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File: sigh.png (44 KB, 1255x696)
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I asked this yesterday and anons seem to underestimate how big of a noob I am.


How do I install this? Do I create a separate conf file for this script in my %AppData%\Roaming\mpv\ folder? or do I add the script to the pre-existing mpv.conf file?
Find your mpv.exe and create a "scripts" folder. This might vary depending on the build you're using.
The most recent one.
All the tutorials are telling me to creat a scripts folder using this address
MPV has a custom directory (actually two, it seems) for user scripts, mentioned in the github instructions.

%AppData%\Roaming\mpv\scripts or Users\user\scoop\persist\mpv\scripts

What you want is to get the mpv-cut script in that directory.
The script is on git-hub, a website for hosting source code, made to work with git, the industry standard version control system.
%AppData%\Roaming\mpv\scripts or Users\user\scoop\persist\mpv\scripts

To get that script in the script directory, you have to run the program "git", while in that directory.

git clone -b release --single-branch "https://github.com/familyfriendlymikey/mpv-cut.git"
This is typically done from the command line, on windows this is the cmd program.
But that is not all; as you can read on the github page, ffmpeg (a popular program that edits media files) needs to be added to your PATH, a variable that stores the locations of the programs you can directly recall from you command line.

In short, the four things you need to do are:
install git
install ffmpeg
add ffmpeg to your PATH
follow the instructions on the github

If you think the command line is scary, you should read a tutorial or something, because you actually need it here.
File: done.png (19 KB, 1078x205)
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I already have ffmpeg installed
did I do it correctly?
Yeah, that's it.
Check if you can run the ffmpeg command.
If you can, you're normally good to go.
If you don't, you have to add it to the PATH

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