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Can /wsr/ help me find a video? I'm looking for something I saw very recently on Youtube that was a new animation made to look like old 90s CGI, reminiscent of Parappa the Rapper with 3D character.

The video had a generally dreamlike and nonsensical atmosphere to it, and followed two animal characters composed of fairly simple shapes. I'm pretty sure it was called "Imagenarium" or something similar.

Does anyone know what I'm talking about? If someone helps me find this video, I will post a rare picture from my image archive. Trust me, you don't want to miss out on this chance!
File: DH.png (2.99 MB, 1920x1080)
2.99 MB
2.99 MB PNG
Bumping my own thread with some artwork that's kind of reminscent of the video I'm looking for.
File: 1611814998718.jpg (28 KB, 460x460)
28 KB
Bumping my own thread again with a video that is reminiscent of it, even in name, but the video I remember seeing definitely wasn't this old. It was like, a month old at best, very obviously having that "trying to be nostalgic" feeling to it.

The video has been found thanks to the people of /co/ so no reward will be given here.


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