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File: Untitled - Copy.png (789 KB, 685x640)
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789 KB PNG
I need anime pictures of fantasy monsters.
Please post screenshots of fantasy monsters from anime, or names of anime episodes that have fantasy monsters that I can screenshot.

Doesn't have to be specifically from an anime, visual novel CGs or whatever work too as long as it's in that generic anime style.
I'm looking for orcs, goblins, slimes, liches, skeletons, zombies, tentacle creatures, mimics, etc. Ideally the background is in a dungeon or something and not outside, but I'll take whatever you got.
File: _Instant Regret.jpg (478 KB, 2100x2700)
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478 KB JPG
File: Ede_Saine_Sheet.PNG.png (861 KB, 910x1351)
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861 KB PNG
File: horrors 1,2.jpg (2.19 MB, 1000x10000)
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2.19 MB JPG
File: horros 2.jpg (2.19 MB, 1000x7923)
2.19 MB
2.19 MB JPG
File: horros 3.jpg (1.32 MB, 1000x6061)
1.32 MB
1.32 MB JPG
Thank you, these are a good start.

But this is too sexy.
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108 KB
108 KB PNG
>But this is too sexy.
>too sexy
geeeez anon. Any normal being would be thankful of this. But I still will throw you two more pics
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642 KB PNG
File: dungeonmeshi.jpg (1.1 MB, 1251x1800)
1.1 MB
1.1 MB JPG

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