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I don't know what this is called. It's a genre of rare pepes where it's something different but it's really a rare pepe. Please post the good ones. Please tell me what this is called.
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another example
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its just AI
Stable diffusion img2img
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"AI" can mean anything though nowadays


img2img could sound like "making it look like anime" but this is different... because it "hides the real image". It's kinda making it look like something completely different rather than touching things up. Am I making sense?

guess "img2img gestalt" could work - now that I think about it. don't know if people already coined another phrase for it. thanks again
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Thanks for the rare though.

Please post more "gestalt rares". I'll post mine. Wasn't sure what to call them so it's a bit hard to find them in my rares folder. From now I guess I'll call them "gestalt rares".
img2text = you input an image and it tells you what the image contains
text2img = you input a text description and it creates an image to match the text
img2img = you input an image and it creates a new image from it

Except, you don't just input an image, you also input a description.
If you input a shitty mspaint landscape and the description "photograph of a beautiful landscape" it fits a beautiful landscape to your shitty drawing.

What is done here is inputting Pepe but telling the AI: "actually, this is a landscape". That way, you get a landscape that looks like Pepe.
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When I look up img2img on google images I get examples of things that still rougly are the same thing as the input image.

What I'm talking about is "different thing altogether that has some traits of the input image". It's a subtle difference. Maybe someone here gets what I'm talking about. For now I'm calling it "gestalt" because that's the closest thing I can think of. Maybe that's the right word for it though.
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I guess it's img2img but the "real" image is "hidden"
>When I look up img2img on google images I get examples of things that still rougly are the same thing as the input image.
That's because they gave a text description that matches the input image.

With these pepes, the input text description doesn't match the input image, so the AI doesn't preserve the details, only the general traits.
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I call them "stealths" because people were calling theirs "stealth pepes" etc. don't know if anyone else uses that name or just me, or if anyone's made a name for it other than mine and the very nonspecific img2img
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stealth + gestalt = GESTEALTH

we're coinging it here!
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You're correct in what you say but that isn't a catchy buzzword that you can file things under or look for. Guess it's new and a name for it hasn't really caught on just yet.

Post more GESTEALTH rares please. I know you guys are holding out on me.
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I'm sure that some cheeky painters years ago must have thought of this idea and painted a thing like this using just their hands and imagination.

I'm hesitant to believe that it took AI to come up with this being a thing. I guess "pareidolia" comes close but it's another thing to try to deliberately "induce" it in one's art to "hide" another image. Someone must have thought of this before AI.
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This is a well-known example of what you describe.

A different thing that has existed: mosaics, like a portrait of George W. Bush made completely out of assholes. That went viral 20 years ago.
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Dumping what I made
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iToddlers btfo
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Potted plants are always funny, few weeks ago I saw a generation that put a potted plant into ANOTHER pot filled with dirt.
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That's very interesting. Thanks for the examples. Maybe "holism" is also a related term.

exquisite rares, thank you!
dumping more of my own, do not repost please
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