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Post female crash outs, anger, humiliating men, or related webms
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>>5806122 (OP)
>>5806122 (OP)
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She's straight up lying. If I would see girl outside that doesn't look like a fucking mutant that got created by being thrown into cauldron full of cosmetics when they were young I would instantly simp. Problem is every fucking girl on the street is looking like they are on beauty contest. She is the one delusional who doesn't go outside
This is a common distortion, girls only leave their house if they look good and their hair is perfect, otherwise they stay home. Unless they have school or work, they are not going out unless they can pick up a chad.
>>5806122 (OP)
this gives men the ick
>>5806122 (OP)
SSR eyes...
>>5806122 (OP)
>temper tantrum.webm
Always. The pills get them high enough to be indifferent, but they break easily.
>>5806122 (OP)
>Comic can't stand heckling
I want to be yelled at like this. You know she liked him by her reaction
that is a very nuanced and healthy way of looking at the world, good work anon
>>5806122 (OP)
Look her in the eyes bro!
>>5806122 (OP)
A grown ass woman that can't handle her emotions...
>>5806122 (OP)
>female "comedian"
I would fuck this boy so hard.
would, dick or no
>>5806122 (OP)
lmao can't imagine the lack of self-respect and testicles of the guy that cheered loudly at the end. this emotional thot got owned and her response is nooooo muh feelings. lol get fucked cunt
>>5806122 (OP)
i want her to talk to my penis like that while i accidentally cum in my chastity cage
this one at least looks fuckable
does the whore show her asshole somewhere or naah?
She is cute. You can tell quality person too.
Unique scar by her lips.
ugly landwhale goblina and negress exercising the tiny amount of power they have in their lives to ruin some guys joke.
>>5806122 (OP)
Best part is the guy wasn't even a heckler.

That's Natalie Cuomo, she's notoriously unfunny (but is hot, so people watch her and she has army of white knights and women who defend her) and 99% of her shit is doing crowd work where she just asks people in the crowd until they say something funny by themselves and makes a stupid face or something.

In this clip she implied the dude was gay, he just responded that she's out of material if she has to do that and that he can take the mic for her, she absolutely snapped after that.
>>5806122 (OP)
Staged. He was a plant.
I regret to inform you that that's Trevor Moore
At least he'd be back. I miss him so much bros.
Imagine all the things he would tell us.
Women are scary, they can just snap on you for the smallest shit
im confused, i dont see how his couples list could offend anyone at all, yet they got mad enough to call the cops on him? am i missing something? rondald mcdonald and xi offended them?
it has nothing to do with the costumes
notice how the cute storeperson was totally into the joke until the fatty said that it wasnt funny
likely the fatty doesnt want the cute storeperson flirting with random funny men for jealousy reasons and wanted to put a stop to it and so they called the cops for no reason
She reminds me of the whitest kids you know guy
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZHcrOBz_l90 [Embed]
Why would she hire a plant to make her look bad?
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so mad
men pay for this btw. I used to think that kitchen tradgirls were pathetic cucks who bow to authority because they have no brain themselves, but then I met simps and it is on a whole different level.
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sounds like every other women ever
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if you hate yourself enough to use tinder always use the best photos you can

>when my liberal gf found out i voted for trump
>make tinder cos fuck it
>might actually find a woman that's likes me
>what's the worst that could happen?
>roastie makes a video talking about how ugly you are
CIA thread
>>5806122 (OP)
This is the ultimate proof that women can't be comedians because they can't take a joke back
Can i say this is very depressing
The crowd cheered
Wait until you find about the "Tinder Roulette".
4/5 drunk girls pass each others phones. They make a profile with the most retarded infos (but with real pictures), then they hit on random guys and try to setup "dates" for their friends.
If they don't like the guys, they just make fun of them to destroy their self esteem.
When I saw a group of girls from work do that at a party, I vowed to never create an account on a dating app.
Shit was soul crushing...
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notice how the ugly ones are the ones that got triggered
>>5806122 (OP)
he jerked off to this
>hits dog absent mindedly
The sentence is death
actually seems like a very talented dom.

