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i used to live in a bad low income apartment, and it was fine for the most part, and then i had mold start growing at an unknown location. i learned this by waking up at 3am to it, but i kinda... liked it? the mold smell made me feel nice (due to nostalgia probably from all the shitty places my relatives and cousins lived in and whatnot,) i got an entire online tech certification course done in a week, i was able to draw super well, i think it was giving me superpowers or something. i moved out a few months ago, and ever since then, i havent been as productive or creative as i was when i was smelling mold. does anyone know of a way to recreate that earthy, damp mold smell (not the shitty sour mildew smell) without leaving 5 humidifiers on in my room or some similar thing? (bonus points if there is a good way to recreate secondhand cigarette smell without smoking a pack a day indoors) :3
Is shame your only purpose? Does it provide you with a core feeling of security that is unattainable elsewhere? If so, may your methods of socialization open up beyond it's narrow span, like a bird opening wings and taking flight for it's first time. May you fly.

I expect not the common man to comprehend, and even fewer to know, but to the extraordinary few, whom I gamble upon crossing by pure fate, provide your insight, and to all else, weld your gaping jaw shut.
masturbate several times and deposit your semen in a sock, place the sock in a jar with a few tablespoons of water, not too much but enough so the sock gets slightly wet, leave the jar open under your bed one night, in the morning put the lid on and let it mature in a dark place, depending on the weather in a week or two it will darken
bump for interest
get some mushrooms and mash them into a paste and mix it with garden soil
i cannot produce semen
this seems like it would damage either me or my apartment, i was more looking for an incense, a candle, or some sort of fragrance (mainly just a way to recreate it that doesn't involve either harm to myself or replication of the material)
lol vegan detected
How strange
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how would it harm you
fungus in my lungs and walls sounds like not fun
>fungus in my lungs
You already have that
>An estimated 30 trillion cells in your body—less than a third—are human. The other 70-90% are bacterial and fungal. Ninety-nine percent of the unique genes in your body are bacterial. Only about one percent is human.
would still end up behind walls and in crevices and shit lol

preferably the smell would be created by something that isn't close to or is the typical source
We need more details maam
i need something that smells like mold, but does not have the properties of mold, i.e being a respiratory hazard, able to spread, etc.

i dont know what other details i could provide, but ask away if you have any questions
Why the hell would you purposely want to smell that shit? I live in a dilapidated shithole surrounded by mold and the smell makes me nauseous.
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autism and a longing for a time that once was
I said mushrooms and soil
mushrooms are edible
and people keep house plants with garden soil in their places with no issues

I can't think of anything else that comes even close to smelling like mildew. if you're afraid of some fucking mushrooms and dirt then just give up
bathe in truffle oil
i will try it out, beats cumming in a bottle and letting it marinate
This whole thread is crazy why is nobody pointing out OP obsession with mold smell???
Shut up underage, it's a nostalgia trigger. Why do millions of boomers watch 80's/90's cartoons today? Smells are even more effective than cartoons or music, but they're fairly difficult for companies to sell.
Try cooking mushrooms
Maybe it's close enough. Growing them might get a closer smell.
Or cheese making. That might get some culture smell while it cures.
There are a couple scented candles on etsy/amazon.
lol I can't believe that they're real
https://www.etsy.com/listing/84425563 I hope that this doesn't kills you OP
>earthy, damp mold smell
I have no clue what mold specifically smells like but damp mossy/earthy scents that may be similar are easy to get, particularly anything with mushroom or (real) oakmoss in it. Layering that with a heavy, bitter herb scent like wormwood, a warm, spicy scent like vetiver, and/or a resinous balsam might get you where you want.
It'll take some trial and error considering you're looking for something specific, but try different combinations until you find something you like. I recommend essential oils and a diffuser over candles, they give more freedom to blend scents and experiment and cost less in the long run. Mushroom essential oils exist (although they're expensive - see https://hermitageoils.com/product/mushroom-absolute-cepes/), but if you want something specific or cheap it's super easy to grow/buy/forage some and infuse them into oil yourself. Just, uh, don't use anything poisonous. Alternatively, you can make a tincture using mushrooms, spices/herbs, and soil and use it as a spray, but the smell will be more ephemeral.
As far as fragrances go, layer Demeter Fragrance's Earthworm or Dirt under a chypre or otherwise very mossy accord and you'll be golden.
>recreate secondhand cigarette smell
Tobacco is a known fragrance note and has several available candles, essential oils, etc.
what was that tech certification course?
Found a few leads, get a candle scented like one of these https://duckduckgo.com/?q=plants+that+smell+like+mold
there's perfumes and candles that smell like mold but in a sweet-ish way. but I've heard of fucked up nasty perfumes before, so I'm sure you'll find a perfume to ur taste
Let the man smell his mold.
Freak ass troon thread.
man shut the fuck up lmao
maybe blue cheese scented candle? idk if it exists tho
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I can't believe I searched this, and I can't believe even less that this is a thing, but apparently there's a scented candle for mold
>i cannot produce semen
What happened?
I once let a plastic cup get moldy. After I washed it I noticed the mold smell had permeated into the plastic so I had to throw it away.

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