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I had an electrician look at some light fixtures that require a 4 pin bulb. I wanted it converted to one that accepts the regular screw in type but he said that due to code that's not allowed. Thing is I already have some fixtures that are screw in types. How can i double check the code on something like this? I'm in California btw.
Etnafag? I don't live in USA, but the proper procedure is through the entity that manage the electricity regulation for the country/state. In my country for example is against law to use, in normal houses, certain bulbs due to the energetical inefficiency they have.
Try going to the website of your country energy entity, the electrician's company or search for bulbs/energy regulations in houses.
>website of your country energy entity, the electrician's company
Forgot to add, in rare occasions they have in their websites manuals or the regulation to what they abide. If not, you can also try calling for assistance , making sure you tell them what you want so then you can lead the conversation to get the information you need.

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