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File: OG.jpg (112 KB, 560x409)
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I always liked this cartoon; it's pretty powerful for how simple it is. I'm curious where it came from; who drew it, what it was published in, etc.
99% of the time it's uploaded, it's with shitty wikipedia flags for Israel and Nazi Germany photoshopped over the real flags in the actual cartoon for whatever fucking reason. Pic related is the only original I could find, here,
However it doesn't have a source, either. The artist's signature in the top left is illegible to me, just the date1 Aug.06. The woman has three characters written on her, the first two are Korean saying "레바," Or "Leba" for Lebanese. I can't tell what the third character is; I don't speak Korean, and handwritten google translate isn't turning up a result for it like it did the first two.
So it depicts the 2006 Lebanon War, was drawn at the time, and almost certainly by a Korean artist. That's all I've got; if anyone can find more, I'd appreciate it.
the only information i can add is that the third character is
which is literally
so the word is "lebanon", not lebanese
Fair enough, thank you. So the woman is meant to be a personification of Lebanon overall.
>I always liked this cartoon; it's pretty powerful for how simple it is
It's literally just "you're Nazis" in cartoon form. It's only powerful if you're simple.
I mean, they are Nazis, so it's true. It's just the artist managed to portray it in a creative and artistic way.
Ahh that explains it. Simple it is.
Rate my political cartoon on a scale from "powerful" to "OWERFUL!!! "
I'm not the one perpetrating a genocide lol
Keep seething; it bumps the thread for me
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I fixed this cartoon for you so it is actually powerful. The reality is the Jews have ALWAYS and I mean ALWAYS been the bad guys.

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