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I need to find this /wsr/

I am currently searching for a manga, I think it was a oneshot. It was the story of a depressed kid who meets a girl in an abandoned building who says that the end of the world is in a few days. She then asks the guy to do some random stuff around town before the end (something about light posts if I remember correctly).

The only thing I have is this panel that I took years ago. The kid liked to burn his stuff alone at night when he was depressed if memory serves.

Pic related
bump, I can't be the only one who read this
Bump for interest
Do you remember how it ended?
mostly, I think the guy kinda falls in love with her and fucks up with the light posts in the city. the day comes and the city is beautiful, and (I think) that the end of the world basically doesn't happen and the girl claims she's god or some shit. It's pretty blurry in my head but it was pretty cool when I read it and was pretty depressed at the same time.
also it's not in an actual city, but it's more rural/village type of setting

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