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I need a potent laptop. Price isn't an issue, but I was thinking about the perfomance-cost edge.
2000€ tops. I don't care about software, I can pirate it.

A laptop for gaming and work; I have a good pc and I don't expect it to be better than my desktop unit, but I want something good.
you can't go wrong with the lenovo legion series. mine has been rock solid for 2 years. temperatures are excellent, build quality is great no issues with hinges or keyboard or whatever else the shit laptops like MSI have.

for 2k you can get a laptop with 4070 gpu, 32gigs of ddr5 ram and ryzen9 7945hx cpu or intel equivalent, 240hz wqxga screen. if you decide you can even sacrifice ram and screen for 4080gpu i think. like get 16gb 140/160hz screen with better gpu because who the fuck even needs 240hz wqxga screen on a laptop and you can always upgrade ram
Seconded. I got a legion 5 from Costco for around 1.5k. Ryzen 7745hx (iirc), RTX 4070, 32gb RAM. All this in a very well made and durable form factor. It’s also not gay GaMiNg bullshit, it looks very professional.
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Which one of these should I get?
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give links bro let us be thorough
Seeing as maybe you don't really know what you're in for, I think I should mention that when buying a laptop you don't get the equivalent PC performance.
RTX4070 Laptop GPU has ~10-15% higher performance than the desktop 4060 aka not as performant than the desktop 4070.
I'm not saying these laptops are bad, they're insane. I've got a Lenovo Legion as well and it's top tier machine.
Just don't expect desktop performance and bear in mind the small form factor means heat is harder to dissipate so the fans are working overtime when gaming. When playing AAA games on high settings mine sounds like it's taking off. Need headphones.
Here, it is a spanish page. Is the one I use. I just want the best cost-perfomance laptop but something good, I already have a high tech pc.
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