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>Jimiko (地味子, lit. "sober" or "quiet girl") is a term used to describe a female character with a plain (not necessarily homely), mousy, or unassuming appearance and/or personality or demeanor.
>Glasses, messy or unkempt hair, thick eyebrows, twintails or braids, freckles and baggy eyes can all often complete the look.

I'm looking for anime with this sort of character as the protagonist or as the main/winning girl. It seems most anime featuring jimiko have them as secondary characters with little screentime. Braids or twintails with glasses are a must. Pic related is what I'm looking for.

Any recommendations?
more examples
I've seen Monogatari and Madoka Magica, those are the two most prominent examples I can think of.
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Not just limited to anime - manga and light novels are good too. Doesn't have to be new either.
Thanks anon, will watch.
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Try Bijutsubu Girl.

I'm also interested in more manga with this sort of plain-looking character. In a funny way, they're way more prevalent in porn than actual series, moreso than gyaru.
Watamote MOSTLY fits your criteria. She doesn't have glasses, though.
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There are a lot of doujins starring them I've noticed.
You're right, but Tomoko is more mojo than jimiko. Frankly I'd take watamote-like recommendations too (not bocchi), if there are any.
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Kuragehime, do not ignore anon!!!
The synopsis contains a tranny but it's a misleading thing, the show is actually good.
This seems like NTR
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bump I need this too
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Alright, alright I'll give it a try
You wouldnt stay a Jimiko if you are a main heroine right? It's hard to write them as the main heroine while still being able to keep them "plain". I think that's why there aren't a lot of them out there as the main/winning girI.
Anyways, my recommendation would be ReLife or Guiguikuru

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