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File: 3jw3pphg-1328484779.jpg (406 KB, 1920x1280)
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im trying to fin a comic i finished at some point.
i finished it in september of 2022, so i know it was finished by then at the latest.

The biggest detail is that there was a villain in it (possibly the main villain) who was really lucky because they drained luck from people around them. Or maybe it was cause they made everyone else unlucky, and seemed lucky by comparison.

I think it was a manhwa or webtoon, but it also could have been a traditional webcomic (or maybe a print western comic). This part is more tenous.

Its possible it was a garbage comic, cause this is all the information i have about it and i dont remember anythign about it. I only know this becaue I mentioned it in a text conversation, and i came across these texts again.

img isnt really related, only vaguely thematically connected.
There's a LOT of luck tropes for good guys, but not many for villains.
I think it was a passive luck drain. not an active ability.
this should become the new 4chan logo
bump pls

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