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File: pain.png (760 KB, 1090x770)
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760 KB PNG
Looking for a webm, or the source of a webm that I remember posted in a feels thread.
I believe the cover was a still image, and it was a spoken-word monologue voiced by a young man.
IIRC the man described an event in which him and his brother witnessed of a man dying, and he went on to speak of the uncertainty of life, or something similar.
It was either a poem, a short story, or an intro to an album.
Theres an intro to a song this reminds me of its some midwest emo shit or something similar. Wouldnt know it off the top of my head
Yeah idk if this is it but its similar, look up sleep patterns- merchant ships
File: LDB_006_0001-0640.webm (3.29 MB, 640x640)
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3.29 MB WEBM
I played my best for Him, pa rum pum pum pum,
rum pum pum pum, rum pum pum pum,

Then He smiled at me, pa rum pum pum pum
Me and my drum.

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