair balls
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this is fucking badass
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Can I get more of this cat?
what is the best free video generation ai right now?
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Just tried another one. I don't like it very much:
Debatable, but Wan is the new hotness.
What's the best free AI video generator? Are the locally hosted ones difficult to use or install? I miss messing around in Hailuoai.
Also I should add that I have a rtx580 would that even be strong enough for this?
You're definitely going to struggle with memory on that card. I barely managed basic image generation on a Vega 64. Not even sure ROCm is supported on the Polaris architecture.
For 8GB, I think Wan works, but it's probably one of those cases where it technically works but you're gonna have a bad time.
It's the 4GB model...
You're gonna have a real bad time, my man. 4GB is a bad time for even static image generation. I haven't used Wan yet so I don't know how much CPU offloading it supports, but even if you're able to run it, it'll probably be unbearably slow.
I'll just wait until I can afford a better computer. Thanks for the info.
and they said AI isn't art
Hold up, is this actually AI? It looks too stable and way too much like CG.
New nightmare unlocked
Yeah that's definitely something that was made in unreal.
im a retard

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