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I'm looking for YouTube videos that encourage people to hurt or kill themselves. Bonus points if it involves burning oneself with cigarettes..

I've been having urges to hurt myself again and I want to find public videos telling me to do it.

> Pic unrelated
I recommend therapy.

You and everyone else. Telling me to get help makes me want to do it even less.
If anyone can help me find what I'm looking for I'll post the burn wounds here with a timestamp
No one wants to see that, get help

I'm gonna do it and post the results here just to spite you.
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I made a triforce for you. I'll post again once they blister up
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There starting to blister now. You can really see all the other scars from previous burnings in this one.
Alright, well I'm not your parent or anything.
I used to self harm too, now I'm in therapy and I don't. I get that getting started is a pain in the ass but you'll feel better in the long run.

Therapy doesn't work for me. I despise talking to people in general, I simply cannot bring myself to be honest with another human in anything other an an anonymous setting. I just tell my parents and workmates its a cooking accident and they choose to believe me.

I want to hurt myself anyway. I hate myself and I enjoy seeing myself hurt and wounded. I wish I could kill myself, but I can't as long as my family is still around. Both my parents are getting old and as soon as they're gone I'm going to probably hang myself off a bridge using piano wire so my body gets cut into pieces on the way down. I'm gonna stream it too and call it art.

I live alone and it would be very easy to die right now, but I know for a fact if I do, my dad will 100% kill himself, and it will destroy my mom emotionally forever. My stepmom hung herself with a dog leash out in the woods and it fucked my whole family up. They're the only reason I'm still alive, as soon as they're gone, I can kill myself in a very public way for everyone to see.

I have a therapist currently, and every time we talk I just tell him that everything is fine.

The only reason I get help at all is to appease the people that are stupid enough to care about me.
god you're such an attention whore
I know this isn't very 4chan behavior but I feel bad for how I responded initially, though I doubt you care. Just being how I am, I had to say it.
I can understand hating yourself but you should try to find a reason to live on, as daunting as that may sound. I have suicidal episodes from time to time, but I have obligations to people that keep me from going through with it. >>1477493
It's good that you're at least prolonging it because of that, but I'm sure you could find or develop something more.
I understand you don't like talking to people. That's clearly a huge hurdle here, and it also wouldn't help a ton with finding more reasons to live. Would you consider getting a pet, maybe? If your place allows it.
I don't think those people are stupid. I have trouble seeing value in myself a lot of the time, but the idea that others see it helps me to keep going.
I may not know you, but I'm sure you have plenty to offer this world. And you must have things you enjoy doing or want to do someday, right? We only get one chance at life, it would be a shame to throw it away before having those experiences.

Thank you for taking time to try and help me. I appreciate that you care, I can't get a pet. Not only does my place not allow it, but I don't think I can take care of an animal with how I am. I'm basically drunk and high all the time. The only time I'm ever sober is at work. I'm not going to stick around and am going to let the thread die. I don't know exactly what set me off today, I went almost half a year without doing it, but all my self hate got to me today.

It's a long story, and I got work tomorrow so I can't really go into it. I wasn't myself earlier, I appreciate you giving a damn.
When I say im not gonna stick around I mean the thread, not life. Just wanted to clarify, because I think I worded that wrong.
this is what they do
it's just so sad to watch
>anon has a job and a family that cares about him
Do you realize how good you have it?
Burn yourself more op you're not fully cooked yet!

> I hate myself and enjoy seeing myself hurt.

We hate you too, and you should keep burning yourself.

> but I can't as long as my family is still around

Your family doesn't love you op, they tolerate you. They're probably ashamed that they ever had you. They'll be happier when you're gone.


> It would be very easy to die right now

Do it, and make sure you stream it too.

> My stepmom hung herself

She did it to get away from you.

Op is a faggot and an attention whore who won't deliver.
This is op. I want to apologize for my behavior yesterday. I was very sick and I should have gotten help from my actual support network, it was wrong of me to come here and make it everyone's problem.


Whoever you are thank you. My episode was bad but it could have been a lot worse than it was, and that was in large thanks to you.


You have every right to make fun of me, this was not the way to get help and I'm genuinely sorry.


You're absolutely right. I'm extremely lucky to have the people I do in my life and I shouldn't squander that gift.


It sounds like you're having a bad day too. I hope your day goes better for you.
worst thread on /wsr/ right now
We all need attention sometimes, anon. Especially when we're hurting inside.
You're welcome. I'm really happy I was able to help somehow.
Also, I genuinely hope that things get better for you. You'll be in my thoughts.

Yeah I'm sorry I made it, if I could delete it I would.


Thank you for that. The world needs more people like you.
If your first thought upon seeing someone displaying their emotions and a need for help is that they must be queer or an incel, I feel sorry for your upbringing.
the glowie doth showie
there are no videos like this and if there were they would be taken down quickly
Don't be too sorry, this is 4chan. You're not ruining some high quality comunity by making one thread here.

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