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i remember seeing a vkdeo once that had AI cops arresting people in funny situations, like this one: https://youtu.be/p2uZ4WeU1_4 but with cops instead of wizards. also it had full AI voice acting
Look up "big boots ai" on youtube
guys I'm getting tired of having to wait and then doing the captcha only for the timer to restart like it's broken and also I'm pretty sure the put the captcha correctly but it still says mistyped captcha. I post on mobile app read Chan and sometimes on mobile. what should I do to have a decent experience posting on 4chan? I don't have any money
works on my machine
it works on your machine when you're trying to make a thread because it's probably impossible for me to do that
Pretty sure you just keep failing the simple IQ test that captcha is.
>Verification not required
nope, just tried to make a thread right now and waited the whole 300 secs and when that ended I clicked on get captcha and it counted down from 300 again. so... yeah...

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