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Does someone have a picture with all/most of the board -tans in it? I haven't seen most of them posted in a while.
you mean this?
nta I didn't know this existed and I can't recognise even 20% of them.
Thank you. I don't recognize most of them either, so if someone has one with labels that'd be cool, but you satisfied my desire to see them all again.
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keep the thread alive then asking for labels. I'm partially curious too. tis is as far I can guess.
man I wish I was on 4chan earlier so I dint miss all the cool shit :(
fat anthro rat girl is /trash/
dude with 3d glasses and gaming glove is /vr/ i think?
lady with horns and tentacles at the top right is probably /d/?
dude with guitar and circle mask on his face is /mu/
dude above him with the master sword is /v/
i would assume the guy with a gun in a soldier uniform is /k/?
guy in blue suit with eyemask is /co/ i think?
girl next to him holding an onahole is probably /jp/?
girl above him with :^) on her shirt is [s4s]
the black guy with an f on his tshirt is probably /f/?
the girl with the 3 on her shirt is probably /3/?
simple humanoid with clipboard and headphones is /qa/
the little kid at the very front with wooden sword and shield might be /qst/?
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I would've called you a newfag but i doubt even oldfags recognize the board-tans
> if someone has one with labels that'd be cool
Here you go
The label version already exists but thanks for the effort
holy shit I was so out with some assumptions. not OP but thanks.
I am OP and thanks.
This is exactly what I was looking for.
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I went looking for the original. Unfortunately this is the highest quality version I can find.
The labels.
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And a sketch (by the original artist?).
the little girl near the front above /n/ is not in the labeled one here >>1477644 or the labeled one here >>1478064

also, this >>1478064 has /bant/ in her place while no other edition does.
Fucking hell, this is complicated. Wish I could find the original thread where this was posted. Someone said it was a drawfag from /m/, but I don't know when.
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Did some more digging, and that little girl is apparently also /bant/-tan (see https://arch.b4k.co/vrpg/thread/46067/#46481). Someone must have pointed out the artist forgot /bant/, or he realized that himself, then added both versions.
Pic related is a smaller scale version of >>1478063 (loli /bant/), but as a .png.
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Blue line art incomplete version.
I finally found the original sketch, but it's lost to time: https://desuarchive.org/m/thread/14988134/#q15038150
Final result is that apparenty, the guy who ran the shimmie (http://shimmie.4chanhouse.org/, now dead) contacted the original artist in 2017 for a full size version of the art. The one posted to 4chan back in 2016 was >>1478084, shrunken to fit the file size limits. The 5105x2583 version is probably the one that was shared to the shimmie. Because that site is dead and the Wayback Machine didn't capture the image, I can't confirm if there's a .png at that size, or if the artist only shared the .jpg I already posted. If anyone can confirm that, it would be amazing. That's all I can find at this point. Hope this was helpful for fellow data hoarders.

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