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Where can I download ANY YouTube video on an Android phone? Prefer a website, but if must install an app to download content, so be it.
What happens when the site stops working?
Easiest option is Newpipe, but it can be slow to update when google changes things.
You will need to install fdroid and add the newpipe repo.

The best option would be to install Termux, then install yt-dlp which can download a lot more than youtube. Lots of tutorials for Termux and yt-dlp out there.
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Okay. Well this seems like a lot of unnecessaryness at the end of the day, but if it works, it works.

I finally found a link to the termux program that works, I think...

I searched "Termux" in F.Droid with no results. I have four repositories that were included with F.Droid. Guess I need one that isn't listed?...

I'm sure I'll figure this out. Doo di di di doo...
I downloaded Termux, installed it, toggled the pop-up that allows installations from 1DM (My download manager app) and now whenever I hit install I keep getting an error message, "Something went wrong. App not installed."

How do I toggle installing unknown apps. Period.


Uhh... Looks like Newpipe is a program. But upon further inspection, the newpipe link that You gave Me must be the repository You are referring to correct? Okay I added that... Still nothing.
The newpipe repo for f-droid is archive.newpipe.net/fdroid/repo

Please, what am I supposed to do with this ZIP on My Android phone?
Sorry, I should have linked it to the latest stable.


Try the first two apk files that show as:
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Well I finally managed to install yt-dlp!

So where do My videos go after I download them?...

As You can see at the bottom of My screenshot; I have downloaded a video again that I thought "just didn't save".
OP here. Downloaded the same video again, but with given custom title and directory options to see if that would make the video save, as seen in this picture...

But then I always get!...

...this message.

It appears as though there's a (data/data/...) path.I turned on hidden folders.

do yourself a favor and stop using termux for this. use https://f-droid.org/es/packages/com.junkfood.seal/ like anon mentioned or a website that downloads the video for you such as https://yt1s.is/en49/

Why should I quit altogether just like that when I'm 99% there?

Link doesn't work.

OP Here. I must also add for clarity that I followed this persons tutorial and chose option A from His show notes (without watching the video first).


This shouldn't've have mattered or made a difference though as this guide is for Android, right?
>Why should I quit altogether just like that when I'm 99% there?
You asked us for help, you're clearly lost and you're ignoring the better alternative.
Move to a directory that you want your video in.
Eg. cd storage/downloads

You can make this your default startup directory by following this -

When I do [cd storage/emulated/0/Download/] it says that the directory doesn't exist. Same with the "Movies" folder.

type ls to list whats in the directory.
Not OP but I was alright with just downloading the newpipe APK and installing it on my android
no fdroid required

I tried that but the download won't start.

How then, do I view these files in other applications like VLC?
Yeah its good, but like I said when google change things it can be slow to be fixed.

Open termux. Type ls and hit enter. Post screenshot.

Just tell Me what I need to type in. I see three files listed.
What is listed there?

bro just use Seal wtf are you doing lmao
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Okay. I tried this and it works.

Wow, what an ordeal that was.
I usually use 9xbuddy, but I usually do it on my desktop

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