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File: O_O.png (737 KB, 977x733)
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737 KB PNG
Anyone here has the gif version of pic related? Been looking since yesterday but have no clue which keywords to use besides ^_^ o_o -_- 0_0 O_O °O°
well I don't think you can search for those special characters on most archives...
do you remember which board you saw the gif on?
okay I've figured out it's a guy named Peterson in the really terrible film Reptilicus
File: omfg.gif (1.42 MB, 320x240)
1.42 MB
1.42 MB GIF
Thanks anon, I was gonna say I remember seeing it on /s4s/ but couldn't find it in the archive. Have a red ranger.
yeah I don't think you can even search for the _ character unless maybe escaping it in the URL
lots of characters are simply parsed as a space
Looking at this guys face I could immediately tell he was Danish.

Probably the only monster movie we've ever made.
File: file.png (26 KB, 201x150)
26 KB
>when you nut but she's still suck'n

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