99% of girls who try the findom thing are shit.
I prefer slurping ramen in front of her
Man I sure would like it black people wrote captions that made any fucking sense, ever.
>never done this to a girl

>>5806122 (OP)
my dad married a woman like this
I don't care for the "meanness" but I find this woman extremely attractive. Even with that disgusting cow ring she's still 9/10 for me.
>a DS4 on PC
he deserved to be single
the videos are all quite boring
Speak for yourself. I think it makes her endearing.
She's ugly as fuck too. I don't understand why she thinks she deserves better.
>Has a gaming PC

>Still uses a controller

Why do so many Gen Z faggots do this? What's even the point if playing on PC then?
Probably, women usually dont stay and argue with men they're repulsed by they just get the hell out of there in case the subhuman touches/rapes her.
She has a good face but is flat as a board
Attention whoring
If she actually was offended by men mistaking her for a man, then she would be trying to make herself look more feminine, instead of trying to look like Leon Kennedy.
Woman not understanding even the movie she co-wrote
Profound retardation
Bitch is a tattooed jew and thinks she looks better than him kek
Wasn't it based off a book. Which would mean it's not like it's her work, she didn't need to understand it, just transfer the story to an other form of media.
reminder that this broad is regularly fucking Destiny, literally killed all fucking appeal she could have
>>5806122 (OP)
roasted his ass
I love this girl
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I would destroy her cervix with my dick.
>>5806122 (OP)
This was really funny, but not for any of the reasons she wanted it to be.
become a pagan today
>are you saying you're a dork

they were all plants
what's going on here.?
>talks about men with no arms
>casually drops "on the other hand"
come the fuck on
they don't want to learn ms + keyboard. And every game UI post TES oblivion has console UI, lockon, long press, qte, slow and dumb enemies + time slow ability.
they feel right at home
>is flat as a board
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Same woman as webm related and >>5790970. From what little I've found through reverse search is that some guy paid her to make some videos of her being mean to him, but I can't find any social media profiles of her. She has all but vanished.
>nose ring
Not a zoomer. Some games just arent made for K+M. Souls-likes, flying games (if you're too poor to buy a HOTAS and pedals), etc.
He should have asked for her number. Fat chick would have imploded.
To be fair, guys have killed women after being rejected. I think we both have scariness issjes.
>>5816449 (me)
>If only you knew how bad things really are
Not a zommer but there are certain types of games I like playing on a controller more
The next day she was written off the will
If I had a girlfriend, how could I convince her to cut her hair short and wear boyish clothing?
Some console games get ported over to pc + emulation.
Based Destiny. He would demolish you and every e-celeb you enjoy in debate.
talking over people isnt a debate
its insecure retard behavior
all liberals are like this
plus he's a jew loving, dick sucking, cuck
who looks up to this guy? other dick sucking cucks?
what does that say about you anon?
develop some self respect and stop looking up to garbage people
Retard hasn't played a racing game to save their life and/or not played any game modded. Kill yourself.
>>5806122 (OP)
She needs to keep that tone for the bedroom. Not the stage.
Why is this Greek towel boy so triggered?
i surrender. she has positive canthal til.
>talking over people isnt a debate
If all he ever did for the 12+ years he's been streaming was 'talk over people' do you really think people like Shapiro or Peterson would talk to him? Why doesn't the other person just talk over him if that's all it ever was?
>le cuck 'argument'
It was an open relationship, meaning both parties slept around and he did it way more than his gf. She allegedly even cried about how often he would hang out with other women instead of her.
Are all open relationships cucked even if the man also gets to sleep around and does it more than the girl?
>what does that say about you anon?
That I don't obsess over other mens sex lives and instead enjoy his streams because they cover current events in detail and because I think hearing both sides of an argument is based and necessary to develop a good overview.
>develop some self respect and stop looking up to garbage people
I don't model myself to be like the e-celebs I watch, although it sounds like you do. I prefer monogamy and not having too much attention drawn to me.
jesus christ dude, actually unironically turn your computer off and make plans with your parents
>>5806122 (OP)
She's 100% on SSRIs (antidepressants). Makes you crazy like that. I'm guessing Lexapro (Escitalopram). Hell drug.
>do you really think people like Shapiro or Peterson would talk to him
the daily torah had a guy on who's been shilling for isreal. what's surprising about that?
>jesus christ dude, actually unironically turn your computer off and make plans with your parents
They're traveling at the moment, but sure. Why would you assume that I don't hang out with my parents?
Also good to see that you have no arguments, I almost thought for a second I would be given a really convincing reason to stop watching him.
Do you model yourself after your favorite e-celebs btw?
please tell me she got harassed for this.
vid is 2 years old, only really blows up on x or here but never big enough for backlash
Her pupils are so dilated, she is clearly heavily medicated.
shes just a normal girl
If he was black she'd have swiped right on him. This is just what it's like to be a timmycel on dating apps now.
>>5806122 (OP)
There's a very shitty trend with new generations "comedians" not only having problems with comedy, but also being unable to be the joke.
Truly a shitty age for comedy.
worst fucking opinion I've ever read
the blonde sitting on the floor is an 11/10
>>5806122 (OP)
this is embarrassing, you're supposed to outdo the heckler not cry about it
I would only debate him in person or in written format, IRL so I can pull a plato and flex in front of him.
>so I can pull a plato and flex in front of him.
Interesting, sounds a lot like a xitter meme with no basis. Where did you read about this and what's the evidence?
Also you wouldn't as debates aren't held on your exact terms.
This. The excessive tattoos are a close second
>>5806122 (OP)
Did she humiliate him, or did he humiliate her?
>he's a serial killer
what? she didn't even get the movie she "co-wrote". bateman never killed anyone.

