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File: 1639256182961.gif (1.3 MB, 714x536)
1.3 MB
1.3 MB GIF
I want to get the best quality (and res) rip of 2 episodes of the Simpsons BUT in 4:3 (as they are) SO NO CROPPED 1080p.

Marge Gamer Season 18 Episode 17
Papa Don't Leech Season 19 Episode 16
Can you define "best quality (and res) rip)" a little better?
best bit rate and preferably a resolution up to 1440x1080
Oh ok. Can't help you there. I got DVD's but mpeg 2 720 obviously ain't what you're looking for and HD rips I do have are not cropped.
Well did HappyLee make a remaster of season 19? There's one of 18
>Marge Gamer Season 18 Episode 17
Just grab the BATV release of season 18 that is publicly available. Webm releated.
I didn't bother to check for s19. It seems that halfway through s18 they switched over to 16:9. Safe to say that s19 onward they're all going to be in that aspect ratio.
File: 480 vs 1080.jpg (443 KB, 2460x1080)
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443 KB JPG
>I didn't bother to check for s19. It seems that halfway through s18 they switched over to 16:9. Safe to say that s19 onward they're all going to be in that aspect ratio.
Doesn't seem to be the case for that episode though
Yea it was season 20 when they actually switched. Good luck tho I don't care for those later seasons of the show so I won't bother downloading them

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