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Particularly I don't have the requisite mathematical knowledge to get good at algorithms that would make a good coder(and it would take me a year to develop that mathematical knowldge). So, I was told that DevOPs is a good pathway for someone like me.

1) If it's true then what what are some good online courses and topics that I can look into? I will join 6 month BootCamp to learn(as my parents are insisting on it) but I want to supplement that learning.
2) If it isn't true what else can I look into?
khanacaemy + freecodecamp
You usually don't need raw deep math as much as algorithmic and system thinking. Also binary logic.

Unless you really like doing this, unless you're already a computer nerd, don't get into IT just for the money or cus it's something to do. The field is very oversaturated. You will suffer assuming you even get hired, which since you will be junior level, lol good luck.
I'm currently studying for an Associate's degree in Database Administration. After that, I plan to pursue a four-year degree. Do you have any advice?

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