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What are some ways to actually, practically, improve your life, especially ways that save money? I'll drop some that I know of.
LED bulbs are way more energy efficient than any other kind of bulb for the same brightness, can be EXTREMELY bright if necessary, and in my experience they last several years longer than incandescent or CFL bulbs.
Putting an awning over your window outside saves you a lot of money on air conditioning because a lot of the heat in your house comes from light getting in through the window and getting trapped by furniture, curtains, or carpet inside of the house.
You can buy UV bug catchers on amazon that plug directly into your wall, they catch bugs by trapping them on glue filters that you can throw away and replace. this is the cheapest way I've found to catch gnats, fuck gnats, I hate gnats so much
Toothpaste cleans car headlights
this sounds like something made up that people throw around to intentionally fuck up your headlights like how back in the day /b/ used to shit around those "how to grow crystals with bleach and a straw" infographics but from looking around this seems legit, what the hell
if you wanna make coffee but don't feel like dirtying a filter just for a single mug, you can just put the grounds in the cup with water, put it in the microwave, mix it every now and then while it cools so it all sinks to the bottom and enjoy your coffee

no, it's not as good as the filtered stuff, but it's a lot easier and consistent, not to mention a LOT better than the soluble stuff
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>lightly abrasive
>like liquid fine sandpaper
>polish stuff with it
on the topic of toothpaste and abrasion, a lot of dentists recommend against using toothpaste when brushing your teeth because a lot of it is abrasive enough to wear down enamel over time. they make special non-abrasive toothpaste but it's really expensive, like 12 bucks a tube. most dentists don't use toothpaste but just brush with water three times a day
Clean your ass with a bidet spray or equivalent - it's easier, you use less toilet paper and it's cleaner.
take cold showers instead of hot showers
heating water requires a lot of energy, way more than those incandescent light bulbs
like jumping into a pool, it's a shock at first, but after a minute you'll be comfortable
also hot water dries the skin and that's no good
Is that actually sanitary though? Don't you need to open your pores and isn't it harder to kill germs with cold water, even with soap?
I enjoy cold showers but only on really hot days
I pee too strong for some paper to stand it...
I thought he was jerking off in the drawring
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You can just attach a HEPA filter to a box fan and it works about as well as commercial air cleaners but much cheaper. Air quality is important for your health and well-being. Living in a dirty room causes your nose to be stuffy. Not tasting and smelling as well has a negative effect on your mental well-being.
somewhat related to this:
the air indoors is about 5 times (if i remember correctly) more polluted than outdoors
this might seem counter-intuitive if you're thinking
>cars and factories and whatnot pollute the air outdoors, not indoors, so indoors is safer, no?
but in fact when indoors you are surrounded by paint, glue, varnish, etc. that continuously seeps into the air you breath
just spend the most time you can outdoors if you want to live

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