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So, I've been "trying" a few indie game before I consider buying them, both of them using UE5, but one of them has gotten really stubborn and won't run anymore, while the other boots up fine.
I'm on Garuda Linux (inb4 meme distro).
When checking the logs from Lutris, I found that the error was basically the following:
>ERROR: ld.so: object 'libgamemodeauto.so.0' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (cannot open shared object file): ignored.
Screenshot is from: https://github.com/Open-Wine-Components/umu-launcher/issues/81
That issue links to a couple other relevant ones, and those are the only things I've been able to find that seem helpful, but I don't quite know what to do with them, since I'm not launching WINE manually or doing anything through the console. That's why I'm using Lutris in the first place; to not have to mess with tons of configurations. But, that now means I'm not sure how to apply this advice to Lutris, or if I can.
I used Octopi to reinstall both Gamemode and Gamemode32 libraries and the result doesn't change: a window appears after clicking Play in Lutris and just....stays blank and does nothing.

Thanks in advance.
IIRC missing gamemode lib shouldn't be an issue. But just in case, right click game, go to Configure, and in System Options tab uncheck the Use feral gamemode.
Now to finding the actual issue, go to Runner options tab, and near the bottom set Output debugging info to Enabled. Then try to run the game, after that click the arrow near Play button, click Show Logs and post logs on pastebin or similar.
Can you post more of the output?
'ignored' implies that it shouldn't be the issue here.
If a window opens but doesn't render then you're usually missing some sort of window library in your wine prefix.
Here are the logs after trying the recommended settings: https://pastebin.com/nkSkn0TQ
for the love of me lutris never works, nor does running its scripts manually
just using `wine install.exe` works better than lutris
managed to get red alert installed even with ea's launcher just using wine
what I usually do with wine is that after installing the game, I will just have a .desktop file run the launch command or make it an alias so that I can force quit by closing the terminal window
at least tell us the name of these indie games so that we can try installing them through lutris ourselves and debug it
>what I usually do with wine is that after installing the game, I will just have a .desktop file run the launch command
That sounds pretty convenient.
>at least tell us the name of these indie games so that we can try installing them through lutris ourselves and debug it
I would, but then it wouldn't be a worksafe request... >_>
Double check the logs here: >>1477232
If that isn't helpful, then I'll share the names. Besides, I'm not sure it was an issue with the installing, per se, because the one in question worked most of the time, but began only working some of the time and now not at all. So, I'm assuming it has more to do with something occurring during updating, either the system or Lutris itself. And Garuda has its own approach to updating, so there may be differences between that and whatever setup you all have.
Doesn't seem to be missing .dlls at least.
That "err:openxr:get_vulkan_extensions Could not create key, status 0x2." looks sus, but then it's something VR-related so probably shouldn't affect the game.
"fixme:gdi:D3DKMTEnumAdapters2 param 0000000000B9CD90 stub" could mean that "winetricks gdiplus" would be needed.
crypt with a bunch of unimplemented things might be "winetricks crypt32" (btw are you sure it's not a malware, because I don't see a reason for a game to need that, trow the .exe on virustotal in case)
It's Silicon_Lust_0.35b as you can see in logs.
>btw are you sure it's not a malware, because I don't see a reason for a game to need that, trow the .exe on virustotal in case
No, I'm not sure. I figured it wouldn't be an issue, because I'm not running the target platform. But, here's the virus total scan: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/cfa95981445f03a79b792de318e06a91270c99615b1653454d78e52e6011146c/detection>>1477279
>It's Silicon_Lust_0.35b
It was obtained from: https://dikgames.com/silicon-lust/
I can't remember which mirror I used, but I'm not sure there would be a difference.
Whoops. Got it too close to the reply number. That should be easier to copy.
Don't assume that you're safe from viruses. Any .exe run through wine gets access to your filesystem, so it can scan, delete and possibly encrypt any data in /home. It can't add stuff to autolaunch without sudo. Also in general it's a good idea to scan any .dll too, since they can have any potentially malware code the same as .exe.
Since you're saying it used to work but broke later, try older wine version (I don't use umu so idk how to do that), or try to remake a prefix (point to an empty folder if it uses default so it creates a new prefix there, or delete existing prefix folder).
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Took a bit of tinkering, Wine-GE 8.25. On launch it showed a window saying that it's missing msvc++ runtime. Installing vcrun2022 through winetricks made it work.
>30 fps in main menu on a pc that runs modern games with no issues
making yanderedev proud
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>Took a bit of tinkering, Wine-GE 8.25
In the dropdown, I have wine-ge-8-26-x86_64, but not 8.25. Did you try 8.26 before doing 8.25?
When I tried 8.26, just now, I got pic as an error. I had that before and I forget what I learned when searching it up or why I stopped caring. Maybe I need to check that again.
>missing msvc++ runtime
Yeah, I got that on I think every one of the several UE5 games I've tried through Lutris. Didn't seem to impede anything, since it helped install it and it seemed to go fine.
>30 fps in main menu on a pc that runs modern games with no issues
Yeah, I would get about 40, I think, on the menu and 15-30 in game on a good day. As my issues worsened, it dropped down to, like 5...basically unplayable. The first version I tried (0.32, I think) included an nvidia upscaler, because the guy I think is running this will all of UE5's realism features cranked way up (even on lower settings) and compensates by just rendering at a lower resolution and then upscaling it on the fly since it's actually faster to do that than render it outright. I'm using an AMD GPU, so I don't think I would've gotten the full performance benefits, anyways.
For reference, my GPU is: AMD Radeon RX 6650 XT
I got it because it was the most powerful budget one and the cheapest of the GPUs that were powerful enough to run DOOM: Eternal at my then-new monitor's settings (2560x1440 @ 165Hz). Runs like butter, yet wants to die on this game.
I didn't look for a specific wine version, 8.25 is just what I have installed, so try any 8.X or whatever you have first.
Probably new vkd3d don't want to work with old wine, 2.11.1 is what I have installed, and DXVK 2.3.
>nvidea upscaler
I heard there's a mod that makes it works with AMD cards, which works on linux. Never tried myself.
Tried the wine-ge 8.26 + DXVK 2.3 and got the same thing.
Not sure if that's the route to go, but I'm open to trying anything, generally.
>I heard there's a mod that makes it works with AMD cards
I don't know if it's included anymore in the newer versions of the game, so I may not need to worry about it.
This had some leads: https://forums.lutris.net/t/a-bug-with-dx-support-in-lutris/17382/2
Mainly something with the drivers installed by the system, but I'm not sure what to try.
There was also some Reddit post suggesting putting -dx11 in the launch options (which, I think, is the "Arguments" section under Game Options in Configure), but that just got me a different error:
>Unable to launch with RHI 'DirectX 11' since the project is not configured to support it.
And then:
>LowLevelFatalError [File:D:\build\++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\RHI\Private\Windows\WindowsDynamicRHI.cpp] [Line: 810]
Unable to launch with RHI 'D3D11' since the project is not configured to support it.

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