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Recommend me the best horror books ever please
The alligator one
If you learn to form a decent question first you'll have more success
Any History book covering the Holocaust. Horror does not have to be fiction.
Would the boy in striped pajamas be a good one?
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tried making this a thread but I can't because the timer resets after I press get captcha. fix this guy's, please. so here's the post I wanted to make a thread.
any phone recommendations that are good and cheap (around 25 dollars)? I'm thinking about getting the galaxy a25 for 25 dollars with boost mobile but I'm not sure if they're still gonna have it for that price. I was gonna get the moto g for 10 dollars but I want to get the a25 because it has more Ram and better specs in general. so do you guys know of a better phone that is around 25 dollars? the moto g and a25 both have a decent amount of storage, about 128gb.
Ok guys it works on the browser but not the app read Chan. Still got to wait 300 secs tho. Doing the captcha is already so much work, give me a break

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