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What's a good hobby that's inexpensive, fun, and allows you to socialize with others? Been trying things one by one. Finally got the free time.
Taking baits on 4chan.
If there's a board game shop in your area, I highly recommend checking it out. They often have open game nights where you can waltz in, with or without friends, find or join a table, and play; some of these places will even have open copies of games you can borrow while you're there, and if not, other people will bring whatever it is they want to play. The shop owner might look at you funny if you don't occasionally buy something, but overall, it's a good way to have some fun and make some friends.
Tried it and it's just not my crowd. I might have just outgrown friends versus working on projects with colleagues with a common goal.
That and just playing a sport to be active and competing with new people, maybe chatting in between here and there.
I still enjoy stuff that lets me meet new girls though, although they wouldn't really be friends.
non-competitive mixed-gender softball is the most socializing-prone sport i've played
>chatting while waiting for your turn at bat
>light banter with the player guarding your base or vice versa
>beer after (during) the game
I'm sure it varies from place to place, but where I play (downtown Montréal) there is a strong sense of community, family and friends come to the game, people from the neighbourhood, dog walkers, etc. stop by and chat
every other game turns into a barbecue

doesn't cost much if you already own a mitt
again, i'm sure it varies, but for me it was about $100 for the summer season, which is more than 20 games
plus I substitute in other teams from time to time so more bang for my buck

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