every time he's in real world situation he drops his spaghetti which does in fact make him a dork. the only times he's in control is when he's living his delusional fantasy that he can't separate from reality. if you took all the kill scenes away from the movie it wouldn't affect the canon at all because those didn't happen. the two times he was close to killing actual people was jean and luis and he lost his cool and backed out.
He's WAY out of her league.
Are wominz really so deluded?
Bitch is literally an ugly browniod with literally tattoos on her fingers.

Guy is definitely richer and from a better family and yes, lookswise alone he is hotter than her ass.
An epitome of the white man. Saved.
He's not ugly, only has that really unflattering broccoli haircut. Still better looking than her.
You're getting bred out of existence.
Someone payed for this clip. Guarantee it
Ive seen this video on twitter and it was mostly women praising her and calling her a badass and few confused men getting shouted down
he's giving the thumbs up, ob.
>Also you wouldn't as debates aren't held on your exact terms.
Real debates aren't held by his or how he has ever done one on his streams, so I don't see the point? Please leave this world permanently if you look up to that pedophile. Also we know "Πλάτων" which means broad or wide... If he even tried to be strong regardless of his height I'd have a sliver of respect for destiny, but he doesn't because he's a degenerate and dysgenic "being."
Literally me.
nah he's quiet around people that know their shit

https://youtu.be/AD57UoOFp50 [Embed]

bruenig is more hardcore socialist than hasan even and he went in destiny expecting to debate but destiny barely even pushes back the whole time
Dunno why specifcally but mouth scars do something for me. Don't care about any other kind.
This is the kind of emotion suppressing guy you see on the news about how he stabbed his gf/wf/SO 30 times with no apparent motive.
even more disgusting than these women are the simps that lick the floor they step on for their validation addiction
you sound raped. tbf you definitely deserved it.
This. Why should i listen to cattle?
Indians are pathetic
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it should be women being the limbless breeding units not men
Making fun of a teenager's appearance for a video is just really fucking gross, regardless of gender. What a cunt.
any vids of her spitting
so are those real costumes and do they have them
aren't these kinds of sales type dudes always shit talking about each other anyway
>>5806122 (OP)
Redundant thread title
I wouldn't play DaS with M+KB
who this
Nobody recognizes the name or face of a "co-writer of American Psycho." She made that entire situation up in her head, which is kind of meta.
She got really jacked for some reason last time I knew her name, no idea what happened. She spoke russian too
Trevor Moore

Fuck off, schizo.
More like he's 'Not any Moore'. Heyy-Oh!!

But seriously, I'm glad that he's dead.
No, bitch you can't be Patrick Bateman he's literally me.
You are the faggot. The fact you can't understand that a PC is the best BECAUSE you can use many different peripherals is why you are a nigger fago. kys
I do agree using a snoy controller is dumb because those are shit.
can some anons help me out and please post some videos of Women who make fun of small dicks? Would appreciate it much
Rent free rabbih00ywg
>every e-celeb you enjoy
so nobody? you've had too much computer time anon
>12+ years
it's unhealthy that you know this
>people like Shapiro or Peterson
these are not positive associations
>are all open relationships cucked?
>hearing both sides of an argument is based
then read two books or find a debate between subject-matter experts
>e-celebs I watch
>so nobody? you've had too much computer time anon
Then how do you know enough about him to hate him? And what are you doing in this thread?
>it's unhealthy that you know this
It's one of the first things people mention about him as he was one of the first streamers ever.
I mean either it's either the most cucked form of relationship you can be in, because both sides are getting cucked, or it isn't since you get to cuck your partner back. It depends on how you define 'cucked' and you could monogamy cucks you out of sleeping with other women, but I digress.
>then read two books or find a debate between subject-matter experts
Why can I only do one or the other? Is doing both worse than just reading books.
Why? Also the last place I want to be shamed for my internet habits, especially when those habits pertain to occasionally watching a political streamer, is in a 4chan thread titled "women being mean to men". Get off your high horse.

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