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File: X.jpg (49 KB, 1920x960)
49 KB
I'm looking for a copypasta that I can send as an appeal to X. My account was suspended for saying the following: "I had such high hopes for his cancer diagnosis." My English isn't so good. I was trying to wish somebody a speedy recovery. Apparently, X thought I was wishing the person would die, and I got banned for "violent speech."

I've already tried the "woke hive mind" copypasta. Multiple times. It didn't work. Does anybody know any newer copypastas that work for "violent speech"?
Why send copypastas? Just explain what you meant like a normal human being and you have a decent chance of getting unbanned.
Because some copypastas are good at tricking the AI into "automatically" restoring your account.

Plus, I've already tried that.
Because some copypastas are good at tricking the AI into "automatically" restoring your account.

Plus, I've already tried that.
Twitter sucks anyway, time to move on


I'm sure one of you knows the right phrase for getting an account unsuspended. If not that, then some sort of strategy.
Looking into this!!

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